God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Seven

So, I just got the proof copy from the first book.

And?  How does it look?

I don’t know.  They sent me the wrong book.  Right box, wrong book!


It’s fitting seeing as my books are about how terribly difficult my life always seems to be.

You’re life is not difficult.

Guess again pal.  Everything I have ever done never goes the way it’s planned!  Heck I even was trouble coming out of the womb!

Well maybe things never go the way you plan them because you always try and plan them a certain way.

We touched on this in previous chapters and followed up with my quote, “You can choose the path but not the process.”

Yes, we did.  I don’t think you see the value in your own words here. Everyone who was ever anyone never knew HOW they were going to do it, they just knew that they WERE going to do it.  If you try and plan on becoming something through a certain process, then any changes in your pre-planned process will result in a lack of faith.  DECIDING you ARE going to be something despite the process leaves no speed bumps to overcome, because there is NO process involved, only faith.  Do you understand?

I think so.

So basically, you are saying to not let doubts interfere with our faith? Not exactly.  It is easier for you to focus on One goal, than 1000 goals, no?

Yes.  A whole lot less stressful anyhow.

Well, you’re an exception.  You have been focusing on way too many goals for way too long, by the way.  As far as everyone else is concerned listen here: If you think your goal can only be obtained by one way, one path, then you are mistaken.  If you choose to make it harder on yourself by relying on every little detail turning out just the way you plan, go ahead.  If your faith is that strong, be my guest, literally.  I am only suggesting this: You decide where it is you want to find yourself, what it is you choose to be, the thing itself you wish to experience, and see yourself there.  Believe it, have faith in the fact that you WILL end up that one way or another.

And then it should be granted us?

If it is not, then what will you think?

Besides thinking that you lied to me?

Besides that?  I can take as much judgement as you can dish out!

I may think perhaps, I have not waited long enough for it.

Exactly!  And that will be the only obstacle to overcome in this situation! Have you not observed that, “with time and patience, the mulberry leaf becomes silk?” and that, “all human power is a compound of time and patience.” If, on the other hand, you decide to choose the process in which you will create a given situation then you are opening a Pandora’s box of opposition along the way.

Why do I get the feeling that somehow I enjoy this opposition?

Because you have been trying to create the process your entire life!

I think you may be right.  I lose faith around every corner.  I see myself going in a certain direction and then something interferes and, down I go, as Bobby would say, “Goooodbyyyeeeee gravy train, Heeeeeeeeelllo Mud puddle!”

That is only your nature though.

But I thought you said, “Human nature is creative, not destructive.”

I did.   Yet, there are two sides to this story.  Much like when you split the hydrogen atom to create an explosion.  You pull the electron straight out from the nucleus to a predetermined distance in a straight line, then, as the electron tries and find its way back to its nucleus it creates such an enormous amount of friction that it burns everything in its path.  You see, much like us, forgetting you are part of a bigger whole is the easy part.  To remember yourself, takes work.  The electron cannot follow a direct path back.  It must move in a circular motion around the nucleus and cover every part of ground between the two, but in a three dimensional space to make it back.  Though the electron is microscopic in size, the heat it creates from the speed and friction while seeking its mate is what causes the destruction, and thusly the implosion like mushroom cloud that results.

Are you saying the atom bomb is the opposite of creation and that we are, in a sense, like electrons?

Nearly, but don’t take my words as fact, I am merely trying to help you visualize and relate to the process of creation.  You separate the atom on the physical plane and destruction results because OPPOSITES attract (like positive and negative sides of a magnet). The negative electron speeds back to it’s positive mate.  On the spiritual plane, however, like attracts like.  So when you separate yourself from yourself, as in forgetting your origin, you try and make it back in the same way.  Around and around, ever getting closer until you again become one.  The separation is instantaneous because there is a force to pull you away that is unknowledgeable about the process.  This they do, from ignorance, destroying part of them selves in the process, which you have experienced on this planet.  Once, this knowledge is understood, and utilized with respect (AGAIN, “Respect your elders!”) then shall you evolve. Then shall you live in what you coin, ‘Utopia’.

So, If I were you, what would I do again?

First, you would create your life, then you would forget your life, and then, you would live to remember it.  You see, forgetting, is like shooting yourself from a cannon straight out from yourself (which you know you can never escape the bounds of, because there is not but you).  Then when you get to the end of the blast, you look back on yourself and see sooo much more than you expected!  This causes you to remember everything you had forgotten, and thusly experience every moment. Rather than going straight back (falling to the launchers’ origin) you MUST take a detour and enjoy the memories for a bit.  It is like you, as a human lost in human action, driving through the most beautiful place on Earth and never stopping to enjoy the view.  You wouldn’t do it.  You couldn’t.  It is too beautiful and astounding.

Why did I just hear that old jingle in my head, “Anything you can do, I can do better!”

Because I am competitive remember?

Yep.  That’s right. Haha.

So what about martial arts though?  I gotcha there!

How’s that?

Because I know the secret.  The secret to winning every time.

And what is that?

It is simple.  First, let me tell you, I always saw myself writing a book on martial arts like Bruce lee’s, “Tao of Jeet Kune Do”, or something, but now, here I am giving away my secrets to the World.  Imagine that.

Yeah, so Bruce Lee, rather Linda Lee, sold 100,000 copies, if you can do better with this book, would that not make you a published martial arts expert?

I could never top Bruce.  In fact, I believe that the only reason Bruce died is because there wasn’t enough room here for the both of us!


I know, totally joking.  The secret I know is based on the fact that the master wins in the shortest time possible and in the fewest consecutive movements.  If that master is more than a master, then his opponent would never even see it coming, and on top of that, the MASTER would be even more profound if the opponent never even remembered the fight to begin with!

That WOULD be something!  How would someone achieve this level of Mastery?

Never fight to begin with. W…What?

Did I stump you?  Yeah!  It is true though.  I will tell you this, and you better listen, because if there is one thing I know EVERYTHING about, it is martial arts, “The greatest revenge is to live a long, happy life.”

That is beautiful.

Thank you.  I will say it again, “The greatest revenge is to live a long, happy life.” The fight you walk away from, or never create, for that matter, is the one you win.  50 years from now, and I quote, “I will be sitting on my front porch watching my grandchildren play tag.  Where will you be assailant? Jail, the morgue?” – Bud Malmstrom

Unless, of course, you decide to kill yourself later on a daily basis!

Gosh!  Can we please, drop that! I have been trying.  Hard!  I saw today, in fact, a glimmer of hope.

You have no idea how much glimmer, or hope, for that matter, is coming off of you!

I believe it!  I thought, I might actually stay and work at this fast food joint not because I am degrading myself but rather because I have come to know myself here.  I had put in my notice at Zaxby’s and no one had said really anything.  I thought, truly, “If I just quit, and get out of the way, then the one guy can continue to be looked at as special in his girlfriends eyes (who works there with him) and maybe he could become a manger or something.” So I put in my notice.  But today, the only other guy I work with that actually gives one hundred percent told me that he was going to have to call him out.  He informed me that the same guy (with the girlfriend) was causing problems on his shift too.  So here I am, leaving to prevent destruction of a family, but in turn passing my friend the bill to collect.  My buddy says to me, “I am going to have to take over his spot and start telling him what to do, and he isn’t going to like it!” and at that moment, I realized that my quitting was not a solution.

So what did you do?

I said whatever came to mind. I spoke the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

So help you GOD.

Exactly.  Like we were in court or some shisnit.  So right about then, and I said aloud, “Maybe other folks DO have it as bad as I do.?” And boy was I right!

I can tell you want to start the next chapter.

You bet I do! I could almost see where this path is going to take me! You want the World to see that you were ‘Right’, That you saw this coming.

I’m sorry.  I know. Choose the path, but not the process. You’ve got it. Now remember it!

I’ve got it.  So, why is it I feel like I am going to finish this book just about the time I am destined to leave this planet?

Can you think of a more suitable ending? No. I guess not.

What is a good book without a good ending?

I suppose the end of one story is but the beginning of another. Okay then. Don’t worry about it.

Easy for you to say.  It’s not your life on the line. Guess again.