Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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Communicating with the Supreme Intelligence

Can one really communicate with God and how can it be done are questions that have fascinated people since the beginning of civilization. There are plenty of skeptics. The nature of God does not allow for the straightforward questions and answers type of chatting. Not that it is not in his power to converse with every human being at the same time, but it is not his intention to do so. Questioning God is more like airing a question to the public on a popular tv program. If your query is precise and well articulated, there will always be someone to supply an adequate answer in a near future.

Using his will, one can broadcast his word anytime he wants to address the Supreme Intelligence governing his life. Due to the fact that human enjoys areas of freedom; the use of volition is a must. Though very generous, Nature will not grant you everything you want, in the form you desire, without requiring a serious effort of realization from your part. All questions will be answered God's way. These ways can and usually will differ from yours.

Following its broadcasting, the question or request will be treated by the collective intelligence we name God, and one or several entities will come to you with appropriate answers; The Intelligence then acting like the school master who is attempting to help you understand the gist of the matter he is teaching you. Oftentimes, you will be asked to complete the sketches of solution offered with the intention of assisting your favorable evolution.

If you reject the help popping up in your surrounding and choose to kneel down and beg for a comprehensive response and perfect answers to your queries, you will never really progress in intelligence and wisdom. Hence, it will become more and more difficult for you to satisfy to the meaning of your life.

Is it not wonderful to realize that each and every one of us has a role that is customized to his personal needs? You have to be conscious that, amidst the six to seven billions of people on Earth, you are the only one that has to complete the role that you have been assigned with? In this giant theater play, no actor is missing and none is without an essential role.