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Chapter 10

Love Based Economy


September 6, 2019



What are our needs as individuals? What needs do we have in society? Every individual has the right to be fed, clothed, and sheltered in a safe environment. Every society has the obligation to feed, clothe, and shelter its people. Every individual has the right to explore their own path in life and uncover their abilities to maximise their potential. Every society has an obligation to provide quality educations at free to little cost. Every individual has the right to their space and personal privacy. Every society has the obligation to ensure the shelters provide the tenants personal privacy. These shelters should be independent homes and not emergency accommodation. Emergency accommodation oftentimes doesn't provide the safety and security that stable homes do. And no one wants to live in emergency accommodation anyway.

Society needs resources. It needs to spend less on war and more on building strong communities. The debt-based economy does not work. We need to spend a lot of time rethinking how we distribute currency. Capitalism has failed those with disadvantages and needs to be replaced with a more compassionate model. Old money controls our world and is responsible for the huge division in our society. Those who own the means of production are exploiting their employees by striving for low-cost labour and 100% efficiency. Our business models are so far from human that it turns employees into paper pushing machines. Society tries to make life predictable by having opening hours and reliability of services when you need them. But this reliability sacrifices our autonomy by enslaving us to particular hours, instead of when we feel fit to work. Our governments still approve projects that are against the interests of the health of our planet. Governments still have wars even though the people don't want them. And we somehow trust our politicians? I am a real politician. Those guys in White House are as fake as the media they control.

We need a complete redistribution of wealth. There is so much gold stored away that could solve all of our human problems. We have the potential to all be rich! We can all live in abundance and it isn't fair for stockpiles of gold to be collected while people starve on the streets. Old money gets bigger and bigger without doing anything to it. Its demand becomes greater as a result of less of it existing in the world because they are stockpiling it. So merely because they have the old money, it obtains new money that then becomes older money. They have created a system that enables privileged individuals to not work in life but instead create mischief for the poor. Any "charities" that they create are doomed to fail because they do not have the lived experiences and are useless to those who need help. Most "charities" that they create have a hidden agenda...

Central banks are so rich it isn't funny. They take your money, invest it, and charge you fees for the account. They lend you money at a much higher percentage than you would receive back if you were to open a long term savings account. They oftentimes need crazy insurance schemes placed upon a large purchase, such as home owner's insurance when purchasing a home. They own so many buildings. They know that property and buildings is where the money is at so that is where they invest. Their profit margins are huge and little is given back to their customers.

A more love-based approach to economics should be developed and implemented by the government. Our current approach is a literal poker game and one person ends up with all the dosh. It isn't fair for all who walk away with large mortgages, if they are even lucky enough to own their own home. Most of us poor just rent off the capitalists that invest into ripping me off on a permanent basis. I am not claiming to have all the answers regarding economy. Far from it, I try and stay away from money related issues. I don't like it how money turns people greedy. I have seen it a lot in my past. The more you have, the more you want. A journey that can never be satisfied. This can lead to people taking unscrupulous measures to obtain that money. I do think that a more Marxian approach would be beneficial to society if we didn't corrupt the model. But we are humans and that is what we do best.

Currently our economies are driven by greed. We can easily depict this with stocks and how depression periods can even drive people to suicide. Money is a means of distribution created by humans that has no inherent value in and of itself. Humans place that value in said money through a means of communal agreement, tightly regulated by industry and government. That value fluctuates depending on the market economy. This generally highly relies on harmful practices such as excessive mining. It also relies on how comfortable the general public are in spending their money in the economy. Socialism in its pure employment is the only system of government that seems fair to me. It ensures that we are all taken care of and this liberates us to focusing on our passions and desires which would ultimately be best for our social makeup. This would alleviate so many problems in our society to know that no matter what, we will be looked after.

Nature (us included) is in a process of coming to its perfect realisation. Thus when we see imperfection, we should also see the perfection behind it. For all bad will in time turn out for the good. Humankind is at a pivotal stage in their development and soon we will be able to both individually and collectively avoid our future errors. What is wrong is obvious when educated. The more the Internet educates us, the more our eyes will open. Eventually we will obtain freedom, albeit through a long process of collective suffering. Civilisation will in time evolve and not only grasp but also implement some of the ideals I am presenting throughout this book. Everything in this world is perfect. Because it comes out of the Creator and the Creator is perfect. Everything will come to perfection because that is the way that God created it.

The whole of nature doesn't depend on us. We cannot speed up nature's development. We can only speed up our own personal development. However, that will cause those we are close to to also speed up their development and as a result, nature's growth will speed up. Every previous state determines the future state. The way that we truly change is to connect to and love each other. We already love in a perfect world. God is not dependent upon time and has a plan for each blade of grass that He creates. Each evil in the world has its place and will ultimately be used for good. We are only subjective beings who can only see a very narrow field of vision. God is objective and interconnects all things. Just because we cannot yet see the good that comes from the bad does not mean that there is no good that will come from the bad. Our society is a flower in the process of blooming. Your heart is now in the process of blooming.

One who refuses to step outside of their own perspective to view another is indoctrinated. This accounts for most of our religions, for they see any controversy as evil. Believe as we do is what they say. They want you to convert to their perspective and become brainwashed like they are. Anyone who refuses to look for wisdom outside of their own holy texts are not truly seekers of wisdom. They are merely selfish people who are seeking a way to not pay for the consequences of their actions - to be forgiven of their sins without actually taking any positive steps to prevent future sins.

Specific details about a new economy are irrelevant because once we change our hearts, the rest will align. Once we start taking care of our people collectively, then the ways in which we utilise currency will change, for it will now reflect our hearts. If we eliminate greed from the planet by taking care of everybody's needs, then we no longer have need for war and famine. The world will one day unite under one flag. And that flag will reflect God's image. But heed my warning, for many will come in disguise and say that they are the uniting force but watch them very carefully, for the have ulterior motives. The pure will stand out of the crowd and not just be a copy. Don't try to fit in. Be unique! That is how God created you. Don't be afraid to be yourself.

The perfect economy will come with the perfect society. How that looks will depend on our collective vision of a perfect society. How that looks will depend on how the collective respond to people like me in the long run. This means that my success does not depend on the here and now. My work was created for our future generations. My sight was far beyond the here and now. The perfect society will come with the perfect people. The perfect people will come with the perfect person. Let that person be you. A perfect person is one who could have been no better than they are. Don't waste your time on useless entertainment. Entertrain your brain with positive stimuli. Trust me, the results will pay off. Just take me as an example. I was the test run in all of this and just look at what this type of education did to me. Open your eyes and see what is before you. It is called the education of a lifetime.