Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 8

Troll the Trolls


August 27, 2019



I have reaped so many souls since the last chapter. It was hilarious to see the social media response on Shinigami. The idiots did EXACTLY what I advised that they would do which resulted in what I said would happen in the chapter: the loss of their soul. Some responded with anger and most just laughed. They can have the laugh now, because I get the last laugh.

People tell me that I am schizophrenic and to get help or take my meds or something along that nature. Even the idiot psychiatrists are like this. But here is the thing: I am happier than everyone else in this world. You all mope around like sad sacks complaining about life and I am flying around everywhere laughing and smiling. I have never met a person as happy as I am. And if I am happy then why do I need medications? Why does the general public want me locked up so much? They push their sadness on to you and claim you to be the sick one when they are the ones who are depressed. But duhh, you are happy so that must mean you are sick. Can you see how the sickness tries to push itself on others?

I have never met an atheist who possessed a solid moral framework. Atheist account for most of my haters. And if they are atheist, then why are they spending their time with my work, which is all about God? Because most trolls on the Internet are atheist. Atheism is the greatest sickness a human can have. The works of atheists are more counterproductive than the works of Satanists. Satanists have a stronger moral foundation than atheists do. This means that atheists are actually worse for our world than Satanists. At least within Satanism, they acknowledge the divine, profane, and spirit. Atheism rejects all possibilities for a God. And as a result, God rejects all possibilities with them. The main destructive force in our society is not led by secret societies or djinn worshippers. The Devil's greatest trick was convincing people that he does not exist. And God's greatest trick was letting the Devil convince others that they both don't exist. And my greatest trick was telling people what they would do and what I would do as a result of what they would do and then them doing it despite me warning them that they were going to do it.

Can you start to see how hilarious this all is? I know souls are a very real thing and reaping them is no laughing matter. But after the reap, they have no soul, so laugh at their stupidity. After the reap do not invest any more time into them. Just ring up the transaction and put it through. Do not argue with fools, for you can never win. They are not worth the effort. They don't want their wounds healed. They just want to inflict wounds on others to bring them down to their level. Don't pursue their bait, for if you do, you will become their dinner.

A lot of what I was being abused about in chapter 6 was because I mentioned Jesus. In most circles, Jesus is a toxic name. Because Christians took the man and called him God. In a monotheistic religion, there is only one God. Yet somehow Christians divide God into three, which makes no logical sense. This is where the Devil steps in and turns God's son into God. This is in direct defiance of the previous Old Testament God, Yahweh. The Devil stepped into the shoes of Jesus (the man) and demanded worship. As a result, churches can oftentimes spend an entire sermon without even saying the word, "God". For they pray to Jesus and claim him as God. As a result, God = Jesus, we can just say Jesus now because it is too hard to say God but so easy to just say Jesus (Lucifer).

Saul of Tarsus was a persecutor of all who followed Jesus. He even killed the followers of Jesus. But one day, a very bright light blinded Saul for three days. Lucifer means to bring the light. Saul was reborn in fire which allowed him to switch sides, now renamed to Paul. In disguise, he corrupts the message of Jesus by claiming a revelation: Jesus is God. He then continues by building up the new Jesus movement churches, and in effect, creates Christianity. And then we forget that Jesus was a Jew or like to think that Jesus was a Christian. But that makes no sense. Jesus never claimed to be God. It was the fruitful works of Saul that made that happen. And in effect, and very secretly and mostly unknowingly, Christians actually serve Satan. For modern day orthodox Christianity is actually Satanism in different clothes. For they have given up on trying to save this world and only want the next. Their works are in vain as their foundations were corrupted. They say their Bible is written by God and is therefore without error. How does this make any sense? It was written by individuals who were inspired by God. I am sure there are a few errors in my work. Humans are fallible creatures and no matter what we make, we can never be free of error. However, the more you learn, the less errors you will make. And I am sure that all of my investigations are not 100% accurate, for I can only account for what I knew at the time. Because we can only account for our currently held understandings. If I did not know something until after I wrote an article, then that new information cannot be accounted for in the article. To write like I can takes a great deal of training. I have been writing since childhood.

In time as these new understandings are comprehended, the world will convert to Islam. BUT WAIT Wendell, what are you saying? The entire world will convert to Islam: not the religion but its meaning. Islam means to fully dedicated oneself to God. And this will be the extent of our collective religion. Because in time we will learn beyond a shadow of a doubt of the existence of God. Proof as to God's existence will be discovered and it would be illogical to not fully dedicate yourself to God. We will learn from all forms of wisdom and discover how to decipher truth from falsehood and even falsehood found hidden in truths, like any religion.

The idiots of this world are my entertainment. The entertainment for the idiots of this world is to watch mainstream television. The entertainment for the rich are owning mainstream television and as a result, brainwashing the populace. The entertainment for demons is to own the souls of the rich. And the entertainment for God is to watch His creation both fail and succeed at avoiding evil. But in the end, God is my entertainment. For my eyes are looking upwards and seeing the ripples, waves, and finally, ships (God).

If you make a really stupid decision that I literally just warned you about, then who is at fault? Is it my fault that you didn't value your soul enough to not do exactly what I told you that you are going to do? I can determine character very quickly based upon the language individuals utilise. Someone who is inexperienced in martial arts will choreograph their movements, meaning that we can easily predict their movements based upon their body positioning and momentum. This is why people that don't know martial arts are really easy to physically dominate. Experienced movements can easily dominate inexperienced movements. This is how I can easily assess character, oftentimes with only receiving a small amount of information about the person. I can see their movements miles away. And it is unlikely that your haters will read your work. They will just troll without understanding that this time, I made a trap for trolls. And as a result, exactly what I predicted will play out in the world.

My life is amazingly awesome. I love my life very much and I want you to have as much fun as I do in life. My name means adventurer and that is exactly what I am. I have had more adventures than anyone I have met before. And how do you want to live life? If you are depressed in this life then I am trying to show you how to permanently destroy that depression and instead instill happiness and joy. Because when you can see what I see, depression becomes nonsensical. If depressing matters no longer depress us, then we have found enlightenment. And I found that enlightenment years ago and have worked very hard to now bring it to you. And here it is to you for free. And why? Because I love you. Do not concern yourself with human love. For it is destructive and not true Love. Only concern yourself with Divine Love, for it has no conditions and bestows as a matter of fact. I love you and I do not even know you. You honour a writer when you immerse yourself into their work. Thank you for reading this and I encourage you to check out my other works at There is enough content there to last you a lifetime. However, many more lifetimes will be produced because I am young, baby, and I have the rest of my life to keep producing works that make society a little bit better of a place. I wonder how high I can rise upon these solid foundations. I am a lifetime student and I am obsessed with learning. If yesterday's work was The Meaning of Life, today's work Atheden, and tomorrow's... This is what I have made myself. What have you made yourself? Don't worry, you have the rest of your life to complete the project. Now what can your life become because you stumbled upon me? Enjoy my love to give. For this Love is your new home. And you will never go unloved in this life ever again. I HEART you.