Homo Sapience Joseph II by Joseph - HTML preview

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The rock, the wood, the glass, the stone

Are they the same as flesh and bone?

Is there some cycle that just goes round?

Returning oceans back into clouds!

Mother earth seems busy upon this quest

Calling back nature inside her own nest

All nature forms adopts this kind of sequence That had been followed since the days of

Mr. Homo sapience!

Matter is a virgin terrain that generates out everything over here.

The composition of this factor is imaged over a picture of this èarthòut of which all sorts of tools and utilities are effectively being brought out forth.

All the substance and essence that could be described and defined out by our physical and pensive frame are contained and included inside the factor of `matter` that is imaged out as the original ingredient of this current existing font out of which everything rotates. The roots of this factor would become evident to us whenever our methods of living initiate forward upon the image of this notch that upgrades our nature forms into a new sphere over 54

the gradient of this current mode.

The personal aspects of the factor of matter are contained into all sorts of ingredients that are over here that we all take for granted as àmatteròf course.

The qualities of this factor are all the potentials that are gathered out into images that are regularly circulating around us.

This general overview about this nature form gives out the impression that this factor is the platform over which this kind of a universe is based upon. On the other hand since this version consists of just a frame, then the potentials and qualities that are contained inside it would all fade out if this textured form is isolated and left on its own.

Thus in order to explain out these kinds of factor a method of a synchronized fashion have to be adopted out in order to explain out properly these factors that eludes our grips but could be versed out from the shadow that they all leave behind them.

Therefore a pensive and a physical approach has to be made that would have to rotate over this form in order to present out a defined description over the conduct of this factor that is presently revolving around us all.

Anything that could be quantified and qualified over this kind of a version has to be gathered and contained into features of `matterànd after that they could all be presented and explained upon this kind of a twisted trend.

Thus the imaged form of `matter` kind has to supersede everything else in order to be versed out properly upon any form of a bench.

Therefore in order to go along with this line of thoughts the first kinds of details are going to be given out have to be imaged out from the initial experiences that we had collected out as soon as we were all born over here.

This trail could commence from whence we had become aware of all the material aspect that we now have and posses.

Making acquaintances with our organs had been the first phase when we were confronted with `matter` forms.

Our initial lessons thought us to distinguish the difference between 55

`consumableànd `tools` both of which are contained into the factor of `matter` forms.

Normally it does not take very long for us in order to distinguish what is consumable, which are toys, who is me, and who are they over a rotary trend that has to be spun over the first impressions that we might have mistakenly made.

These sorts of primary lessons had upgraded us, since as soon as we tried to eat our tongue rather than to speak we must have grown to tell the difference there is between them, theirs and mine, as well as ours.

Along this trail of thoughts another bench had been reached which might have placed the factor of `matter` form at the back since other `features` would be highlighted out instead.

Our tongue might be used to sting someone else and our heart might also be given away to someone else whom we love as well.

Even if we happen to graduate towards this elevated stage as soon as we tread over any new terrain `matter` form has to lead our ways once more.

This sort of a graphic image of `matter` forms explains how our mode of `reflection` plays a major role that is constantly positioning this factor in front of everything else.

This current sequence is constant every time the frame of `matterìs being tackled, since if other aspects block our sight then this ingredient would be cycled out and would be versed out into another format.

Therefore if `matterìs to be highlighted out the platform of everything that supports what is to be explained cannot be altered or changed since the characteristics must always remain the same.

These are the current steps that have to be taken over which the factor of `matter` should leave a mark for us to note the basic of ingredients contained inside this frame.

A. First all the details have to be gathered.

B. Secondly they have to be made useful to us.

C. Thirdly their aspect of utility would be described 56

D. Finally their represented version has to be changed and altered out into another stage of a different spectrum that would invert and convert them.

Over this type of a cyclic trend the factors of matter would become prominent and the other kinds of existing elements would all subscribe towards this mode to be highlighted by means of their kind of backings.

Along this chronological mode the factor of matter plays a major role since this style is synchronized and would present this particular format in the end.

This pattern cannot be flawed away from this fashioned style as otherwise the factor of matter would end up over at the back stage without giving it a chance to be highlighted in the end.

A spectrum of activities could be cited out upon this factor that could highlight the importance of matter forms that always sustain and supports out our lives.

We could all log these kinds of details that should always initiate over a new page in our style of current live we all lead in order to be focused over this mode. Some examples that we might cite for these impressions to be imaged out by us could be made whenever we embark to make a speech, planting out seeds into a pot or perhaps inviting out guests for a party and even meeting new members, as well as noticing the morning mist as we get up regularly from out of our beds.

These imaged forms of `matteràre regularly changing round but the qualities are always being contained along the trend of substance and essence that would always leave a shadowed image of a formation that would always be left out behind.

Matter forms are managed and directed over this synchronized mode that has to go astride with our kinds of lives upon a current bench in order to avoid discrepancies to happen or occur that would unbalance out this existing sphere. Once our sphere is organized over a regulated frame then creation could exist over a harmonious stage over here.


Whenever the pattern designed for `matter` forms is hurried or rushed faster than our lives could keep pace with them than catastrophic abnormalities are bound to occur that would always disorientate our lives away.

Some examples could be described that are not being aligned with our current lives that we normally lead now.

One case in point is those new products that are now being produced out in a rush and are not following a natural trend along our organic living fashioned style. These forms might take the images of food, cash, marriages, politics or anything else that are scurrying away differently than us and so anomalies could be noted out from the results that these versions would always leave behind.

All thesèmaterial` forms that are not astride with our lives tends to change our nature forms in a drastic modes because their òrganized` style is different than our.

The general image of the version of matter form is normally represented out by the status of mother kind symbol. The reason for this conception could be that our pensive and physical means were given out from our own kinds of mothers and thus we tend to look upon her as the storekeeper of this kind of a universe who supplies the initial ingredients imaged out as `matter` forms. Hence the characteristics of this factor are presently focused upon a mother image that might change if our personalities would be altered out from the way babies are being born now.

Apart from our own personal forms of organs even data and information could be contained into an image form of `matter` for as long as they are being considered out as useful details and not just as forms of bytes whenever ìnformationìs the topic on the agenda being treated out by us.

Whenever this conception is being staged first, then forms of details might be brought to occupy the center stage and the subject of ùse and utilities` would take their place and this point would be placed somewhere else. Even if our own personal sorts of programming in life, is to concentrate over the factor of `matter`

then we have to focus upon this mode and ignore the features of 58

cause that are regularly being reflected out from the content of this frame.

The images of matter could also be cited out in forms of cash whenever these are considered to be tokens over which we have to survive. These kinds of talents that had graduated along with prostitution have transformed their status and have a long history attached against their name.

The form of money that must have been imaged out by the utilities of the wooden stick have by now been changed into plastic cards and might even end up into just prints out from our own kinds of hands as well. Over every sphere whenever money is being regarded and treated out as something new to us then these kinds of tokens would be leading us over another bench to asses out a better meaning of these sorts of talent kinds.

Matter in a tangible state is imaged out as those kinds of tokens that establish out our current stature. They sustain, help, assist and support our make in order to do, act, perform or compose everything upon which we have to live and exist. Matter could take the image of food, a car, people or even a hand that would encourage us to scout new grounds that were unknown before to us. All these sorts of examples have to be set over virgin terrain in order for `matter` to come out in front of the other kinds of èlements`.

The ancient imaged version of the cart and donkey have by now been transformed into a car and the crop of our harvest are by now contained into the weekly pay packet that we might expect regularly to be cashed into our pocket by most of us. All these sorts of rituals are liable to transport us over another plan whenever we get bored and change them over some new terrain that would eventually be used to explore new grounds again.

Even the old style of bartering that is now being represented out by business deal has now been changed from its original image since the factor of money had also altered its form as well. The image form of money that is based over coin token models has carried these same kinds of ingredients for a very long period over here. It 59

is interesting to note that gold, silver, gems and emeralds are still in demand because their forms takes a longer time to change and alter and therefore they retain their initial status more than other kinds of elements since they do not corrode so easily and so their images are still in the limelight. These forms of talents kinds that might have emerged out from the form of a pebble or a wooded club have changed their image forms into money types that are vital and crucial for us to be sustained and also in order to survive.

Nature has provided us all with ample amount of substance and products so as to practice and train upon these kinds of matter format in order to maintain and retain our kind of formations over which we revolve into various other spheres by using and utilizing them all over here.

After wèlogòver matter form this factor would dissolve into an existing particle and would be contained into àcapsulè that might be ùsed and utilizedòver this `pagè.

Matter is as prominent in the pensive field just as much as the physical sphere.

Mental stress and pressures that we might have to endure could all be the results of disappointments and expectations that we all have composed beforehand. These mental aspects are all matter form that have all changed and altered along our current lives but their imaged shadows could be seen being reflected out over us since our version is finding it difficult to adapt to another new material mode.

Various sorts of rules and regulation upon which our lives are being led could all be traced backwards towards a stage in which they all had `matteredòut more to us than they might all presently be right now.

Some forms of rules and legislations have grown so old as to have by now done their full cycle and needs new `material` to be organized into them once more. Different examples could be cited out ranging out from those kinds of `health and safety` regulations that some of them might have elapsed, along with some crazy notices that are prohibiting us from feeding pigeons that are 60

starving in urban towns. At various times our human version seems to go down àpegòr two from this stage that should always commence out from everything that really and actually `mattersòut to all of us.

The most recent problem regarding our lives at present times is an environmental issue about the ozone layer.

It is very strange that some nations are not doing their best to solve this vital problem.

These papers have already pointed out the sorts of abnormalities that would result when existing forms are not organized in line with our current lives that we presently have and possess.

Whenever this alignment is lost catastrophic events are bound to occur sincèmatter` forms could not support and sustain the current lives we have.

Future kinds of more evolved generation than us might look upon this sort of a mistake in the manner as if someone is burning a wooden shed in order to warm the feet and has forgotten to cover up the head!

The factor of matter that regularly presents us with newer version to generate our selves gives us an opportunity in order to reflect, monitor and screen whatever is to occur next.

In the same manner as when the high priest shred up his clothes in order to shed the garments of a novice our `high` society would do likewise if the features of `matter` forms are not handled with due care for all of us to enjoy.

The kind of kicks and twists that we all get out of this imaged form, is that it revolves and recycles all of us, which unequivocally confirms exactly what Empedocles of Sicily had once said, that èarthìs an èlementòver which existence is based.

`Matter` - initiate out nature forms.