Homo Sapience Joseph II by Joseph - HTML preview

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Why am I here! ?

What makes me tick?

Is it the food or just the medicine!

Who am I in this strange place?

Is this the self, with just a face!

Is this a dream or just a scheme?

Played out by someone who is called out `mè!

I get confused within my own self


I am the master as well as the slave

Existing in substance that always change

Structured by bones and wrinkled by age.

Residing around this quadrant frame

Bundled around inside a name.

All these factors are known as facts.

Yet no facts could come out exact.

The pensive steers around the physique

Instructed out by my own technique

Surely this cube could be defined

If a state of living into it is confined.

Even old Plato had tried to explain

That our scurrying is made in vain,

Chasing around images and shadows

Around these subterranean burrows.

But a light had been shed bigger than a sun Through the mystic phrase of thèYahweh`

By which Living address this frame.

Wisdom was filled with intelligence

Which is a case unknown to us,


Where am I?

The earliest attempt to audit out all the contents of this existing sphere were initially made at about 25000 years ago by Empedocles a philosopher living in Agrigento inside Sicily which in those days had formed part of the Greek colonies.

All the substances of this exiting sphere had been placed into just four items that were hailed out to be èarth, fire, water and airànd 49

unfortunately were understood to mean èlementsànd therefore were eventually discredited.

The contents of these four items holds the keys that are inscribed into their codes which could help us in order tòdefine, state, dictate and explainàll the èlements, forms, sorts and kinds` that are contained inside and around this existing frame of a universe.

Our own kinds of lives that are known to be an èntity of a being that has a personality of a self ` have a residential place that is fashioned out to accommodate us exactly to suit the potentials that we have and possess.

Around these parameters has to be found our habitats and along this version we could be able to define our sorts of environments into which we are all contained.

Only upon this sort of a personal kind of a conduct could our versions be able to quantify and qualify anything that we could ever comprehend or understand over here.

Once again we have to resort towards our physical and pensive frame in order to present and describe whatever these kinds could indicate out to us. This operation has to be managed by our pensive intentional modes of `reflection, projection, application and invertingòver our sensual conducts of `sight, digestion, feeling and auditing` that would present the bearings of the location of this current existing place over here.

This process that is meant to account for our own sorts of habitats has to bèmatched, balanced, equated and leveledùp with our current sorts of environments in order to be versed out over the appropriate belt of this existing kind of a universe.

Around these four digital spheres, states, stages and zones we could be able to locate the habitation that our kinds are presently living right now.

An overview of these aspects could only be made out whenever they could be screened from a conservatory that is detached and insulated out from these environments so that existence would not be considered out to be our kind of lives.

Along with this current version a hub has to rotate over an axle that 50

has to be staged in the same manner as this universe revolves around us in order to note existing forms by means of the lives that we all have.

This aspect would prove to be the same as the potentials of our physical and pensive frame since they consternate and rotates just like this kind of a universe. Therefore if we should take everything into consideration it would result that our lives exists over features that are all synchronized just like the lives we have.

By means of this line of thinking we could be able to define the habitat of our present kinds of environments into which we all live and exist.

Thus in order to take into account all the important information that had been given out so far, we could conclude that existing is composed into this quadrant version as indicated over here;-

1. Entailed into a moments in time.

2. Are all related towards us.

3. Have a bearing upon us.

4. Are all composed of nature forms.

All these details could now be summed up into features that could be changed and altered into aspects that are crucial for existence to be complete. This quadrant frame that is contained into a synchronized version of four ranks could now be itemized out into these features here as well:-

1. Time and space.

2. Relativity.

3. Polarity.

4. Matter.

This existing symphony could now be orchestrated over four platforms upon four different conduct of habitats that belts out our nature formations to correspond along with the varied types of environments that they regularly presents out to ùs`.

These four `seasonsòf different sorts of atmosphere rotates and changes in accordance to existing ambient that are all beyond our control.

Since we have to follow the conditions of these spheres thus we 51

could never specify exactly the ambient that they currently hold.

Their overlapping nature forms makes it most difficult when a specific ambient finishes and another one start, but their resulting product gives out clear indications into which kind of habitat we are presently living now.

Hence these arbitrary states that contain overlapping stages between them could be organized out into these quadrant frames as explained over here;-

A harmonious state would verse out a calm stage.

A relaxed state would verse out a serene stage.

A volatile state would verse out a tempestuous stage.

A static state would verse out a morbid stage.

These environmental habitats all rotates and revolve around and over our lives and therefore their conditions could never be grasped by our potentials that have to rely and rest across their spheres.

On the other hand our potentials have to function upon them and so these features could be fractured out into existing èlements` which we could describe since our lives are associated and linked to all of them.

A brief list that contains the profile of these existing factors could be made out in order give a short description of their conduct that they present out over to us.

The factor of `Matter` that had been imaged out as èarth` has

`bluè pigments and is characterized out by a nature that cycles out forms.

The factor of `Relativity` that had been imaged out as àir` has

`whitè pigments and is characterized out by a nature of habitats that are located over here.

The factor of `Polarity` that had been imaged out as `water` has

`green` pigments and is characterized out by a nature of production that generates this current sphere.

The factor of `Time and spacè that had been imaged out as `firè has `red` pigments and is characterized out by a twisting flame that we always try to avoid.


All of these aspects have qualities that are all similar to our physical and pensive potentials that controls out our existence but not the lives that we all have.

These four factors could very well be regarded out as thèfour corners of the world` that have been frequently mentioned in the Holy Scriptures as well.

These èxisting` forms could all be contrasted diagonally along with our kinds of `lives` that should make it obvious that if àtwistìs missing from one of them then our universe fall apart.

Thesècrucial` factors of existence have these sorts of impact over our lives that sustain and support us by their current style, as explained over here;-

1. We have àconsuming` body that needs substances in the form of the element of `matter`.

2. We have tòrelateànything that we want to indicate out.

3. We have to push back in order to advance forward that makes thèpolarityèssential for all of us.

4. We record experience out of `time and spacè that furnish us with a lease of grace in order to remember what had taken place.

These existing factors `state, stage, pose and consternateàround us in the same manner as this whole kind of a universe that makes it obvious that our existence is related towards everything that happens over here.

The analogues of these sorts of similarities could enable us to locate exactly where our `livesàre situated in this current form of an existing universe over here.

This existing place into which we are now lodged is opened wide to be investigated out by us since we had charted out the important features that could guide us to fathom out more this universe.

This exercise would be undertaken along the next four chapters that would treat out thèfactors of existenceìndividually, independently and exclusively by contrasting their potentials along with our own lives.

All of these factors are going to be analyzed so that their basic ingredients would come out forth as Empedocles had so wisely 53

dictated so many years ago.

So after all these years èarth, fire, water and airàre still as fresh to be examined again once more as when these èlements` had been selected initially so many years ago.