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Chapter 6

The Spiritual Ladder


August 25, 2019



The whole world is inside you. Nothing exists in the world except what is inside you. Your perception of reality is determined by your understanding of it and the input is fed to your visual cortex. It is like a movie plays in the backs of our heads and this movie reflects what we consider reality. Reality is thus a construct of our own imaginations placed upon the world about what the world is. We learn man-made measurement tools and they are presented to us as absolute, even though they just reflect our said understanding of phenomena in question, in this case a shared value judgement placed upon space.

Our role models in which we choose will determine our future potential. If you can't find any role models worth following that are living, find ones from the grave. And then follow them with your heart, for they are your best friends and are similar to the types of friends in which you are trying to attract. This brings me to my next point, the friendships in which we make will also determine our future potential because they will influence you on a day to day basis. If you choose bad company, then you will likely become bad company. It is better to be alone than endure bad company. Make friends who are kind and loving. Make friends you feel safe around. Make friends who have a spiritual element about them. Make friends with people who lift you higher and avoid those who tear you down.

Throughout my life, Jesus has been my primary role model. Jesus was an amazing man who took on all of society and won. When I was six years old I asked Jesus to come live in my heart. And since then, Jesus and I have been walking through life side by side. Over time I gained more role models of our past sages, but Jesus continued to be my main inspiration. He carried his cross through life and death to show me how to also carry mine. And in the end I am reborn free, now as a divine character. The more you practice the ways of the Divine, the closer to It you will become. Those in this life who represented the most divine character traits should be our role models and not television stars. For they have the most to teach us. Wisdom is the most valuable currency and eventually we as a society will collectively learn this. But ye be warned, do not let those role models become your gods, for they have shown you insight into God and to worship them would be idol worship. The true trinity is divine man, woman, and child. Spirit is not God, for God creates Spirit. And Jesus is God's son, who came to this world to be a role-model for all who understand the allegories presented in the gospels.

The egoistic mind is one of ill logic. It hears the question, "what are three things you would bring with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?" and immediately answers, my iPod, my favourite book, and my necklace my boyfriend gave me instead of something more practical like a water bottle, a bag, and a machete. Our ego cannot be trusted. What it wants is not healthy for our human development. It separates instead of unites. It creates problems where there are none. I am not saying self-love is bad. But I am saying that the way we love ourselves will determine if and how we can truly love others. If you love yourself to the point where none other are important but yourself, then your ego has taken over your life. But here is the good news, the ego isn't you! It is just a byproduct of unhealthy ways of thinking. So all you must do is correct your mode of thinking and that will automatically correct your ego.

Every individual can only receive according to the inner qualities in which they possess. If they do not possess the awareness of a particular gift of bestowal, then that gift is off of their radar, for they cannot perceive what it is that they do not know. This means that there is an abundant world out there that has many blessings to give us, however, if we do not possess the faculties to be able to receive the gifts, then it will be like they do not exist and as a result, produce no reward for you. If you are not aware of this great service right down the street from you, it is like it does not exist, at least in your reality. If you are to expand your mind to be capable of perceiving more, then those gifts are there for you, for this is the secret mana that was discussed about in Revelation. So in order to access this secret mana, we must develop the corresponding qualities of the mana in which we are attempting to reach. And unfortunately, reaching this is a hard pill to swallow. For it requires us to truly throw away all other gods but Him.



"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

Isaiah 45:7



All things which manifest before us is ultimately good. The Creator creates bad in order for us to overcome it. Everything which happens is a product of, or has been allowed by, the Living God. This will make us view tragedies in a different light. For all that there is (most of it being Satanic) is but a product of God, to test His true followers to see if they are worthy of the Light. All that you see before you is a test to see 1) whether or not you will develop your spirituality and 2) to what degree you will develop that spirituality. But spirituality is not a selfish thing. It brews internally and manifests as actions of compassion integrated directly into society.



What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

James 2:14-26



Being spirit filled is being a bestower of gifts. This is the allegory behind, "my cup runneth over". Because one who is filled with the Spirit of God provides free spiritual nourishment for all of those who are interested. They not only receive all the pleasures which God bestows upon them, but they also turn that receipt directly into bestowal, for all that is given to them is given back to the world community, in one way or another. Thus the spiritual life is to become possessed with the desire to become like our Creator and bestow as a matter of character instead of receive as a matter of uncorrected character. There is first a point in the heart that is triggered (you reading this content and digesting its meaning). After this, we become spiritual beings and our psychology is automatically corrected. As a result, our worldly actions are automatically corrected. So the correction is only required at one point: a spiritual point. The mental and physical naturally align once this point in the heart is corrected. It is only then that we can truly love others, for beforehand we could only love with conditions. But now we accept people for who they truly are and expect nothing from them. This liberates us to true freedom as we manipulate our psychologies to give instead of take.

What you focus on in life is what you will become. If you focus primarily on mainstream television and education, then you will become indoctrinated into its dogmas. Religion is no different. If you focus most of your time on a specific religion, then you will be brainwashed into its dogmatic doctrines. Only spirituality liberates you to study from all doctrines, and decide for yourself truth from falsehood. There is a lot of falsehood out there in the world and it is easy to be tricked. Most of what is produced in the world is done so through a Satanic process, so choose wisely the investments in which you support. In ignorance, you at least have an excuse. But when the veil is lifted, we are held responsible for the decisions in which we make and what their outcomes are on a global scale. Just because we cannot see the sweatshops in which make our clothes, does not make us less responsible for it existing if we are investing our monies into said business practices. I am not saying to not purchase cheap things, for China made a lot of what I own. But what I am saying is to develop an awareness about how the things in which you interact with are made. That way when you choose to purchase X product, you are aware of how it was made. The same applies for our food, for if we are to eat meat, how can we know it was humanely raised and slaughtered? We cannot escape the results of our decisions and a basic awareness of the origin of the products in which we utilise on a day to day basis at least gives us the tools to be able to fight against injustices that were created as a result of our growing day to day needs.

The ascension from Hell to Heaven is not easy. It requires hard work and dedication to even be able to perceive the ladder. But once we can see it, then we are able to utilise it to forever reach higher and higher. And when our collective human thought rises to the point where it can collectively see the ladder, then humankind has been saved and we will no longer be lost. For when we find our true home - heaven - then we will begin to live in it not only after our deaths, but also while we exist here on Earth. For our home has been right in front of us the entire time! For Heaven does not have dimensions as we understand it. This is the allegory behind making God's Kingdom here on Earth. I choose my home of Heaven both in this life and after. Where is your home? Then live there.