Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

My Testimony


August 28, 2019



The reason I am doing this chapter is to clear up the frequently asked questions about my life because it is what the general public cares about, instead of saving the world. Of course last chapter the trolls attacked my character because I mention evil doctors prodding me. You can read my last book to further explore that issue. I get a disability support pension from the government. I have been in and out of jails and a prison, all for advocating my human rights publicly. I have been imprisoned in their mental health units for over a year of my life. I have had a diagnosis of schizophrenia or schizotypal personality disorder. I currently have no diagnosis from any doctor but do take daily medicine and have monthly contact with my awesome doctor.

I am studying full-time both in Community Services and Community Development and in Kabbalah. I get really passionate sometimes and write a lot. But my writings don't come without a lifetime of study behind it. As a child I didn't fit in and I couldn't sleep. So I studied with my time. I studied a lot. And I studied so much that I stopped reflecting the values of common society. I became a Jesus Freak, but found myself challenging the dogmatic doctrines it preached. For I was more interested in the words of Jesus than the words of Homer Simpson or Homer. But I found people placing words in the mouth of Jesus. It felt uncomfortable so I started to question. So even at a young age, I included philosophy in my list of books I enjoyed. Ayn Rand really got me into philosophy and she inspired me to become a better person. But she had many unresolved issues with the ego in her books. Despite this, she introduced me to a new type of fiction as well as to some very heavy concepts at a very young age.

My sleep has always been a problem. I struggle to fall asleep at night. Some nights I could lay there the entire night without getting any sleep. Going to school the day after one of these sleepless nights is always difficult. Going to work after one of these sleepless nights is always difficult. Many years later, I am prescribed light sleeping medications to help me sleep at night. But if I take them regularly my body gets used to them so I still will have the occasional sleepless night or three.

I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Murdoch University in the beginning of 2018. I have two diplomas (programming, computing) and many certificates from all walks of life. My background is in Information Technology, however, fled the field due to the abuse that clients gave me and that was not fair. I was just trying to help. And you can't expect every technician to be able to fix 100% of cases. You can't fix all the cases, it isn't possible. At some point you just have to give up and say that it is better to replace the equipment. That makes sense! But clients never want to do that but want you to work for next to nothing to resolve their issue. But it must be quoted! You can't have your cake and eat it too. After I finished Year 12, I continued studying and never stopped. I still obsessively study to this day. I have the best teachers on the Internet from Tel Aviv for my Kabbalah studies. I have a really fun life and am never bored even though I don't watch mainstream entertainment. I have done a wide variety of jobs including mobile security guard and I have studied martial arts for approximately 18 years of my life. I obtained two black belts and taught for around four years.

I was married for seven years, with her for ten. I failed to provide her what she needed and she thus left me. After she left me, I donated all of my belongings and travelled back to the USA for almost a year. But I was not warmly welcomed by my family, so I fled back to Australia, but before I left, one of my family members decided to steal all of my money off of me. So when I landed back in Australia, I was homeless and poor. The next five years I travelled all around Australia while homeless, usually living on the tops of mountains or in dense bush settings. I then went to see my father in Florida and he found an online girlfriend in Mexico so he moved there and I followed and I spent the next year in Mexico City teaching English. I moved back to Canberra, starting studying community work, and here we are now. I have written three books in total, this is my fourth.

I also want to point out that this sickness with society against me happens only on the Internet. People around me love me because I am awesome. They are not usually that interested in my work, but I don't care. I make friends everywhere and always struggle to remember people's names because I have met so many people in my life throughout all of my adventures. But people often comment how well I remember names, so maybe the problem is in my head.

I do not hear voices or see things that are not there. I recommend that before anyone comments negatively to my work, that they at least go through my website and understand the magnitude of work that I have backing me. I am obsessed with open source free education. I am director and professor at Open Source University. If you have any questions about Open Source University, you should read the About page on my website. Open Source University has been my baby project since 2012. I had a revelation December 31, 2011 to January 1. Yes, this was an acid trip. I have been shaping it since then to literally be a comprehensive education if your interests lie in philosophy, sociology, and psychology and their technological relevance to today's society. It is a library of original information and are my toils for a life spent studying. I give them to you for free, and I run no advertisement service.

While in Mexico, I got engaged to a girl but it was all wrong and we broke it off. Those are my two strikes with relationships *points to outfield*. Time is all it will take I reckon. Do you know any beautiful girls who would be receptive to my words? I am sure someone does. That is my soulmate. The One who wants to spend the rest of her life filming and writing with me. I am through messing up in life by settling. I will no longer settle. She either has all the qualities I am looking for, or she doesn't. Of course, it would take her time to make her decision. There is an abundance of work before you my dear! Explore! Become an adventurer with me. Everybody should become an adventurer with me. I filmed my adventures while teaching a huge range of topics. I created a teaching method that I encourage you to explore.

As in real mental problems I have? I struggle to work in work situations where I do not feel is meaningful and compassionate. This is why I chose community as my qualification to attach to my degree. I have sleep problems and I admit, if I am sleepy then my head gets fuzzy. This is always a problem with work because some days I am really sleepy. They don't seem to notice though but I do! My sleep problem causes me significant mental strain when sleep deprived. I suffer from what is known as delayed sleep phase disorder. Look it up. I only suffer if I try to go against what my body wants. If I just sleep when my body tells me to, then I am fine. But that sleep schedule does not always coincide with work hours. Staying up all hours of the the night formed me as a person. Because I couldn't waste my time so I spent it all studying. For Satan always find some mischief for idle hands. And those idle hands are my trolls.

As for recreational drugs, I do smoke spice. Spice is the legal smoke that you can get at head shops. It improves my creativity and helps me sleep. I have done LSD and mushrooms before but probably wouldn't do them again. I prefer spice to pot but I do support the legalisation of pot. I have an electronic vapourisor which has nicotine in it that I use. But in telling you the recreational drugs I currently use and have used doesn't necessitate that I will still be using those drugs in the future.  For instance, I am cutting down the spice and seriously considering quitting because it costs a lot. And I hope to quit vapourising nicotine at some point.

Why would people attack my character on the Internet merely because I am sharing free content that they do not have to spend their time invested into? I am not forcing my content on anyone. If it is not for you, then move along. Don't contribute to the sickness of our Internet world by littering it with hurtful comments. Instead plant flowers of kindness and joy and you will inspire others to do the same. Let's beautify our Internet by becoming beautiful people to each other on the Internet. If what I am saying is recognised publicly for its value, then we will see many beautiful plantations grown on our Internet. When I see this start to happen then I can relax in the knowledge that our species will be okay. Because it isn't my job to inspire you to live your life. It is my job to inspire you to inspire others to inspire others to live their lives. This is the only way that we can truly live. It is time we hold hands and create an Internet chain. How long can we make this chain? To my haters: I have the rest of my life to make this happen. How many hours in the day..night?