Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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My Meeting with the Messenger

God, representing the collective power, never came to me saying: “Meet your God”. I may have met him every day of my life but never recognized him as such. My direct experience of the Supreme Intelligence took place when I was very ill and hospitalized. It appeared to me as an orb of pure energy. The contours were not well defined, but to me, the orb was very real. It didn’t have to identify itself. What needed to be conveyed to me was, in a flash, and was made crystal clear in an instant. I knew this ball of incommensurable power and intelligence was the messenger of an even more powerful and undisputable entity.

I have never been very strongly attached to this world. During my young years, I was uncomfortable living on this planet as a human being. I cannot explain where this feeling was rooted but the sensation lasted for many years. Later on I realized there were many things I needed to learn to live in harmony with the rest of creation. From that moment on I strove to put aside my stubbornness and began learning the lessons life was offering me.

I was extremely lucky in my quest. I met a woman who would make me happy. She was and still is the schoolmate who makes it possible for me to attend school every day and learn, to the very best of my ability, the lessons The Teacher wants me to study, understand, and put to good use.

When I became seriously ill, I began thinking about the possibility of dying; about terminating my stay in this school and I started contemplating the pleasure of going back home, enjoy a vacation and receive a new assignment. I was torn between a strong desire to return home and the bonds that tied me to my wife, children and grandchildren. I chose to remain with my family. I simply love them too much, and owe them more than I can ever pay back. The creator has devised many different ways to make us wish to stay longer in this world, a world where fear is omnipresent while love is always predominant.

During my near-death experience, a message was passed to me: my request had been granted and I was allowed to go on with my role in this world and live for a while longer. How long was not mentioned. Yet no question remained unanswered. The messenger was neither friendly nor hostile; there was no emotion involved at all. However, his power was obviously immense. I sensed that if I were to extend a hand towards him, my hand would simply dissolve and cease to exist, leaving no residue, without any pain to me.

My own encounter with an entity of the celestial world seems perfectly consistent with those of many other people who have experienced, one way or another, that the Master of the Universe represents the ultimate source of energy, power and intelligence. We are part of him but, as humans being, we are no match for him. It was also made known to me that the Master wanted me to be informed that he was the ultimate power derived from the combination of energy and experience. Though I was part of the family, the assembly of all members was holding the ultimate intelligence and power. A member of such large family, all by himself, has no meaningful authority. A lesson, I am not going to forget.