Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 7



August 27, 2019



The more good you do, the more evil is revealed. This is the allegory behind taking the verbal abuse as a reward and not punishment. If your works are not received well in society, it means that what you are doing is working. For good trumps evil in all cases, at least in the long run. Do not let the appearance of evil deter you from your works. Instead, let both positive and negative feedback act as a positive influence within your work. If you welcome all feedback, negative or positive, then the haters have nothing on you. They can't touch you because no matter what they do, you perceive it as positive. And don't accept any feedback, negative or positive, as a means to change what you are doing. Remember, you are your audience. You don't care what the people of the world think. Because you are not of the world and as a result, don't bother yourself with feedback from the ears of the unscrupulous. The only feedback worth anything for your consideration is the feedback of those who are really close to you who are also on a similar spiritual crusade as you.



"It's either the Creator that pulls me forward by positive forces or pushes me from behind by negative forces."

Rav Michael Laitman



At this very moment I am being abused for writing chapter 6. At the same time, I am trying to form a Kabbalah study group locally and am also being abused for that. Doing good works has a way of exposing evil. And if we perceive the information correctly, we will smile during times of abuse because that is God's sign to us that we are travelling the right path. So by manipulating my psychology, I am therefore able to not only control the situations in which I am being abused, but also change their meanings which, as a result, changes their outcome. So by changing ourselves and the way we process information, we also change the situation we are in. This is why Kabbalah is so important. Kabbalah means reception, or more accurately, how to correctly receive. It teaches us how to view the world so that our bad situations become good.

"We don’t see things as they are; we see things as we are."

The Talmud

But here is the thing: just keep doing good. Because over a long period of time you will notice how people change how they react to your work. You will still get the idiots who don't read anything but still will leave hurtful comments. But you will also find those who can receive what you have to offer. For an example, even though tonight I have been abused a great deal, I also triggered a few people's point in the heart. And I got feedback from chapter 6, relating to chapter 1, meaning this individual has read a lot of what I write. And this is when you, the author, should feel honoured. Getting people immersed into your work is the goal. And when we see that we are reaching it, we are given motivation to keep the cause going. When you notice people remarking on current chapters with the content from past chapters, you know that your information is being received and understood. And you don't want to be received well by all anyways because those who insult you and your work are not worth the time and investment to help them heal. You are a human being and deserve to be treated with respect. If you are not shown respect, then you don't want those individuals as fans anyway. And the few fans you obtain will grow and grow and grow because your fans will never forget you, for you and your works are unique and don't reflect that of society. You are a memorable person. Unforgettable because you perceive the world in a way that no one else can. And this means that you can help society in a way that no one else can.

This world has been formed as to avoid obtaining political dissonance's such as me. We are taught from childhood that when we do something good, we are rewarded. But this is not a law! People who could have been like me exist, but they stopped because of the negative feedback in which they received. If you have a point of view that is atypical in modern society, then you will get attacked. They will try to make you feel useless and like your point of view is wrong. But let their ignorance be the fuel that fires you. Let it be the bullet that ends their own wasted lives.

The thing is, is that it is obvious that they are idiots. You can read my writings and then the comments and it will be obvious to anyone with half a brain that those who insult me are fools. I am here giving my heart for free to try and help a lot of people, and there exists people who treat me like trash for doing that. I am here to save the world. I was not asking for your permission. If you are not interested in what I have to say, then move along. And I am not forcing my work upon anyone, so anyone who insults me for trying to save the world is quite literally, trying to destroy the world. We need more people in this world who try and save it. Trying to save the world is not an episode of psychosis. The only way the world will ever be saved is if a lot of people quite literally try to save it. There are no delusions of grandeur, for the work can be clearly assessed for its value. If it makes you uncomfortable to hear about someone who spends their life trying to save the world, then you have major psychological problems. A society has to pay for the consequences of their actions. When their actions involve incarcerating people merely because they are trying to save the world, then we have committed a grave error because the world will never be saved if there are not lots of people trying to save it all at the same time. I can't save this world alone. I need your help.

But God didn't send us here without the tools to be able to complete our mission. For we are shinigami. For we are soul harversters. Those idiots; we take their souls. We are reapers of this world and the more souls in which we harvest, the more powerful we become. The thing is, is that I am not lying. I did let everybody know from the beginning. But reaping the souls of idiots is not where your reaping activity ends. For my work is created to trigger the point in the heart, and if it is rejected, then it is a successful reap. If you want, you can advise them that you just reaped their fucking worthless soul, however, that is not a requirement. The reap is valid whether or not that person has been advised that their soul has just been harvested. I sometimes just tell them for fun. Because it makes them even more angry.

If I was extremely rude to someone and they said that they just reaped my soul, then I would promptly ask why and how. I would fish for more information because I highly value my soul. But that is not what happens with idiots. Fools will tell me to take my meds or something like that. They don't care about their soul. Which means that it is yours for the taking. They don't believe in souls or God, which means you can take them freely and make better use of them elsewhere.

I am not lying when I say that I am shinigami. The more you examine my work, the more you will believe that I am shinigami. Everything on the Internet is recorded WITH identifiable information attached to it. They are lying to you entirely about privacy. Eventually, you will be judged by what you have done on the Internet. If you happen to pass by me, you better value your soul or it is mine. There were extremely major occultic events that occurred in my childhood that marked me. I am a government MKUltra experiment. It was a super-soldier that they were trying to create. They wanted eyes on the world that were not bias, so they disconnected me from loyalty to my countries. In this way, I am an objective observer of the events. I am impartial and not aligned with the interests of any one entity. Because of the trauma MKUltra put me through, I became an extremely unique and irreplaceable individual. Those who endure the most difficult of challenges become unique individuals. Trauma in one's life will do one of two things: form you into an amazing individual or break you into thousands of pieces. In fact, to truly see the ships, we must first be broken into a thousand pieces.

Take the souls from those who do not believe in them. It will make you more powerful. Take the souls of those who are cruel to you. After the forbidden fruit, the soul of the first man Adam was shattered into countless pieces. Our objective is to put all the pieces back together again. Just as when my trauma shattered me, I was required to put my pieces back together again. The same applies for our collective soul, for it was once one. But now we need to rebuild it back into one. And this requires collecting all of the souls which are not being used and then combining them together as one force. It is time that we come together as a species and fix our problems once and for all. Those who are unable to do this will have their souls taken from them and utilised elsewhere. A soul is a powerful force and you will learn just how powerful once you begin doing what I am saying. The spiritual world is more real than the one played out in your head. It is this spiritual world that we all share in common. The physical "reality" in which we perceive is of an individual nature, whereas the spiritual reality is something we all share in common.

We are at a turning point in our global society because the poor now have the capabilities to receive just as good of an education as the rich. This means that in the future, one will be judged by their character and abilities and not currency in their bank. This liberates us poor to have some of the opportunities that the rich do. The gap between rich and poor is being filled. Mainstream media refusing to acknowledge my work only means that my work is working. For I am the reaper of mainstream media. Because they refused me, I now refuse them. The same applies to universities. And the same applies to all others who have rejected me.

"Out in the open wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square; on top of the wall she cries out, at the city gate she makes her speech: “How long will you who are simple love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings. But since you refuse to listen when I call and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand, since you disregard all my advice and do not accept my rebuke, I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you; I will mock when calamity overtakes you— when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you. “Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me, since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord. Since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke, they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes. For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.”

Proverbs 1:20-33