Homo Sapience Joseph II by Joseph - HTML preview

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The length and breadth the width and weight What have they in common with small or great?

Large is bigger than you have thought!

Whilst small is always tiny, next to naught.

So! Are we the middle of àn in between`?

Of this great cosmos, that’s what it seems!

,For if a whole is equal to just onèman`

then everything else, is in relation to

Homo Sapience!

Àmean` gradient upon which `relativity` had been applied universally had originated from the personal òrgans` that we all 68

have and possess whenever we try to describe out anything between ùs`.

It was Protagoras of Abdera a Greek philosopher who had lived between 489 and 411 BC, who had noted out this trend amongst us, and made that memorable statement that `Man is the measure of all things`.

On the other hand the nature form of `relativity` when detached away from ùs` could only be imaged out into the symbolic form of àir`, which once more proves Empedocles was right again.

Thus stating out this ènvironmental ambient` has to bègraded, quantified, qualified and assessedòut by us and versed out again within this existing sphere as well.

Therefore the same form of a tabled pattern that had been drafted out before is going to be used here once more, but the chronological order is going to be changed in order to give prominence towards this factor that is presently being treated out now.

Hence the same sentences are going to be used once again but the sequence is now changed along this frame instead;-

A. Everything around us has to be made useful to us.

B. Then all the details have to be gathered.

C. Their represented versions have to be changed and altered out into another stage of a different spectrum that would invert and convert them.

D. Finally their aspects of utilities have got to be described.

Everything that is around us consists of `sorts, types, kinds and forms` that supports and sustains us all to perform, conduct, direct and evolve over this sphere.

So if all these sorts of utilities have got to be described out from us, we all have to act out as agents as well as the types of ingredients over which we would have to invoice out whatever might represents out ùsìn order to be composed in the end.

Therefore all of these details would be transferred over latent 69

`grades, qualities, means, and tokens` that in the end would all be transferred back into various modes to be exchanged and organized by us a common benchmark has to be found.

Accordingly tangible example has to be made out now in order to lace up this stated pattern so as to give a current picture of its form.

Examples that could be presented out in order to view out this

`factorìn a very prominent way are the current sorts of business deals and transaction that we do regularly in a methodical way between all of us.

On every occasion whether we buy or sell various kinds of goods a dimension of `weights, measures, qualities and quantities` have to relate a stable mode in order to represent out a spectrum of cash that would eventually change hands over a benchmark that has to be accepted from both ends.

This accepted benchmark of a prescribed dimension must always be èquated, matched, leveled and twinnedùp over tokens of efforts and sacrifices when they exchange hands between us.

Thus over one side of the scale cash money had been equated out over means of sacrifice whilst at the other end various wares were graded, calculated and assessed over different dimensions that had to relate with our organs in the first place.

We might still trace out some of these original dimensions that had been extracted out from ùsànd had been used out as àgentsòver which business transaction could never have ever been made in the first place.

So if for an example in the past we had required any length of an 8

inches long we had to ask for àspan` to be ordered over that current bench in those bygone days, and if that was not enough then àfoot` which we are still considering to measure out `12

inches` might have been enough.

All of these kinds of àgents` that had been useful yesterday would eventually be extinct since precision would be more crucial for transactions to be made,

Few might remember that in the olden days when someone used to order out an amount of àbathòf fluid it used to be assumed to 70

contain about 5 gallons liquid which must have been considered to be the enough for a person to get a proper wash.

Without these sorts of àgents` no business transaction could ever have been aired out, since no form of invoicing could have been possible to be framed out. By means of these current forms of commissioned àgentsìnvoices could be presented out in order to finalize out any sort of transaction to be contracted out over a chart that relates what had been agreed beforehand.

Every sort of a business deal has to be àiredòut first in order take place.

These àgents` that relates àperceived concept` between us is vital for our own existence to evolve.

The importance of these current àgents` that we regularly us is commonly noted out every time a traffic incident is contested out.

Only a stable image could ever vouch who had eventually moved towards the other item involved and so in this case the shadow of àwitnessìs once again an important agent that could be used to establish out who had caused that crash to happen.

If relativity could not be handled and controlled out by us, we could either never stop eating or else would not be able to relate whenever we get hungry and so would starve to death.

There was also a phase when humanity was insensitive towards the symptoms of this current factor and consequently our knowledge and awareness were in danger to be suffocated since they were kept suppressed and never given out fresh àir` to develop out more.

A clear example when these events were occurring over here was when Nicolas Copernicus the Prussian astronomer (1473 – 1543) as well as Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642) could not be able to express their views to describe out better our kind of a universe.

Humanity was compelled to change the current views that the earth was not the center of this whole universe becausèmost usefulìtems in those days were being related over towards thèsun` that was a vital spectrum upon which everything could be related out from the image that it conveyed upon us in those days.


The imaged formation of the sun during those days was a stable factor in order to gauge time, harvest crop and locate positions over and upon the bearings taken as a mean to measure out èverything` that was considered to be useful in those bygone days.

So it should come as no big surprise that some civilizations had also considered the image of thèsunàs to be their `god`, since all their useful issues all related towards this symbol that was so crucial to them.

These types of shadow could be noticed switching and changing around us as well whenever codes of ethics replaces moral values and religious teachings are transferred into codes of ethics.

Since the factor of relativity is thèrockòver which our bearings could be noted out then if our orientations and inclinations would loose the meaning of `lovè we tend to get lost for directions of what is right or wrong.

Certain values that might have meant a lot for our ancestors in bygone days might be regarded out now as being silly or useless for us presently, whilst whatever we might consider now as being serious or vulnerable could have been seen as vulgar or even insulting many a moons ago.

The importance for our means of existence is always being gauged upon the ratio over which our reasons values the substances that are essentials for us to live in the long term.

Family relationship is the greatest challenge every time this factor is being contested during breakdown of marriages.

Since the fulcrum of this factor always pivots upon the ingredients of the nature of `lovè then the culprit for this impact could only have been responsible by the party that showed less `careìnto this bondage.

The terms `for better or for worsè should never ever contain small prints since eventually they would have to be described and explained out every time a marriage breaks up.

The nature of communication in every field validates the ingredients of relativity upon a spectrum that inverts whatever had been expressed upon `features` that are common to both ends, after 72

they had been converted out from àstation` that had transmitted them out in the first place. On the other hand all types of dialects develop out from a language that had been deflected because essential terms were needed to express out new information being important to be described out more precise.

All of these types of synchronized aspects relates out an essential bearings over which we all have to regulate our lives in order to exist upon this current bench here.

Whenever we are tempted to relate out different kinds of weights and measures in order to take existing advantage out of this factor through means of cheating than our own kinds of lives are the ones that would end up being deprived in the end.

Lack of honesty would eventually make us change our own personal concepts and would effectively make us loose direction of what is best even for ourselves.

Should these warning signs be ignored then we tend to become self centered and treat our ègoàs our own type of God.

We are all free to relate upon a stablèrock` that could bèmeasured and assessed` by our means and àiredòut in order to be defined and described.

`Relativity` - organize out an ambient.