God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

Good Morning.

Good Morning.

Sleep well?

Oh yes, life is good. How about you, sleep well?

If only I COULD sleep, I did love that at one point.

You don't sleep?!

Think about it.

I guess not huh? Sounds like you could use a break. I could take over for you one night if you want to get some shuteye.

Nice try I love what I do. You have about as good a chance of telling your parents to let you watch over them.

You don't trust me!

Haha that’s not it and you know it. I am so in love with what I do I wouldn't give it up even for the world. You know this and want to experience it yourself.

Oh I have experienced it.

Yes you have thank you for that. That was a long time ago, so be thankful I let you take the reigns already.

I am. You are just trying to be nice about saying, "get your own world".

So what's on your mind?

A letter to our President.

Interesting, what about?

I just feel like he is afraid to let people see him cry.

He has a hard job.

I know, I really do feel for him. I think that maybe I could help.

So try, you never know until you try.

It would never make it to him.

There you go again with that doubting stuff, you should know better.

Speaking of doubt- my family has bombarded me with the whole 'Obama's the Anti-Christ' speech.

And you disagree?

Of course! This is America. We are all human beings and I refuse to judge someone on what one book says- namely the book of Revelations. Besides, I feel like losing faith in my own government is blasphemous in the first place.

How so?

Because I know that I am a good person. I know that we are all connected as in, we are one. I KNOW that I would never do something as bad as 'Try and take over the world.' So I must have faith that the human spirit for goodness will persevere in everyone, not just me alone.

You feel your faith is strong enough to sway a 'New World Order'?

Yes, does that sound ridiculous?

Not at all to me, but to many it will. Those who do not have ears to hear will never listen until they are ready. So what do you think will happen?

I, of all people, should be the one saying he is trying to take over the planet! I have read books like 'Children of the Matrix' that tell how everything is a big conspiracy, and they present a very convincing argument. But I have also read books like 'Conversations With God, book 2' that paint a much more beautiful picture of a 'New World Order'. I just feel that people are so quick to judge because they do not have objectable opinions of either side to work with.

So you have done your homework, so to speak?

It may be that others know more than I do about some things. Heck, I could know nothing for what its worth, but I do believe that people united in faith will benefit our race much greater than people segregated by war!

That is very eye opening.

Thank you. You don't have anything to say on the subject? Come on, people are scared to death that our President is bringing the bible to life!

I will tell you this again, with the faith but of a mustard seed, mountains can be moved. Let me reassure your previous statement and leave it at that. If anyone can physically bring the book of revelations to life, it will not be one man, such as your President. I will be the doing of the people. History shows, the majority rules. I agree that people do feel fear from this 'spitting image' president of revelations. I agree that he may well be here to bring about the 'New World Order'. Rather it is for the GOOD or for the BAD is up to the people.


Because fear is very strong. In the end it will only come down to faith. Do you have faith in your GOD in heaven? Do you believe he is a punishing GOD or a loving GOD? Do you believe he has no power to control the world's destiny? Do you believe for a moment, that if you did something disapproving of GOD's will I could not simply dispose of you? Why would I need to have you burn for an eternity in everlasting fires? Indeed, why would I need anything at all? Trust me when I say, I am completely content. I am All there is, All there was, and All there ever will be. Which definingly means- I NEED NOTHING. You may need something, and again I will tell you what that is- FAITH. Faith in yourself, faith in GOD, faith in the human race! If you do not choose to have faith in me, then yes, your collective consciousness may very well, turn your world into what you fear the most. Again from Roosevelt, "There is nothing to fear, but fear itself!"

You are right. I will do better. I will try my best to never doubt you or myself again.

So take a shot at it.

What's that?

The letter.

Oh, I almost forgot. Here goes:

Dear Mr. President,

I am neither a republican nor a democrat. I am an American. My name doesn't matter, only my values.  I know you have an image to keep, but I want to tell you something that I feel is important. It is okay for a grown man to cry. I have done it quite recently, and for the entire world to see. I know in your heart that you are doing what is best for America and what is best for the World. Why? Because I have faith in you, I have faith in me. I have faith in our country and I have faith in our planet. I know you are reforming healthcare to benefit mankind, and are doing it no matter what some people (who don't know the whole story) think of you. Despite how hard you fought to make it where you are I commend you. I am no better than any other human being but I am also not afraid to offer a helping hand when I think it may make life easier. So here is what I know for myself. Here is what I would like America to be as an example for the World to see. I am neither black nor white. I am neither republican nor democrat. I am an American, in the greatest nation, on the greatest planet, in the greatest universe. And we are still ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, whatever form he may take, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL. AMEN. And that my friend, is the way I would like our world to see itself as well. Thank you so much for your unending dedication and strong spirit.

P.S. You can read my book at the www.perfectionoflife.com when I post it. Not sure I'm ready yet to let the world see GOD cry.


That was very good.

Thank you.


But what?!

You know people are going to say, "First he needs to prove he's an American!"(This needs no proof- only dedication and true love.)

Should I send it?

You can always try.