Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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Wanting More

When I say farewell to this world I want to be able to feel that:

I regret nothing I missed nothing I fear nothing I expect nothing I am going to return to my home in Universe with my heart filled with peace and confidence. I want that imprint to last forever and ever in my soul. Such a feeling I name ‘plenitude’. It represents the ultimate peace of mind, the total absence of worry, a perfect harmony with Nature, and the satisfaction of having successfully completed my mission. It will be a prelude to the blissful happiness that will be mine when I reach home. I can’t imagine a more beautiful way to terminate one assignment and begin another.

Most people spend their lives looking for more possessions, more love, more consumption, more fame, more beauty, more achievements…. There is nothing intrinsically bad with this, but there might be something wrong with the reasons for their quest, or the means used to fulfill their aspirations.

You might think that some people are fully satisfied with what they have. Not true. Offer them more knowledge, more happiness, better food, better entertainment, better company, more love, more freedom, more peace or more action or simply more power or more money – and see if they reject them all.

Nobody is perfectly satisfied with what he possesses. He might say that, but it’s simply untrue. Had that been so, this mythical person would have reached perfection and moved to Heaven for perfection cannot dwell on earth.

It is now obvious I will not know perfect happiness for as long as I am human. Nevertheless, I will always strive to reach that state of plenitude I mentioned. I will not allow that craving for more and more to poison my life. I will continue to learn more and more about the human situation but I will do this without trying to overswell my collection of riches, of whatever kind. I just want to be happy and content with what I do and what I have and I wish the same for all my fellow men. I desire to spread happiness around yet I feel no compulsion to reach any particular objective. I enjoy peace of mind, while striving to let nothing and nobody disturb this state.

Wanting more is natural in this world. Your headmaster wants you to learn to control this craving and be happy while satisfying it.