Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 17

Project MKUltra


January 28, 2020



In 2018 I completed my video work and I have not returned to video since. This does not mean that I will not create video projects for myself in the future, but what it does mean is that the mission for my video project was completed. With "This Book Is a Game" now complete, my writing work is coming to its finalisation. This does not mean that after this book that I will not write in my future. But what it does mean is that my mission for my writing project is coming to its completion. From 2018 to 2019 I finalised everything that I needed to say in video. And now I am finalising everything that I need to say in writing. I likely will do video and writing in my future. But it will serve a different purpose. Like stated in the last chapter, I am not required to perform the same monotonous task again and again like the brainwashed populace of our world. Once I have completed the work, it is done and I never have to do it again. I have so much work available that people can spend years watching and reading it and likely still have more of it to experience. It would take a really hardcore fan to complete my work. So what is the point of making more of it, especially when I have stated all of the fundamentals of what I am presenting? There is no point. The point is that my work is coming to its completion. And it will work for me for the rest of my life with little to no effort. I was smart. Actually, God was smart.

After my ex-wife left me, I was extremely depressed. I almost killed myself but right before the action, I literally passed out on the floor. This is when God literally revealed Himself to me. I spoke with God about my life and God revealed to me the next ten years of it. But what a task God assigned me! How was I, as one person, to accomplish all that God had set out for me? I asked God if I had a choice. God told me that I could end my life at this moment, for my choice was to follow the vision God had given me or commit suicide. I asked if those were my only options. They were. So I was to choose ten years of hardship or suicide. I chose the ten years of hardship not because that was what I wanted but because as a child I gave my life to God. Since it is God's life and not mine, I chose to endure the next ten years. For if I murdered myself, I would be destroying God's property. I could not bring myself to destroy God's property. So I lived to see another day and recommitted my life to God. However, I was not happy about this arrangement because I knew what was to come.

And now, ten years later, I am free. I am an independent game developer and I am not required to obtain and maintain a typical job. I spend a lot of my time playing digital games and this is now considered my work because the more games I play, the more ideas I can integrate into my own game. I am not speaking of ripping other games off, as you will see in my game Ivory Heart. This game is incredibly unique. However, other games do assist in the creation of my own game. I can utilise techniques from other games to integrate into my game.

I have a method for recording one's thoughts that was passed on to me from a high. Just start writing your heart out about all the things you care about in life. You can write with a phone or a camera. Both are effective mediums to collect and convey information. Mix it up and use writing to assist your video work. You are not locked in a box.

And what are you to record? The answer is your heart. Imprint something on to this world in which you will be proud of. Use the educational ladder to convey your messages. But a heart is extremely complex and there are many sides to it. Yes, this is true which is why it is extremely important that you document it. Because you are extremely unique and you and your achievements deserve to be documented and showcased.

The development of Ivory Heart the video game is going very well. I can envision the game in my head. In addition, I have already created beautiful 3D environments to explore. Soon I will be working on quests. But this type of video game is not at all easy to create because it will have no violence in it. A game like this has never before been created. That is the advantage of being a philosopher. What you produce is incredibly unique and you will have no competitors. For this is not just a game to collect book chapters. The chapters are complimentary materials for the quests in the game. The quests are not linked to the information in the books. The chapters are the rewards for successfully completing quests. The chapters will in no way hold the game hostage. Because the learning will occur when interacting with the characters and performing their assigned duties.

Ivory Heart is a game created to inspire young girls to live a life of virtue quite literally saving the world. The heroine is the saviour of the game world. But her quests do not end in-game. The quests will be designed to teach the player what actions they need to make in real life in order to make a difference in this world. Ivory Heart is a finishing school for young girls. It teaches the ways of wisdom through an electronic classroom environment. It provides the player with a great deal of study materials that they can bring with them wherever they go. That is why it is important that I release my game on the Nintendo Switch. My game is being created with portability in mind. My game will provide all of the study materials required to successfully complete all its courses. My game is the future of the classroom. Physical buildings where school shooters love to play are so old school. I am literally converting the physical buildings into a digital atmosphere. My game will stand as a solid attempt to reinvent the ways in which we educate our young.

What teachers do you want to teach your children? Children deserve the best teachers possible but unfortunately our world is filled with terrible teachers. The best teachers will create new and innovative methods to teach their content. Eventually, this will put most teachers out of a job. This is a good thing and not a bad thing as we remove all the terrible teachers from the world and replace them with innovative creators. The world of our future education implementation is digital and it is now time to purge all who are analogue. The teachers of face to face are now obsolete. For we now have digital warriors who educate much more efficiently and effectively than the physical classroom environment. Who will you choose to educate your child? A gunman? A teacher that is so bad at their job that they couldn't even escape the nine to five? The teachers of the future are those who educate worldwide and not those who focus on their physical environment. How effective is a teacher that can only reach twenty kids? My reach is infinite and repeatable. For I live in the clouds. I only have to teach a lesson once and it is publicly available for all who are interested to learn from.

The truth is that the education system is exploiting your kids. Yes, they babysit for you, but that is about how far their helpfulness goes. They know about online education and they know that they could reach the entire world if they wanted to. But they want your money and a scope like that is not profitable. That means that they value money above the well-being of your children. I truly care about your children and I could care less about your money. Who is the better teacher? Why would you allow this to go on? The answers are right in front of you. Our modern day education system is a mechanic in society utilised to brainwash the population. The point of school is to get your child into a nine to five. Does damning your child to the nine to five life sound like a loving thing to do? Of course it isn't. But here is the truth: most parents do not truly love their children. Just as the school exploits children, so do their parents. As children grow, parents begin to wonder what they can get out of their children. Most children of this world are slaves to their parents. And it is even common "wisdom" that parents should not be friends with their children. How ridiculous is that? If a parent of mine doesn't want to be my friend then I don't want to be their child.

We live in an age where that is very possible. If you have terrible parents, renounce them. If they do not have your best interest in mind, then flee from them. I was emancipated from my parents at the age of fifteen. They were taking actions against me that hurt me on a regular basis. Do not put up with that regardless if they are your parents or not. You deserve respect and if your parents are not going to give it to you, then don't give it to them. Just because they are your parents doesn't mean that they are family. In this day and age we choose our family. Who is my family? Those who do the works of God are my family. Does my family do the works of God? No, they do their own works. It is easy to see who does the works of God by analysing their works and its attachment to God. If their works are not associated with God, then they are not doing the works of God. See in what name they proclaim their works. For it is that name that is written to their hearts. And that name is usually money.