The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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In order to do it, you would need to drop the drug-usage habits, because only then the change would be

possible/ it includes particularly quitting all the psychotropic drugs. If you’re not ready yet for this

decision: take your time to make it and come back only when done so.

T Avoid to take or use any drugs419 (includes pharmaceuticals).


EM However, if you must – limit yourself to alcohol-only (watch although on one made from GM-


components – if your stomach hurts or any other sensations appear which shouldn’t: it’s




STOP to take any drugs and focus on life (#2-present – as this is actually the process which would take to Nirvana).

418 How to get effectively high i.e. be happy for a lifetime/ as its subject: this book is merely about your happiness –

something, which everyone lacks or has no knowledge of.

419 Cigarettes predominantly and coffee, included.

420 Wheat, corn and other popular grains were already modified genetically, #3.21.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Drugs involve intoxication of the body. Until, the last won’t detoxifies itself: which produces a variety

of symptoms, known as withdrawal effects – you won’t heal and recover. It involves, that the potential

for usage: to take drugs – is huge, as it’s far much easier to extend the time until those symptoms

appear. It’s a mechanism of the addiction, supported by many other variables i.e. social group,

memories, boredom etc.

Imply to yourself, that you want change: to leave the old behind and hold to it.


Know, that you’re dropping now all the bad habits at once – including cigarettes and


coffee, because you’re always doing it right – the first time or not doing anything, at all.


Continue, until such decision won’t be made by you (the last mentioned also heavily

TT disrupt and influence your thinking and they – must go too). Use programming, #0.1 for at


least a period of three months: to follow thereafter and implement immediately, techniques

EM from the beginning of this chapter.



Gain supplies421 for up to a month: ensure you’ve got all and instruct someone422 moral to


lock you in a house arrest, with no ways of escape. Stay at it for a period of one to three

weeks, without access to any of the drugs.

In the first days, it’s best to use herb: Semen Ziziphi Spinosae – to just sleep them all (forbidden

is to use any other synthetic aids).

Diet, should be mainly consisted of organic – high in sugar fruits and vegetables, #3.21.

Absorb yourself in a computer games or any other activities which would allow you to let go

from the thinking: off the drugs – those first days are crucial.


Instruct somebody/ i.e. respected & huge: to beat you severely, when caught/ mean it.

Avoid to read, think through or visit any sites or information associated with the

drugs, period. Delete all accounts permanently and block access to such pages.

Focus, on the important: your life and projects you would start to perpetuate after.

Know, that you’ve stopped to take any drugs so if anyone would ask you – reply

automatically that you’ve ended i.e. ‘thanks, I’ve quit; thanks, I’ve stopped


Believe in yourself as it’s entirely possible for you to be and stay clean (all would

change, in time – due to your today’s efforts).

Know, it’s easy to stay clean and abandon any substances of abuse.

Instruct somebody to put a sixty whips over your naked buttocks and back: everyday – for the

period of three months straight (in a row).

Keep in mind, that if you won’t stop: psychiatric hospital, downfall of moral energy is awaiting

for you, so it’s better to grow up and end those habits now. Nirvana/ #1.1 and a desired life is

waiting, if you only pass those 5-7 years time, which is yet to be attained by you – being clean,

is a requirement.

In your thoughts: create a new vision of yourself – being a brand new person of success

which is free out of any harmful addictions. It’s crucial to change the perspective: feel

neutral or even hate to the substance423 as – it’s not, something your – new successful you

would use/ best is to get yourself on starvation, #3.1: immediately after and continue the

health restoration/ #3. It would trigger the process of change.

When the taste appears after – as it would: purposeful life – programming, #0.1 and the

technique presented in beginning – would block you from any return. Know it and take the

process, #2.

421 Use Cascada Sagrada for nicotine withdrawal, #3.3/ very small doses of cytisine might ease the symptoms.

In case of Marlboro – you’re addicted also to other highly potent substance, but just withstand the initial period/ easy.

422 Use for this purpose: best – few people and tell them to come back on a shared day (have a trusted person or even

few of them which can’t be overpowered – make them visit you, everyday). Avoid rather any places where other

addicts are present/ and any contact with them.

423 As not being something attractive/ appealing, to you.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Pain, is actually the most424 effective method to focus your thoughts and abandon thinking about the

drugs involved (which alone would cause you probably – to run for the dose). When the habit has been

dropped, which takes time – watch yourself to keep425 that way: it should be very easy, as you’ve

changed already feelings towards it (or they would be changed, in time – by the programming, #0.1). Be

very cautious with the usage of alcohol, because it opens a gate to the old habits, so best: avoid to drink

anytime – if you’ve only completed the detox. If you want to be a person of success: you must abandon

all drugs/ therefore, do it – now.

There is nothing to be attained through the usage of drugs long term, in reality.

All is an illusion of friendship, completed job or extracted information via the consumption of

them. For you, it’s best to stay away – the last are only to be used by those who live to tell about

the dangers involved. Wasted lives and a cascade of problems – this is the truth about the drugs,

any of them – including recreational usage.

In 2013: efforts were taken to decrease drastically planet’s population. As the governments, who

control the drug money and the whole trade – setting a war for an independent dealer: product has

been contaminated with poisons which act after a time delay – intoxicating consumer. Their

continual consumption would result in your faster death, as those who take: are the burden for the

society – it applies also to occasional users.

Humans can be compared to ant colonies. If one of them would take something and die

immediately or shortly after – the whole colony would discard the food. However, if they would be

poisoned by it and would die due to ongoing consumption of it: the habit would be continued,

never to be seen or identified (being applied to the combination of many toxins, released).

Therefore, it’s not anymore a want: but a must. Those who would refuse to adapt by stopping

the usage now: would die first, in result. It’s serious (drugs include also cigarettes426 and alcohol,

poisoned by the GM-by products and possibly other).

Adapt or die, in the gene race.

Ending other addictive habits, is quite easy – you must stick to the feeling of i.e. keeping the money that

you’ve got and let the idea of multiplying them through gambling: to just let it go. In a case of being

addicted to food: through implementation of the guidelines, #3-#3.21 – you would be allowed to eat

much better and even tastier/& even more without gaining on the weight (starvation is required at

beginning, so take the effort – it’s easy to complete, as hunger is covered by water in every instance/ it’s

all mental). It’s all brought up basically to being happy from – what you’ve got: to have more in a moral

sense, #1 and only possible thanks to introduction of the programming, #0.1 (as consequences427 of such

habits are higher than what they give, if anything of value – at all). Implement it, to change your

patterns of thinking and in effect: get the best out of life.

424 Essentiality is to block yourself access to drugs/ to limit it totally as no drugs equals to no use: find such methods, burn all access routes and contacts – so you’re unable to take, buy from anyone you know. The most contributing factor

which plays a crucial part in habit formation, is the sense of control: by using any substances – you’re loosing it even

more/ therefore: stop to take them, forever. Health, is the key difference when it comes to the last: as you’re being unable anymore to take/ find such elements, in you.

425 You might ask: how to turn other people to stop? You’re in this game alone and you should only focus on yourself –

it’s the secret. You’ve got control over yourself only and it’s the one thing you can change. Others might have got other paths – they need to follow for their own development and you should leave them alone. Usually, one must hit the

rock-bottom to want the change. Keep however pointing consequences constantly of their actions which affect you and

put the pressure that it results, from the drug abuse (take any action towards, if only touched or influenced you – due to such habits, #1).

426 Certain ‘brand’ cigarettes, without an excise – are also involved/ they don’t need to burn your tongue when inhaled

in order for them, to be poisoned (as of 2013, i.e. similarly as toxin is experienced on tongue when consuming an

organic potato – a burning irritation in the back of the mouth and side of the tongue). Pesticide embedded in the

cigarettes kills only the smoker as it’s burned on inhale/ abandon forever this senseless habit, now.

427 Learning to respect and appreciate what you’ve got already: might play a crucial role – letting the idea of an immoral, fast gain. Until you won’t usually hit the rock-bottom: change might be not possible (although you can make it right now, it’s easy but you have to first believe and just start the process, #2). Deal with the harm you’ve caused, #1

and all the rest: would unfold for you to start a new, better life/ the sought-after one, of a great adventure and passion.




The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

In the end, when the experiences cease – those who stay longer with drugs and escape the

responsibility, to discontinue them: suffer addictions, which lead to a moral decay (as they take

more, than put in). Those substances are in the end for those defected and weak: who avoid to

have the courage – to win in life. Those die first, because of their usage.

For the rest: if you refuse to quit now – you would pay for it, one day (disasters would strike and

your whole life would be in darkness, again). It’s not worthy of it and you’re not worthy to take any of those substances, believe in it and ignore – all the rest. Maybe, one day: you would understand it and

discover – a new and better life, due to this one single decision.

You’re being ripped off as drugs are a rip-off to the real thing.

It takes effort to drop your old habits, but it’s entirely possible for you – know it.

If you continue to use drugs – you would achieve little in life and be prevalently a failure.

Use alcohol, if you must: to intoxicate yourself and stay with it, only.

Begin the process, #2 and all the rest would follow and align to you – go for the Nirvana.

It’s the ultimate drug of the drugs, #1.1 - #0.1. You’ve never been high, if you haven’t

tasted it (at bare minimum x100 multiplier from the strongest428 drugs in existence). No

hangover/ no cash needed, lasts eternity. It’s a high beyond your/ anyone’s imagination.

These words are written in it.

428 Where the last: doesn’t lasts i.e. 2, 4 or 12 hours but i.e. a few years straight, constantly and you’re eternally high.

It’s the type of feeling you would love, to be permanently in: where everything, is the most pleasurable experience/

sensation ever, being itself alone the highest and the most intense high you can experience, in this realm/ #2.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


Money are essential to sustain yourself on a level required – to pass the stages in the process, #2.

Therefore, they should be used wisely and effectively: because deficits of them might delay or turn even

impossible the completion of goals. Besides, your activity hours – time when you’re able to perform at

your best: is also limited, so it’s the most important issue – to manage them right.


Those who avoid plan – usually have less or much less, despite also often having nothing. Planning is

crucial to any success, therefore start now.

Take a pen and piece of paper – draw the table, as below and put all you expenses,


liabilities and fill all the rest, counted precisely.

Table below represents sample financial budget for a young person driving abroad to work.



Job salary/ paycheck


Renting room




Alcohol and party


Other (purchases of ‘necessary’ like e.g. chain,


clothes, money spent on seemingly much needed


Driving to work





Phone (new device took on a monthly tariff)


There is always less, than it should be when spending isn’t planned.

If you’ve got for instance monthly payments of 40 for the paid subscriptions e.g. of newspapers/ contact

lenses, 25 per month to keep your bank account – premium, television for 60, phone 50 and maybe some

additional, monthly fee of 40: every month it accumulates to 215. Multiply it, by 12 months and you’ve

got 2580 each year loss!

How much many days free of work, you would have – if you were to resign: from those dispensable


Know, that costs mount massively. Keep them at bay.

429 Money taken out/ if your home takes more money than its maintenance – it’s a liability.




The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Until you won’t gain the abilities required to breakthrough by taking the process, #2 – it’s required for

you, to change the way of your financial thinking.

Sum up all, what you’ve got already up to this moment. Place your value on all the items.


Now, put on it – everything, except the money itself – 25-35% value.

It’s your real net worth.

Do you see now – that the things which you might prize, like e.g. clothes, personal items are with less

value to anyone except you? How much time, you would sustain yourself if you were to sell everything/

e.g. be in a need of leaving the home country with 1 bag: having a week time for it?

Independent of the reasons, it’s time to stop as this is the path: of useless consumption followed by

many/ probably you, which leads nowhere – where you would desire to be. There is no happiness, in the

end – in it.

Look, you’re working all the time – for things. Keep running all the time, to chase after them.

They cost you money to maintain, pay the rent and all the other fees included. However, they

also consume your time and peace of mind, as you have to protect them additionally (look after,

repairs etc.).

The outcome, final one – is that you’re getting or might get into a debt, to be able keep the level

of your life. It’s a downward spiral, which leads to an emotional disturbance. If you’re not on

this road yet – due to lack of planning or saving and limiting your expenses: you would find

yourself now or later, very probably/ eventually.

It leads to failure/ being forced upon a retirement funds. You’ve become a slave, who needs to

work for the money.

Value of items, is really – in the end: low – as they can be stolen, become spoiled/ broken or damaged

by a potent toxin which would destroy them – disabling you from even touching/ not even mentioning

the usage of them.

However, you’re in need to have the basic items required for your survival i.e. water, food, clothes and

shelter. It’s all required, however also tools essential to increase your earning ability and enhance your

knowledge and understanding. Anything except it, if it doesn’t serves the goal – is dispensable.

There is no reason into acquiring more, until the goals aren’t realized.

Then, you can have all what you’ve wanted.

Discipline, is required.


You’re in this game alone, so focus on what’s important/ realization of the goal – ignore all the rest.

If you’re aimed at impressing the other people: know, that no one is really impressed by such stance of

you, yet it creates envy and falsehood.

Understand that.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You’re required to free yourself from the material, to the point of need and not a want. It would only

then be possible for you to focus on the most important in life – without it, any effort is futile as

financial trap – is the most destructive. It means for you: to start live now below your financial means

in order, to gain unbelievably more.

It doesn’t matter how much you earn, but how much you keep.

Anything, which doesn’t contributes to the achievement of your goal is mostly redundant.

If you’re suffering whether to resign or not from whatever – ask yourself: is this item required for

me to sustain myself/ can it be replaced or supplemented by something I’ve got or is it to be

attained in a less pricey way i.e. borrowed?

Paid subscriptions might easily be replaced by free information from the internet – those for items, are

dispensable and probably not required for the achievement of goal, anyway (or probably could be

bought less expensively, i.e. contact lenses, #3.98B/ at auctions).

Television is forbidden for you: if you want to breakthrough or be an achiever in life, as it pours the

negative information to amygdala which causes the interference and diminishes your life (it reprograms

the patterns of your thoughts, so you’re going with the flow). It’s also extended – the ban, to any

‘official’ press – typically, the most popular magazines or internet portals (use extensions to block

access to them in your web browser).

Forbidden is for you, to watch TV430 anytime or read, listen or acknowledge deep any


official/ negative information. Cancel any television, take only the internet – if it’s required for

you: damage the satellite cable, so it can’t be used.

It’s your task, to identify them and assess.

Your first task, is to cut spending to a point, where you would be able to have a positive balance,

accumulating wealth each month – the