Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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The Existential World

I do firmly believe that the Universe is composed of an undefinite number of different worlds and types of substances and matter. Dreams are as real as the daily realities of life. All types of creation are modeled one after the other, not unlike a set of Russian dolls except that the number of smaller and larger dolls is infinite. Our mortal existence is associated with only one of those universes boxed one into one another. Looking from within one of those dolls, we can see neither the smaller nor the larger ones, confined in a world that is part of a larger unit that remains totally unidentifiable by a human, though he is part of it. Affirming that Universe has no finish and no boundaries is mind boggling for most people. To many it is a heresy that they cannot accept for they cannot imagine a creation without a commencement and an end. To those in search of the line between existence and non-existence, I ask this question: “How can a creation be born out of a non-existing one"? How can matter be formed out of void? How can an organization, whatever its type, can develop in a sustained, logic and efficient way without an intelligence to plan and preside to its formation?” All these questions will ever remain with no logical answers unless you say: “It cannot be” which takes to the conclusion that a superior intelligence has presided to the formation of the Universe. When and where was that intelligence born and developed brings us to the impossibility of establishing a commencement and an end. Hence, one can safely declare that the Universe is indefinite, limitless and knows no boundaries of any kind. The Universe comprises everything that has and will ever exist. There was no before and there will be no after. See the Universe rolling in a loop. Birth and death are part of the same continuing process though each loop is different from the preceding and of those that will follow. Each tiny part of the mechanism being subject to the same concept, time and space are irrelevant. The beginning is the end and the beginning again and the end again. Yet nothing is ever as before and nothing will ever be repeated.

The past is not and nor is there any future. In philosophical terms, the only existence is the one being when one is conscious of being.

This notion also applies to realities. There is not one but an unlimited number of realities. We move from one reality to another; unless you prefer to think of our situation as static and imagine the film of reality rolling around us, uninterrupted.

I am confident that I am being educated in this world to a purpose. All the difficulties encountered, and all the problems I have been required to resolve, have not been in vain. Nature has a vision regarding my evolution. One day I will leave this world and be promoted to a higher post. My status as student will be replaced by a much more rewarding one. The education and experience acquired, will earn me a new assignment associated with its own reward. Like it or not, Nature holds the ultimate power – I do accept that with grace and I suggest that you do the same if you mean to be happy.