Homo Sapience Joseph II by Joseph - HTML preview

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How long has it been since we came here!

A whole life time, or somewhere near!

Wère made a unit, a shape a mould

That ages by time, and so gets old!

Wèll stop this ticking and jam that hand

just put a light bulb where the sun hangs All past and future needs not apply

And if someone asks wèd all reply

`Must have been there since don’t know when, you had better ask,

Homo Sapiens`

The fashion of time and space could only be attributed tòhere and now`, after this version had been altered and changed to become in line with our living phase so as to indicate out exactly and precisely what had been meant whenever it is being expressed.

`Here and nowàre always being described out from `there and then` since by the time it takes to explain them, they would always drift and be displaced and misplaced somewhere else. This is what always happen and occur whenever we log into these nature forms that cannot be restrained and kept into logical terms by means of our current kind of an organic frame that alters and change.

This eloping image is consequently being distorted out by means of the past tense along with the future sphere that makes us all believe that `here and nowìs in fact what had been phased out a moment ago over `there and thenàcross a lateral sphere.

Therefore since any direct approach cannot be made to explain this 62

current phase, a different strategy has to be adopted so as to tackle this current version that is presently going to be handled now.

The same pattern that had been used for the factor of `matterìs going to again going to be used again but the chronological order is going to be changed out this time. Hence the same sentences are going to be used once more but the sequence has got to go along this frame instead;-

A. First their represented version has to be changed and altered out into another stage of a different spectrum that would invert and convert them.

B. Secondly their aspect of utility would be described.

C. Then they have to be made useful to us.

D. Finally all the details have to be gathered.

In order to locate this island out from this flowing stream, we have to begin out from `thereìn order to get over `herè. Over this same bench whatever we might be considering as being `now ` has got to be situated away from what had been elapsed and be reversed upon what is in actual fact presently `staged`.

After we locate the exact habitat into which we presently are, then we could synchronize the actual timing of `nowàs well.

Thus in order to zero upon this current place over `herè first, we have to èquate, balance, match and twinùp this atmosphere that would change and alter this present kind of environment into cold statistics instead of events.

Hence all these forms of statistics of just types of utilities have got to be transformed into useful means in order to comply with the next line of the sentences that contains instructions in order to locate exactly where is `herè.

Effectively these kinds of statistics would have to be changed and altered into various kinds of situations so as to indicate the position into which we all are now `staged`.

Thus all the varieties of situations that we might have experience inside this world could all be recalled out as forms of 63

èxpectations, anticipation, disappointments as well as celebrations` that we must have experienced over here.

So now if all these images could be calculated out and measured how far away they are from the ìdeal` state that we all wish and desire to be now we could be able to locate our position in relation to this optimum stage that we know exactly what it contains.

Therefore if a harmonious situation has to be selected out as a strategic aspect over which we could stage whatever we had expressed, then we could all calculate how far away we are distanced away from this static position of an ideal sphere that should indicate out exactly where we are presently `staged` now.

After having used this `flameàs a refrigerant, now we could have a look at the hot soot that are always left behind whenever any kinds of fire dies out.

By means of using the same facilities that had been crucial for us to locate out our actual position over here, these same potentials could now be switched over into various kinds of ambient and spheres over which we could zoom and adjust out our clock as well.

The various kinds of situations of èxpectations, anticipations, disappointments and celebrations` that were all used to find out our present place by noting how far away we are from it, have now got to be transformed out into seasons instead of events in this case now.

So different types of different seasons have got to take the places of events and therefore these have got to be transformed into versions of habitats now instead. So these metered formations would contain different sorts of ambient instead of events.

Hence these rotating kinds of four seasons could start from a calm stage of a tranquil mode that might alter into a relaxed sphere being staged into a serene type that might turn into a morbid state of a static formation which might again surf up into a violent state over a tempestuous ambient that would switch over another kind of a foreign plane as well.

These circular patterns are endured by all of us over a style that 64

rhymes with the fashion of our personal lives that matures and transforms all of us over different `vibes` that have tòpulsateàlong with our lives that consequently change and alter us.

Thus by means of noting the pulsation of our nature forms we could note whether our existing forms are astride and synchronized with our current lives or not.

By means of regulating our pulses along a perfect atmosphere over a perfect state, then our kind of timings would have to be considered out to be precise and exact for us right `now`. Any perfect ambient that we had missed or we intend to reach is an exact time that suits us so the time right now must relate towards that focal spot that is regulating our watch.

All these points have been presented out by means of anomalies or discrepancies matched along our current sorts of lives that we have.

A synchronized state of `here and now` could only be graded and assessed precisely by us, for as long as we could note out exactly what is happening over `thereànd `then`.

Once again our own kinds of personal nature forms are being held responsible for informing us by means of wisdom and intelligence that have proven to be crucial ingredients to recognize the flame of

`time and spaceàs well.

The recording instruments that had been utilized in order to describe out the factor of `time and spacè had been the pensive and physical potentials that we all have. Both of these kinds of utilities have developed and advanced us all considerable well and subsequently we have managed to fathom out towards perfection that is always a challenge for all those who wants to be more precise and exact.

These modes of perceptions and conceptions had consequently evolved and developed because we had shown affection, care and respect towards everything that is currently over here.

Thus a mode of conceptions over perceptions could be used to indicate out our present timing that could be synchronized over the pulses of others by which we could regulate out our own personal 65

clock towards a model of perfection so long as we care to adjust whatever we could note to be at fault.

A form of timing could always be adjusted out better still whenever we strive for higher virtues that could transport us from across this barring fence and position us over `here and now` that could only be made possible if we accept that we are always being

`there and then`.

`Here and now` could be distorted and changed over any sort of a rotary frame that we might like to select for our lives to follow and as such we might end up into different grounds over various times as well.

These distorted line of thinking could be based upon imaginary spheres that would conduct anachronisms being brought forward into different kinds of ambient that are unknown by us. This is the reason why imagination has no boundaries since the components that are involved are elastic kinds of `mortals` that are fashioned and styled out from flexible kinds of clay that have no specific form.

Programming, planning, expectations and anticipations are never precise and therefore an exact time could not be versed over anything that keeps changing and alternating upon this kind of an atmosphere. Only a morbid frame composed over rigid statistics that are impeded from evolving out any more could locate a stationary place staged over here.

All these detailed information have surfed since the instructions of the prescribed pattern had been followed out correctly, as otherwise the objective would been changed into studying the ingredients of a clock or on the other hand looking at the stars out from a holed spot relating out whatever had been staged out before.

These sorts of mistakes could be amplified if thèpattern` was not followed out correctly.

In order to prove this point two examples could be cited out when the instructions of the patter had been misplaced and displaced out from their chronological set order.

An old example had been made in the form of a story that has 66

remained as a memorable kind of paradox regarding spaced timings is attributed to Zeno of Elea 450 BC, who had composed that famous tale about a race between Achilles and the Tortoise.

This fable is about a race between a fleeting Achilles and a slow moving Tortoise that could never be won by Achilles since the little advantage that was initially given out towards the Tortoise could never be written off.

This situation was kept unchanged because their `meteredùtilities were never made out useful tòcontrastòver a common bench and so their individual `details were not gathered` but were kept `to represent out hem`.

They were never given out a chance to change the initial ambient upon which they had begun and started the race so their own

`seasons` never integrated since their potentials were kept at bay by being halved without giving them a chance to overlap.

Should this story had been followed along the guidelines given out by the suggested pattern in these papers, than the results could have been versed out differently if their utilities had been given out a chance to alternate at a finite stage when the ingredients had been

`gatheredàfter they werèconvertedòut.

On the other side of the coin our position that relates towards the ingredients of time and space had been treated out by the theory of relativity that was defined out into statistics of, E = mc2 recently by Einstein during the last century.

This theory has been computed out to suggest that `time and spacè could flow ahead or backward once again.

A lot of controversy has came out from this theory that gives out the impression that forms of explosive stars are ahead of our time whilst spectrum of black holes holds a secluded past inside all of them.

These àspectsàre true within thèthree dimensionalòf relativity but their ùtilities` could never overlap thèseasonìnto which there are held and so their quadrant features would always be kept

`framedàway from us.

Although the present perfect state is àquadrant` frame directing 67

and managing this `casè could only be made upon a triangular

`pointòr over àhexagonìn order to prove that this `matteròf

`time and spacè `relates` back to us whatever had been said by us in àpolè position in the first place.

Perceptions and conceptions could be equated out into this `framè, but we could never be left out.

This illusive flame could only give up an amount of `heat` for us long as our temperature is colder than the temperature that is currently being given out by this burning tongue.

Once again Empedocles had managed to discover the emblem of

`time and spacè before us when he had suggested out that `fireìs a finite kind of an èlement`.

`Time and spacè - infuse out a current system.