God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Two

So here I am alive and luckily.

And I thought you ALWAYS had bad luck? Do I finally sense a little faith in ME there?

I always have faith in you!

But how much is the question. Enough to be alive and well. That is not all you want though.

Of course not, I want to have an unlimited amount of faith. I want to have the ultimate faith.

So why don't you?

I am not sure. I think I am trying though.

Thinking you're trying is not going to help. It is a doing thing, not a trying thing.

What do you mean?

As long as you are TRYING to do something, you're not actually

DOING it, right?

I think I see. Do you remember telling me how bad it hurts when someone you love doesn't trust you?


Well, try being me!

What? Who doesn't trust you?

How about, everyone.

Everyone? I wouldn't say they don't trust you. How can you say that? You're GOD. You can have whatever you want.

Indeed I can, but I do not choose to take things by force.

Hmm. Explain yourself, I am not sure I get what you mean...

Imagine you had the power to have anything you wanted.


What would it be money, power, love, friends, maybe people who adored you?

Yes, all that seems pretty desirable.

The only way to enjoy these things is through the knowledge that they came to you freely. If you said to yourself, "I want a woman who loves me" and it then, all of a sudden, appears out of thin air, you would know, in your heart, that the love she shows to you is artificial. There would be no 'TRUE' love in your creation.

Why not?

Because you know that she did not come to that decision on her own. You could ask her to tell you how much she loves you, over and over again. But you would never BELIEVE her. And that would kill the whole experience. This is why Aladdin's genie said he couldn't make Jasmine love him. Trust me, I have tried this.

You tried it?

Of course, I conjured up all kinds of this. Actually, I have conjured up everything, and anything.

And it didn't feel right? You weren't content?

I was content in knowing that I had created all there was. But I wasn't content with knowing I did it.

So what did you do?

What could I do? I forgot it!

You forgot it?

Yep, you see, what you do when you're GOD is this: You create your perfect life, You forget your perfect life, then you LIVE to remember it.

Sounds pretty simple.

It's the hardest thing you'll ever do.

I meant, sounds like a pretty cut and dry process.

I made it that way. You see, I can trust GOD easily because I am GOD. That, and the fact that I can tell the future. Why? Because I've been there. Remember, I first created it, then I forgot it (made it for the getting), now I (that is you) will live to remember it (put it back together).

So if you trust god, why do you say no one else does?

Because that is what I observe, if you trusted me, your life would be perfect. If everyone trusted me, they would find themselves in heaven, basking in the glory of god.

How do we trust you? How then, is it done? Help us out here. I think I speak for everyone when I say, "We want to find ourselves in a perfect world."

Simple, it is only a slight change of perception. It is called FAITH. Trust and faith are interchangeable.

So you are saying that I don't TRUST you, so, in turn, I have no FAITH in you?

That's pretty much it, in a nutshell.

There are other words that are interchangeable as well. Like what?

Life and GOD.

So when I say, "I am living my life" I am saying, "I am living my GOD?" Living and experiencing, that's another one.

So when I say, "I am living my GOD" it would instead be this, "I am experiencing my GOD?"

Precisely, what is it you think you've been up to?

Oh my goodness. I think I am getting it. I think I am actually getting it!

You have been on this path, unknown to you, trying to experience yourself who you always knew you should be, despite what others have told you.

When I didn't become a navy seal, it was because of my faith, wasn't it?

Everything is because of your faith. People do things, and must come up with all these different reasons why so that they may justify themselves and their actions.


Lest they hate themselves. And that would be truly unbearable. Indeed, THAT would be what you call HELL.

I have been in this HELL, so I know it. I look back at the beginning of my book and see myself there. Living Hell!

Sometimes you must experience what you aren't, to become who you are. The law of relativity.

Precisely, how could you ever know black if you didn't know white? How could you ever conceptualize light, if you knew no dark? East, if you knew no west? Bad, if you knew no GOOD?

If I am experiencing my GOD, then making a decision is truly having no faith. I mean, that would be correct, right?

It would be.

SO I shouldn't make decisions?

Make decisions only if you have complete trust in me, and what it is I am up to. Believe it or not, I have already made all the decisions. In the words of your famous president of the past, Franklin D. Roosevelt, "The only thing to fear, is fear itself."

I understand what I need to know- nothing, but doesn't that make life dull?

Are the Japanese dull or the monk? Monks look pretty dull.

But they are not. Looks can be deceiving, and judgement conceiving.  Be careful of being quick to judge. Judging is merely making a decision in disguise. And that which you decide, is that which will be.

So if I shouldn't make any decisions, what will I do for entertainment?

Whatever comes about.

How do I decide to do it or don't?

Don't decide. Just stay conscious of your purpose.

And what again is my purpose?

To perfect your life.

Perfect my life?

You are experiencing your God are you not?

I did say that.

So be more like me. My purpose is, The Perfection of Life.

How exactly does one Perfect Life? That's a pretty big undertaking!

It's not only an undertaking; it's a title, the title of a book.

Wow. I needed a title for my autobiography. But I can't promise people the key to a perfect life!

No. You can only offer them the chance to follow your lead to that key. This has been done time and time again. You could call it Tradition.

There WAS a point today at work where I actually felt you with me. I was down on my knees scrubbing the floor under a fryer.

You're serious?

Yes, I thought to myself, "I am cleaning up this mess" and I immediately thought about my life.


I know ridiculous but I actually felt like I was doing exactly what I should be. I felt like I wasn't making any choices, instead I was just fixing the stuff that I saw was broken or out of place.

This is how monks see life. This is correct. The Japanese have a mind for it as well.

Like in that movie, the last Samurai?

Yes, They live with patience and perfection. They know that the life they already live is AMAZING. They just find joy in maintaining its BEAUTY.

Coincidence that I have always said that the art of ninjutsu is just another way of saying the art of perfecting life?  As a ninja you really do have to learn the perfect way of doing everything.  How to walk right, talk right, act right, swim right, run right, use every weapon right, etc.  It is comparable to being a spy or something I guess.  Perhaps, this is why I have made it a point to keep ninjutsu in my life for all these years.

Indeed.  Everyone has this same intuition.  For some it is dancing.  For some it is singing.  For some it is a little bit of everything, but for everyone, it is merely a search for perfection.
