God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Six

I’m just back from my daily run, and during it I came up with a good question.

You mean your semi-daily run?

Okay, okay, at least this is two in row, now.

Just giving you a hard time.  Go ahead, ask away.

So I did some push-ups and leg-lifts and was thinking, “Man, it seems my muscles come back faster after every time I go awhile without a work-out and have let myself get out of shape.” And I am not the only one who says that.  I have heard many people talk about how muscle has ‘memory’. Can you elaborate on this subject?  Does muscle really have memory?

Of course, everything has ‘memory’.  Memory is what brings about every skill you posses.  I detailed this process with a chart earlier on, but I will expand on it a bit here.

Good, because I think a lot of readers still didn’t really grasp the concept the first go around.

To simplify, using the example you have given, the workouts that you do are not what grow or tone your muscle.  It is the thought behind them. Movements and actions are only affirmations of your thoughts.  Your body merely is the thought of yourself expressed.  The residual image, of your spiritual self.  So when you perform an action, such as, working out, your soul will dip back into the bank of human memory, and depending on the experience and familiarity of the action will take more or less time to produce the said result.  In laymen terms, the more you have seen something, the easier it is to believe it.

I think I am getting it.  But before we move forward on this, tell me a little about the opposite of this term.  I have read and experienced that ‘belief imparts reality’ that ‘some things must first be believed in order to be seen’.

This is true.  This is when true miracles happen.  This is also the number one reason people find it hard to experience what you term ‘enlightenment’.   For what enlightenment asks you do is, experience something you have no concept of.  How can you experience something that you have no example of, no image of?

Well then, what is enlightenment?

In a sentence; The temporary possession of infinite knowledge.


One can only experience enlightenment when one realizes one is enlightened.

As confusing as that sounds, I think I understand.  Now what this also means is that I would not necessarily have to take a drug to get a desired feeling.  I know this because even just knowing I am about to take the medicine improves my mentality.

This is very true and you would do well to remember it.  Some people get the same feeling from fasting, transcendental meditation, and even some times something as simple as appreciation.

Appreciation.  Yes, I do remember a time I actually got that amazing feeling from simple appreciation.  Wait, let me find my old journal entry and show you I am telling the truth.

I think we all know you are telling the truth.  You tell the truth to the point that you tie your own noose as Radar once said.  We can see that.

I know, but I really want to find it…. Man, there are so many cool things in all these notes but it would take forever to sort through them and scan them all.  Unfortunately it is a task I must tackle to make good on YOUR promise to include a notes section in this revision!

Hey it was you who were in such a hurry to publish the first copy! Besides, there’s going to be a notes section in your second book, too.

Gosh, I should just keep my mouth shut.  Okay, here I found it.  I will scan it so everyone can see it.  I think this was about five years or so ago, but it explains perfectly what we have been talking about.  Tosha is a person that I have known for years.  I, more than once, got on her last nerve by telling her how much I loved her.  But it was true, it still is.  Not that, I ever expected to get loved in return.  That doesn’t matter and maybe it is because of her teaching me this lesson that I will always have a special place in my heart for her.   I was beside her through a lot of things in her life that probably helped define her now.  She really has been through the ringer.  She swings the other way, if you know what I mean. Recently, I had to send her a message claiming that I was gay just so that her girlfriend would allow her to talk to me.  I still haven’t heard from her. Go figure.

Well, are you gay?

Might as well be!


Here is the entry:
