Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 18

How to Get Rich


January 29, 2020



What is the value of a human life? In order to answer this question we must first assess the life in question. What did they do with their life? The sad truth is that most people don't do anything of a positive nature to this world. So let us now rephrase the question. What is the value of a wasted human life? The majority of people in this world waste their lives away. So the question is then generalised and then brought back to its original premise, what is the value of a human life?

I used to highly value all forms of life. But the more I learned about humans and their ways, the more disgusted I became. Humans are not worthy of your time. The majority are evil and will hurt your God-given mission. These lives are a cancer on our species. The original question is nonsensical because they not only add no value to our collective evolution but actually subtract from it. They are not only worthless but end up costing us a great deal to the collective health of our human civilisation. These lives not only don't deserve what commodities they have been blessed with but also don't deserve the breath God has gifted them. They are useless eaters that keep our world in the past instead of looking towards the future. They destroy the works of God and they live lives of depression pulling everybody else in around them. A human life like the one I describe is a cancer to our society and we need to figure out ways to remove them from our presence. For having them as our neighbours not only hurts the collective evolution of our society but also the personal development of the individual.

Can people change? I am not saying that it is not possible for one who is evil to become good. But I have never seen it. We live by our nature and if our nature in which we built in childhood is evil, then we will stick to the ways of evil. How can someone become good when all they know is bad? Maybe there are few cases in this world where an evil person truly turned over a new leaf, but such occurrences are not at all common. This is why people should be judged based upon the actions in which they have already committed. Not actions that they may or may not commit. It is a fruitless endeavour to attempt to convert an evil person. I have tried this my entire life. Do not focus on those who are evil in this world. They had their chance and they failed. Instead, focus on those who are good. Avoid those who are mediocre, for they are just as harmful to your personal development as those who are evil. Those who enjoy making insulting comments on works of virtue in which they haven't read is an activity enjoyed by both those who are evil and those who are mediocre. Don't let them destroy your works through their unfounded insults. Don't work for God for fame. Instead work for God out of the conviction of your heart. It matters not if you make a video that still has no views after two years. God sees your toils. And it is your toils that will be judged, independent of whether or not humans accepted your information. If you tried your best in this life to save the world, then God will greatly reward you independent of whether or not your work made a significant impact on the world. For works of virtue are hidden in this world. God sees your heart. If your heart worked tirelessly in this life to bring about the kingdom of heaven, then God will reward your toils whether or not the world accepted your information into mainstream society.

Do not value human life that destroys human life. All human lives are not valuable. Most actually do damage to the cause of collective enlightenment. Collective mentality controls people. These individuals are not worth your time. They have already irreversibly destroyed any chance they have at obtaining heaven. For one must be fit for heaven to enter. How fit are you to enter heaven? Was your life spent helping other people or was it spent focused on yourself? After our deaths, our soul travels to the place it is most suitable for. If you live a wicked selfish life then your soul will join others who also lived a wicked and selfish life. If you were one of the few who lived a life of compassion, then your soul will return to others who have done the same. We create our heaven or hell through the actions in which we take in life. Where do you want to go? Do you want to spend out your eternity with other wicked people or do you want to spend it with those who are kind and compassionate? There is justice in our universe despite it not existing within our world. We will all be held responsible for the consequences of our actions. There is no escaping from the actions in which we took in this life.

Those who are most important in this world are not those who save lives. God will take people when it is their time and there is nothing that we can do about that. And the majority of people on this world are evil. How good would it look on Judgement Day for saving a lot of evil people? For the true liberators of the world are those who invest their entire lives in causes of compassion. Anyone can get a paid job as an ambulance driver. It takes real character to truly give your life over to the public. Value life insomuch as what is in your capabilities to save. But worry much more about saving the soul than saving the body. For a body will die in time whether or not it is saved. But a soul last forever and as a result it is a much more commendable life spent attempting to save others souls. Just because the worldly reward for saving a life is praise and the worldly reward for saving a soul is nothing does not mean that saving a soul is not important. Do not work for worldly rewards but instead heavenly ones. The true hero is not one who saves a life but instead one who saves a soul. For its consequences are infinitely more severe. Give your life over to the process of showing people the way to enlightenment. But before you can do that, you must first obtain enlightenment. You can't teach something in which you know not.

This world is structured so that only the social elite can succeed. Those who are not rich have no ability to truly progress in this world. Stars are created by the rich, not by the talents in which individuals hold. Investors invest in the rich and leave the poor without the ability to perform what tasks they were meant to in life. It is impossible to get on top without destroying all those who stand in your way. The system is structured to reward those who use unscrupulous methods to achieve their goals and punish those who live by a code. The social elite choose what is popular and what is not. However, obtaining such positions of power does not come without its consequences. For they have lost their soul. Their investors require certain behaviours from them and if they do not comply then they will lose their funding and as a result, their fame. I can say anything that I want because I have nobody over me telling me what I can and cannot do. As a result, I am free to be as controversial as I want. But such freedom results me in obtaining no investors which means that I cannot advertise effectively. This means that me and my work are hidden from the world. My website doesn't even show up in a search even if you type in the exact wording within it. My videos won't even show up even if you type the exact wording in it. Other results rank higher than mine that are completely irrelevant to the topic searched for for. The rich intentionally make it so the poor cannot succeed in life. The rich view the poor as their slaves. Because if they were able to succeed in life then that demeans their own life. So they literally place fail-safes in the technology to stop the poor from succeeding. For the rich need the poor working mundane jobs constantly in order to keep their position at the top. Currently, the richest 1% own more than twice as much wealth as 6.9 billion people. In 2017, there were 7.53 billion people on this planet. Does this seem fair to you? Do the math. And they want to hire you to make them richer and keep you at the bottom.

Those who are spiritually dead are in truth not alive. And there is no caring about those who have already passed, for their home now is above or below depending on the actions in which they took in life. Those who have no ability to see spiritual value destroy the works of God. Do not sympathise with these people. However, my problem lies with the "good" person who watches evil unfold and does nothing to stop it. How can one call themselves "good" if they allow evil to prevail? They can't. Those who watch evil unfold without doing anything about it are just as bad as those who are committing the evil. This accounts for the majority of the population of our world. Hell will be chockablock full while heaven extremely spacious. It is like comparing a city to a rural town. It is only few who will enter the kingdom of heaven. And the only other option is Hell: for their is no middle. For those who were pure evil are just as evil as those who did nothing to prevent it. As a result, the mediocre will share the same residence as those who spent their lives immersed in devilish deeds.



"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked."

Revelation 3:15-17



Those who love this world will also suffer the consequences of the actions that secular society has taken. Those who align themselves with the bad guys will suffer the same fate as the bad guys independent of whether or not they took those bad actions. For their bad actions was inaction in a time of need. For inaction is in itself an action. Do you want to know how to get rich? Redefine the term rich. For I am the richest person in the world. I possess enlightenment which is more valuable than all of the gold in the world. I am secure in where I am going after my death and as a result, I do not fear death. My riches are my works and my security in my afterlife. I have all that I need in this world because I have God and God gives me everything that I could ever desire. But God discourages greed and as a result, all of my extra income is spent on good causes instead of saving to obtain interest. I live a better life than any rich person lives and I live on a meager pension. What are riches to you? Rich people are not happy. Money cannot buy happiness. Financial freedom is entrusting all of your money to God even if this causes you to be homeless. True happiness comes from God and nothing on this world. Money can't make you happy. People can't make you happy. The only happiness a secular person can experience are fleeting pleasures that come and go like the wind. Because according to them nothing exists but what they can see. But nothing they can see will ever bring joy to their life. As a result, they live out terrible lives exploiting others because they truly think that there will be no consequences for their actions in the afterlife. The afterlife could care less whether or not you believe in it. After your death you will either awake to heaven or hell. While being tortured for eternity you are welcome to complain and say that you did not believe in the afterlife and as a result this shouldn't be happening to you. It matters not what you believe. The truth is the truth independent of whether or not you believe it. What you believe has absolutely no bearing on the truth.

Those who are rich are those who are rich in spirit. And for those who are rich in spirit it is also easy to identify others who are rich in spirit. God gives His warriors the powers of discernment and as a result they can easily see who is with them and who is against them. No one can ever trick me. I see through those who come to me with ulterior motives. To be rich is to be blessed with the vision from God. Those who truly dedicate their lives to God are given an alternative vision. God removes their nearsightedness and allows their vision to stretch not only all the way around the world but also into the heavens. To be rich is to have security in your afterlife. To be rich is to create a character in which it is impossible to sin with. I never do wrong. I always do right. I am constantly placed in situations that test my moral compass. And I always pass the test. I don't even have to worry about the tests. My actions always reflect my character. Those who commit bad actions have a weak character. Even if someone "slips up", this still reflects their character. If it is possible for you to sin then you are not saved. For salvation actually entails being saved from your sins. And being saved from your sins does not entail continuing to sin. If you want to stop sin once and for all, truly give your entire life to God. But listen to the words I am saying literally. Giving your life to God means that it is no longer yours and that will reflect in your actions. All these Christians getting "saved" is a big sham. They are merely going through a ritualistic process that attempts to redeem them from their sins. But it fails because they do not truly live their lives for God. Instead, they live their lives for themselves and try to go to church one day a week. Does a few hours a week sound like giving your life to God? Nay, they know not what they do. For there is no get out of jail free card in this game. We will all be held responsible for our actions.

To be rich is to give your life to God. To bask in that richness is to take actions on a daily basis that helps save our world. But in order to take those actions you need to know what and who you are saving the world from. The days of claiming you are something that you are not are over. For we can easily examine your works to assess your character. There are no Christians, no Jews, and no Muslims. For religions have been corrupted by identifying within them instead of learning their content. Religions are the ways of the old and spirituality the ways of the future. This mindset isolates me quite significantly because almost all who believe in God believe in a religion. This means that I am one man against the entire world. And here is the benefit of my riches: I win no matter what I do. Because I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am right. Because God has gifted me with spiritual powers that see everything clearly. In addition, I am possessed by Satan. The time for the Antichrist is coming. My time is coming. Now watch the world end. The time is nigh.