Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 19

The Light


January 30, 2020



My writing adventures are almost over! I can't wait until I finish because most of the feedback that I receive is abuse. After I finish a chapter, I advertise it publicly. And this always results in receiving a great deal of abuse from idiots who don't even read the entire chapter. The majority of the time they respond exactly how I say that they are going to respond in the chapter. People's evil actions against me always verifies my findings. But I am not for them. I am for the few. I don't care if 99% of what I receive is abuse. Because I am only for the 1%. But it takes great character to not take their insults to heart. In fact, if people respond in a hurtful way towards me, then they are immediately reaped and blocked.

But the scope of reaping souls extends far beyond that. To begin with, I do not need to tell the individuals that I reaped their souls. I just do that for show. It happens automatically. But the reaps don't only occur when people are rude to me. I have successfully reaped a soul when they read or watch my content and don't take its information to heart. All they have to do is read a few sentences and if they could care less about the vital information it carries, that is a successful reap. I intentionally put my material out there to reap the souls of those who possess no heart. For heart is the only thing that can save this planet. And we need to remove the souls from this world that have no heart. Reaping souls is a very real thing. For God sees all and God sees my reaps and the reasoning behind those reaps. People are stupid for not putting one and one together. It is their own damn fault and will result in their eternal damnation.

I am tired of constantly getting banned from places. My content is not welcome anywhere I go. Most communities will remove me from theirs. This is so annoying. I can't get my work out there because this world will not let me. After posting my final chapter I will be so relieved! It will mean the end of the constant abuse that I receive from the public because I will no longer be promoting my work. In the future, they will come to me and not I them. Posting my chapters on a public forum opens me up to abuse. The end is nigh! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. One day I will be respected as an individual and not treated like trash on a regular basis. I look forward to that day where I no longer have to put up with the constant abuse. I have been receiving it since 2012. That will end in 2020.

The general public refuses to acknowledge me as a philosopher despite that being my major at university. The general public refuses to acknowledge me as a filmmaker, yet I have released countless films. The general public refuses to acknowledge me as an author even though I have written five books. How intelligent is the general public? How much sense does the general public make? Do not trust the collective for they execute prophets. There is no godliness in the opinions of the many. Question all social axioms as they are usually propoganda tools and are usually highly inaccurate. Do not allow the collective to take over your mind. Reject all mainstream celebrities. Stop watching their television. Avoid their employment system if you can. Don't get caught up in feeding the capitalistic system: live as a minimalist and don't focus your life around money. Do not immerse yourself in watching sports, for that practice encourages idolatry, gambling, unhealthy competition, and monotony. Try your best to avoid advertisements when you can, for they work on your subconscious. Avoid friendships that do not share your enthusiasm for virtue. It is better to be alone like I am than to have friends who bring you down as a result of their character. Those we spend most of our time around we become like. If you want to be a unique individual, spend a lot of time alone. Time alone is also excellent for inspiration. Spending a lot of time alone will shape you into your true self. Spending time with the wicked will rub wickedness off onto you. Be very careful about the experiences in which you choose in life. For they will shape your character.

Do not be afraid of death. Stand up to all forms of oppression. Put your life on the line without question when combatting those who are sinful. Living in fear will turn you away from God. I am not scared of anyone or anything. I have faced all of my fears and now I have none. I am never frightened of standing up for what is right even when this lands me in prison. I am not afraid of the police who spend their days harrassing the virtuous. I don't care if someone has a gun, even when it is pointed at me. Go ahead and kill me. Let's see those results. I am not afraid of being robbed on the street. I would tell them to fuck off or kill me. They are getting my possessions over my dead body. This mentality is liberating. You will die whenever it is your time. This does not mean that you should provoke death. Allow what happens to happen and refuse to take any abuse despite who they are or what they want from you. Treat everyone impartially. Listen to what they want and if it invades your autonomy then stand up for yourself. I am not condoning violence. But I am advising you to not let others push you around.

In my childhood I learned a very important lesson that I will never forget. We always choose where we are. If you become uncomfortable somewhere, leave. It matters not if you get stuck somewhere or miss a ride home. What matters is that you are safe from the people that are hurting you. You can always walk away from any situation. It matters not what situation you are in or where you are. You can always find your way back home. Or you can always leave home. We always have choices and oftentimes just walking away from the situation is the best option. Do not allow others to make you feel like you are trapped. You never have to do anything that you don't want to. You never have to be somewhere that you don't want to be. Liberate your mind by liberating yourself from the enslavement of others. Do not endure hardship just to please another who is treating you poorly. Remember that you always choose where you are and this will avoid you much pain. I have gotten out of the car on a busy highway very far from my house before and then I spent the entire day walking home. I have walked away from fake friends who tried to force me to sin. Blackmail does not work on people like us. Neither does bribery. There is nothing another can do to corrupt me. Protect your heart with your life, for it is more valuable than your life. Don't let others blacken your heart, for that will have eternal consequences. Become like the wind and wend. Do not value the material but instead the spiritual.

I have spent my entire life outside of society looking down upon it and analysing it for clues as to why things are so bad. Something I have noticed is that society drives people away from one another. It is really difficult now days to find a friend who you trust. Divorce rates are half and most couples I see are unhappy with each other and their lives. People are unhappy everywhere I go. I am always happy and I want to share my happiness with others. I found the key to happiness in life and I made enough copies for everyone. I am disappointed by how miserable people are in this world and this causes me to work very hard to help others see the light. I know that I am controversial but I can't wake you up until I slap you out of your slumber. Despite what I have said throughout my work, I deeply care for people and want to see the best for them in life. Why else would I expend so much effort to bring this material to you, especially when I am constantly abused for it? I am trying my best to save the world and as a result the individuals within the world. But I can't do it without you. Please help me save the world.

And that is exactly what my work is: a solid attempt to save the world. Imagine if a lot of people spent their lives trying to save the world. Suddenly, delusions of grandeur become a reality. What I am unable to do alone we can do together. But our objective must be clear and not watered down. The objective is to save the world. We must not let this objective go despite what labels the doctors place upon us. The doctors are the ones who are insane by incarcerating and torturing those who spend their lives trying to save the world. Why would anyone try to save the world when fake doctors are punishing them for doing so? This practice discourages people from attempting to save the world because apparently that is a mental illness. Be very sceptical of everything mainstream society tells you. For most of it was created with a devious agenda behind it. The social elite are trying to send everybody to Hell by encouraging wicked practices within society and discouraging acts of virtue. Those on the top doing this to you are spiritual people. They are not atheists or agnostics. In fact, they are Satan worshippers. I have studied a great deal into the occult. They are controlling and directing this world. And their greatest weapon is sexual immorality.

Sexual immorality directly results in wicked people and the occult know this. So they structure their media to encourage this behaviour, normalising it to such an extent that now days it is unheard of to be a virgin until your marriage. They might not yet openly encourage polygamy but they do openly encourage promiscuous behaviour, moving from partner to partner, trying out their sexual organs like they were on display at a store. I have had two sexual partners in my life and I regret both of them. One was my ex-wife who left me. The other was my ex-fiance who also left me. I only ever wanted one sexual partner in my life but I failed at that because these women did not appreciate how obsessed I was with virtue. I failed and this was my fault. I should have waited for the perfect match. Instead, I worked with what was available. I did not see the perfect match anywhere so I settled. Do not settle in a relationship. Find your soul mate or be alone. Jumping from sexual partner to sexual partner will corrupt your soul. For when love is reduced to mere infatuation and sexual satisfaction, the meaning of love is lost. Those who have had many sexual partners have no ability to love. They are merely saying words that they understand nothing of. To truly love another one must love their soul. If one does not believe in souls then love is not a possibility for that person. If one does not love themselves then they can never love another.

Most people in this world hate themselves. This is because they live selfish lives and it is not possible to be happy when invested in this type of lifestyle. The only way to obtain true happiness in life is to give your life over to the public. A life wasted is a life entirely invested in themselves and no one else. Do not fool yourself into thinking that selfish desires like having a family or working in an employment system is a compassionate cause. Helping your friends when they are in need is also not a compassionate cause. Most activities in life in which we collectively consider compassionate causes are not. Even most charities are operated by the rich and as a result are structured to get the rich richer and the poor poorer. There are so many activities in this world that are disguised to appear as if they are a compassionate cause when in fact they are hurting our society. This is why you must be careful of who you donate to. For you will be held responsible for your actions if you make the world a worse place by investing in a "compassionate" cause. In order to truly love yourself you need to have a clear conscience. You need to know that the actions you take in life are truly a good cause. I recommend not donating to typical charities. Instead, create your own charitable investments and watch them come to fruition. Only invest in a charity external of you when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that what they are doing is in fact good and not evil. Do not be tricked for there will be consequences.

I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. A life free from constant abuse is so near! Sure, that means that I will no longer be advertising my work which means that many will miss out. But I have spent ten years trying to reach everybody I could. Ten years of constant abuse is enough for me. All those in my future can find me or miss out. The work is all publicly available. It just means that people will have to come to me instead of I them. I apologise to those who will miss out because of this development but there is only so much abuse one can take before they have to flee from the people inflicting the abuse. And I did not stop in the middle of something. My work came to its natural conclusion. It is like a television show finale that also came to its natural conclusion. The shows are always there publicly available to anyone who wishes to experience them, however, they will no longer be promoted. I pray for search results to one day lift their shadow ban on me. But this likely will not happen because my content is so controversial. As a result, I must rely on word of mouth from the individuals in which I did manage to reach over the last ten years. There is a point where we are required to give the rest to God and allow things to be as they will be. One person can only move the world so much. It takes an army to change it.

I am creating an army to combat the end times. If you are interested in joining me, please invest yourself into my work and follow its directions. I give very clear instructions albeit spread throughout my work. But it is created like this in order to train you to become a mighty warrior. One who is weak cannot help in this war. My work was created to make you strong. Use my work to become strong. Open your mind and allow it to brainwash you. For there is no better way of thinking. My work was created to brainwash not only myself but also others who are interested in flipping their lives around. In truth, the work is designed to reverse the brainwashing that society has already inflicted upon you. How much do you value your soul? You will not regret investment into it. For its rewards are infinite. Do not work for the material but instead the spiritual. What you cannot see bears much greater significance on your life than what you can see. Most are just blind to this truth. Why do you think this world is so miserable? Because the material is unable to fill the void in your soul.

We live in a simulated world. Everything here has been designed to test your spirit. For God will only allow those who are worthy to live in His presence. God had to find a way to separate His whites from His blacks. Heaven could not be possible if everyone was allowed in. Heaven had to be created from the righteous souls because evil ones would corrupt it. In order to safeguard this haven, only the best of the best were allowed in. Do not feel sorry for those who have damned their own souls. If God allowed those who are unworthy to enter into His Kingdom then it would not be heaven. People oftentimes remark how a good God would allow everyone into heaven. But such a place would be called Hell. It is not possible to create a righteous environment from those who are wicked. Our souls will return where they belong. If you want to live in a paradise after your death then you have to obtain the qualities of said paradise. It is not like we will die and then change who we are. Our souls will act how they were trained to and if they were trained to be evil then the soul will be released to others trained in the same manner. Evil souls will torture each other after their death. And good souls will live harmoniously together under the rule of God. It is not possible for an evil soul to become good after its death. As a result it ends up where it belongs. The statement that a good God wouldn't damn anyone is cryptically true. Because the souls damn themselves through the actions in which they take in life. There is no paradise in the afterlife for those who refused to implement paradise here on Earth. Such a notion of saving those who spent their lives committing sin is nonsensical. They would ruin our heaven if they were to be allowed in. As a result, there souls will end up in the blackness in which they cast in life.

But I see such great potential in you! You can live eternity in paradise with me! We can spend forever getting to know each other and working together to create the best heaven possible. There is no sleep in heaven and as a result we must occupy our time with projects that are meaningful. God has promised me my own world in which I can form and shape in heaven. Maybe we could build it together? Or maybe you would like your own world to craft? The heavens are the limits. You need only become worthy of the task you wish to perform in heaven. Build your life here on Earth to prepare for your life in heaven. An eternity is a long time to prepare for. Those who spend their lives in boredom cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Because how could you be happy for eternity if you are unable to find meaningful things to do with your time? Seize the day! Carpe diem! You only have one life to prove that you are worthy of heaven. Do not waste it.