God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Two

So,  A while back I started telling the truth, all the time. Hell, probably years ago. I started telling the truth, and more truth, and more truth until people really didn't want to hear anymore. I started saying whatever it was that would come to mind, the instant it came to mind, as long as it would not affect anyone negatively.

I used to watch what I said like a hawk. But now, I just say what I feel, unless of course it is degenerating in nature. I came into tune with my world, and began speaking freely into it like a river flowing into its summit.

My life currently is nothing special. Actually it is way less than special to an onlooker. But to me, it is the greatest life ever lived! Nobody actually even knows that I am writing this book save God, Karma, and myself. My family has no clue because when I get home from work everyone is asleep and I just sit up with a Jack and Diet Coke and spend my last few hours between 11:30pm and 2:00am typing away. I get up in the morning and help with my sister’s kids, do some yard work for my folks, help them sell off a few things on eBay that they don’t need, and talk with whoever needs a listening ear. Then I will work a few hours at a local place (and study on break) to help with the bills.

I am simply visiting while waiting to take my test for a health insurance license in Tallahassee. I came here from Tampa where I had a BMW, and a place to myself right on the bay- I had it made. But then, the car broke down, I lost my job and everything snowballed. Circumstances brought me to sell everything just to be able to survive long enough to make it here.  So really, you could say I own nothing. No really, say it. “I own NOTHING,” save this laptop as my only possession.  I am 28 years old and have nothing to show for it. And after all the amazing things I have done in my life I really can't decide if I should be the happiest person on Earth or the saddest.

This book is mainly, a dialogue. Between me and my ‘Them’, whom I like to call Karma. "Who are they,” you ask, “The Them?” To tell you the truth, I don't know.  Everybody has his or her 'THEM'. Their own voice of reason I guess. Some people call it their subconscious, or their guardian angel. Some kids call it their imaginary friend. Some people call it themselves talking to themselves. Hell, some people even call it GOD. So I'm talking to myself, sue me.

I guess if I had to name it, I would try and make it simple and say “My friend Karma is answering my questions.” so that the masses could grasp it and believe it. But the answer is not that easy. If you really want to know WHO, or WHAT it is answering my questions you can go on and read the following paragraphs, because this is solely my own opinion.

And opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. (Except for the coneheads) If you don't care skip it, hell I would.

I began to see that chatting with Karma online was an excellent source of information for me after I realized why it was I could be so honest with him.  He always seemed to have just as bad of luck as me, and laughed twice as much.  Once I truly opened up to truth telling, which began with Karma years ago, it was like opening up the Pandora’s box.  I couldn’t stop.  If I signed in on-line and that flashing light didn’t happen to be there, indicating that he was waiting for me, I would start without him.  Through some form of way I would hear his answer to my questions as I typed them down.  He would communicate through me in what a lot of people would call telepathy.  Don’t ask me how it works just yet because I’m afraid I may just give you an answer, and if I do that I will be here ALL night, again!  So, let us move forward.

I think the answers are coming from the universal bank of human memory, what we call the Universal consciousness. I believe everyone has access to this consciousness, and I will gladly explain how to access it further in my writings. In fact, I already have a diagram and a 3-d image to help you grasp the understanding of memory and memory retrieval.

Who'd a thought I had already done that years ago? It's amazing! I think that once you have accrued enough experiences into your life, you can begin answering questions TRUTHFULLY. Now TRUTH is what you believe to be true beyond ANY shadow of a doubt. Doubt comes in very large AND very small packages. You may gather information from your teachers, preachers, friends, and parents. Your books, magazines, and non-fiction movies may help you come up with an outline of truth.  But this is not ETERNAL TRUTH.  This is what you call law. A law is a truth that must be abided by in order to keep you from harm for a certain period of time during your development.  After growing and developing you begin to recognize these laws as being faulty. This is when you start to see the first light of REAL truth. TRUTH will show itself only when you are ready, explained beautifully by this quote from some unknown, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."  (This book perhaps?)

When the truth appears you will know it by listening to your feelings. It will at first feel scary, then lonely, and then magnificent. Next it will feel happy, then sad, then comfortable. It will come at a time when you realize for yourself that YOU are all there truly is, and that there is nothing else but YOU. You will feel under qualified for the job that is presenting itself to you, and scared at first. But then you will realize that you have come this far already and YOU would gladly give your LIFE to save another. The reason you will do this is because GOD'S work is perpetual, which means he is never entitled to a lunch break. He is always creating and if he takes his focus off of creating this world for you, even for a moment, then BANG your world is gone. You'll question yourself. You'll think that you may not be up to the task of taking the reigns because if YOU get hungry, how are you going to take a lunch break, right? You're not a GOD. You can't live forever without eating, or keep a constant vigil. But then something screams back, "No! You are alive! The world is here!" You would do as your GOD would do for his people. Hold on! You don't need a lunch break. You only require the Faith of a mustard seed in the fact that someone may show up to take those reigns from you before you fall. This they will, SO HELP ME GOD AMEN! Faith is REAL TRUTH in my Eyes. Faith in me, Faith in you, Faith in us! Faith in God, Faith in LIFE. So you ask me “Who is answering my questions?” Well, all I can say is this:

I believe WE are answering these questions together in hopes of bettering our lives; and here are your questions and mine answered from a time that has not yet come to pass but will, if we are lucky:

Okay, first of all I am not very good at starting things.

No, you're not very good at finishing things.

Okay okay! I'm not very good at anything! But I have never written a book before so all I ask is this: I am a brand new author so at least read the whole book before you decide that I suck at this.

Sounds fair I guess.

I mean who knows, maybe not being good at anything has its quirks.

Like what?

Knower of all, but master of nothing.

Hahahaa. I've heard that before. So you're a Renaissance man huh?

Not exactly. Well, maybe. Let's just do this. I want to get it over with.

You mean you’re not doing this for yourself?

Of course not, I'm doing this because I have to.

Who told you to?


Then why do you have to?

I don't I guess.

You're crazy.

That's why I have to! You keep on bugging the shit out of me. If I don't write this stuff down you'll never go away!

I would if you'd ask me to.

I know, but to tell the truth, I really don't want you to.

I knew it, you love me.

Don't jump to conclusions.

I'm not, I just know for a fact that you do because I can tell the future.

How can you tell the future?

I can't.

You just said.......

Okay, so maybe I can but I won't tell YOU the future.

Why not? That's the only way you can prove it.

You'll try to change it; and I don't like to be wrong.

What if I promise not to try to change it?

That may work, but you'll just think you're so cool for knowing, and you will tell someone else the future and they would also try to change it. They'll prove you wrong (in their minds) and then no one will believe you. Or believe me either, for that matter.

How are you so sure?


Wait, let me guess- because you can tell the future. Right.

No, I was going to say, "Because it has happened time and time again," but that works too I suppose. Thanks.

You're a weirdo. I know you are.

What are you a child or something?


I know you are but what am I?

Sure I'm a child, I'm that, and I'm an old man. Actually I'm either or. They do say children and old fools speak the truth.

So whatever you are, you are definitely honest?

Yes I swear. I tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. What are we in court? Next you'll say so help me GOD.

I wasn't going to say that, but it is funny seeing as I am the one on the witness stand, so to speak.

So what then? I am supposed to examine you.

Do you have any questions to ask me?

I don't even know you I was just playing along!

I was playing along too. You started this!

Started what?

Typing. I can't type, but I have many physical forms. You, and the computer, and the air, and the chair, and the plant next to you, and the vocabulary you're using, and the thoughts in your head. But I have no control over them so really I don't have anything.

You're contradicting yourself.

Get used to it. Wait, you already are!

So how are you talking with me?

You mean through you. How do you know this computer you’re typing on is real?

Because I can see it and touch it.

You haven't always been able to do so. At one time this computer you are typing on was nothing more than thin air.


It began someplace in time where it existed as nothing, nothing but potential.


Someone thought it up as an idea. It had no form. It began in the imagination and from there it would eventually materialize.

Okay slow down, I was trying to introduce people to this idea that's all. I know, so call this the Intro.

I already have an intro.

So revise it.

Okay I will figure it out, as long as you keep telling the truth.

You have my word.