The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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None of them are better439 or worse. It’s dependent what you decide: whether power – self-control and

your own destiny or suffering, surprise and failure in life.

It’s up to you, solely.

Choose the right belief system and reprogram it, through #0.1 programming.

If you’re not able to believe in something: it has to be earned – you would always know how or find

such methods on how it can be done. Your effort is required/ that’s the point.

438 You have to know, that if you were to have 15 kids, having no cash – fortune, whatsoever: they would probably too

starve. Besides souls of those newly born have usually Karma/ #1.2: charged to them – there is no randomness in this

realm and what people don’t understand or don’t want to, call luck.

439 Despite only one set of them, is the true reality – which can be confirmed from each angle. However, it doesn’t matters because you get – what you believe. It’s the power of the last.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Having more: isn’t usually ever a true440 solution to any problem, because you have to learn

manage when you have – in order to have more or to progress. Therefore, if you strive for the desired belief: which might become only available for you, if you pass the lower levels of work/ effort –

start small, i.e. the “1,000/ 10,000/ 100,000441 etc.”-like progression. This way, it firstly) is believable

for you, second) the effort required, is small or much smaller than with the increased value, so you’re

able to complete it – and with the achievement, of a smaller prize: comes, the belief – the higher one, is

truly possible and to be attained, by you. You motivations, remain high also.

You’re able this way: to progress and become the desired – beginning with an adept, to a world-class

expert in the field, as the core beliefs rule responses of the counter-matter (thoughts, quality of work,

understanding and many more). It would be understood by you, one day.

Begin small, build your way up – always/ with beliefs.

It’s the way of the winners.



You can’t become who you disdain. Therefore if you hate/ don’t like/ feel that the rich are


cheaters, liars (and you hate, the last or feel any resentment towards): you can’t become one of

them (as your subconscious won’t let you become, one: who you resent442). You have to first

change feelings towards those people – you want to be/ become, by (for) yourself (i.e. the best

sportsman, a millionaire, the best salesman, etc.).

To overcome this problem: you have to change your inner-deep convictions – first (beliefs).

It’s achieved, through visiting those rich people (maybe you know somebody, who is one?) and

changing what you firstly truly think about them.

// For me those are the ones, who have the money on vodka (the rich). I love them, because

they often are able to buy something I want (and why I should disdain them, or hate?).

Therefore, because of such belief: my mind, can accept – me, being already rich (wealthy).

It’s all well-grounded: visit conferences, meetings when they met or change443 your already-held

beliefs (they’ve might not be the ones, I have).

If you’d refuse: you’d be for your whole life 444guess-who.

Any war focused on the symptoms – is lost, in nature.

The real causes, are commonly very well hidden for everything important, but it’s still

possible to: find, identify and deal with them.

440 The one, which deals with the cause and in effect: introduces a permanent change, through changing those causes.

441 Even, 100 – to be used, if and when required.

442 The main function of the mind: is to protect you (as mind would block you, to become).

443 Exactly: when you would see it’s all a lie/ believe it (as those actually the nicest people, known – there are exceptions always, as everywhere). In reality, they just like you and me but with the resources, with the knowledge or with the skill (or two, three at once – as a result of their work/ or given on a birth like i.e. money). It’s all a result of their thinking – work they’ve contributed and those effects are also possible for you to achieve: therefore change your beliefs held to those people/ to become, one: yourself.

444 You would stay the person you are: for your whole lifetime (i.e. poor, average, etc.).


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You’re constantly watched and judged, even if nobody sees.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


When you’ve dealt already with the previous issues which might block or interfere achievement of the

handled goal/ task: its time to act, keeping always in mind that work for the cash – despite of it

being required, initially – won’t get you anywhere long term, for real – as you’re required to build

skill, knowledge and expertise based on the process, #2. It would only enable you to succeed and

Laws would provide you with the tasks, which would prepare you for this purpose: allowing to repay the

debt you’ve been born here with, to win by you – all the desired/ dreamed of.

You’re required to additionally take every/ all steps essential to ensure, your work/ property and

everything which is necessary and helpful, to realize the task: is secured and protected. For instance, if

you’re forced to live with a parasite, #1.1/ many of them and no other option is possible445 to leave:

you’d probably be required to put lock on your room or some other measures of protecting446 your tools,

place of rest and work. If your task, involves usage of the computer: you have to backup your data i.e.

online, in a cloud/ upload it at least once everyday on a few servers and additionally secure it on the two

pen-drives/ memory447 sticks (burn on a DVD/ once a time and secure the disc: in various and many

locations, even with the unknown448 people).

In order to attain your goals/ in the process: you have to be and stay focused. When you’ve handled

all which is crucial for your survival: removed or banished everything else which might interfere with

the task – you have to follow a well-defined plan of its realization.

Always assume the very worst situation/ outcome and prepare for it (actively,


The moment you’ve been handled with the task: you’re personally responsible for its completion.

Fail to do so and forget about ever winning in your life/ you’d might have a serious problem.

It’s death serious/ treat449 it, like one.

445 You’re required to take steps, which would enable you/ lead, to change of such situation.

446 If no threat is even present: you have to always and forever create a habit of securing every inch of your work.

447 Where one is disconnected from the computer, all the time.

448 Upload it periodically on a various sites, forums etc. to secure your work maximally/ if only possible: or required

itself, for the goal (lesson is, to invest such or similar efforts – effectively: to secure the work, as it’s the most important for it to survive all the attacks i.e. failure of an equipment, etc.). Additional measures might be taken, in it – to promote self-interest in its preserving/ skipping this highly-crucial part: would lead you to its loss – permanent, guaranteed by the Laws themselves (as a first example, of required preparation for every – of the incoming).

449 As from the results of it: depends your life/ your happiness and well-being, sanity (the prize, awaits: you want to get to it, as fast and effectively – as ever possible). You work only for yourself: for all your life/ in the process, #2.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

ALL things must be done NOW/ immediately, because it’s all time-limited. EVERYTHING needs

to be done in a 1 prolonged push, up to the end, with 1 to couple days free in the meantime – the

necessary time of rest/ relax: to work more effectively. You’re required, to start each task

immediately: after assembling the required – which has to be done urgently. You must have an attitude:

to push everyday a bit to realization of the goal.

Be urgent, when completing450 the task – do it all, in a one prolonged movement.


If your task is to deliver a book – you know what to do. You don’t think, what’s with it – which

has to be done in terms of publishing/ who would read it/ would people accept it/ would somebody

take you as a freak/ would tell you’re a psycho, because he would find out you’ve been once closed

in a hospital for mentally451 ill: your task, is to deliver the book – written based on a specific

principles with whom you’ve had been instructed – and it’s all, solely. Only moral actions and

truth is accepted: you can’t lie in it, or overdo/ either overstate. It’s your only real goal, in life. It’s

the whole process. It applies, to all the goals. You don’t think future: only terms of current

survival, keeping the head on the prize and being focused on the realization of task, itself. It’s so easy-simple.

Everything, which revolves around: is up to you, to deal with. You must deliver: when you’ve took

the task. Whether you would be drinking 2 days straight, because you have to rest and you don’t

know other ways of doing so – it’s up to you, but you must bring the task up to its final

completion. Urgently, in time.

Think only about completion of the goal – prize you’ve chosen/ set everything in your

life to ensure, its delivery.

Your life depends on it.

450 Advice is to begin with what you’ve got: doing it all perfect – at you very personal best from the very beginning and constantly improving your project day by day, in bits/ with each and every work.

You avoid to ever think about how ‘not in shape’ you are/ any other: you just sit & do, up to completion of the part and continue, till – almost everyday/ after: you’ve got time for yourself. The perfect time is now: you work despite

everything/ anything – just to deliver & you keep this habit: forever.

451 At this stage, it doesn’t matter to you – any of it, as you’ve been prepared for every instance, in the previous failure and succeeded projects.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

In the process: you would likely encounter requirement – to buy or assemble things, which role would

be to push you through the completion of your goals. You would have to be wise, with the resources

you have as it’s – not an art, to buy everything the best. You must take it, to the very basics and use

what’s best available or could be utilized for the purpose: of launching/ completing the task. Intent to

fulfill the desired features, looks – to keep the quality: not the best item, but the best at a price i.e.

probably “70% of the ideal for 1/5th or even more of its price” – commonly 2 years old, but brand452

new item/ the wise453 choice. You must get the products which are enough to fulfill the desired needs/ to

perform the given work put to them, at best (bought usually from the cheapest source, probably directly

from the producer or an overseas distributor). Left over money: to use wisely or save.

It applies to every instance of any spending, not only the corporate interests but personal – in particular.

An example, might include: 350g of grated beets BIO in a jar for a cost of 1.71 where 1kg of the same

organic beets, to boil-them only cost 1.46/ laziness, is at price. You don’t also want to buy the best

phone, but the second-best: the cheaper model of it, if it only serves the purpose. You pay 135 for brand

new, once – the best model instead of 634 for the newest, best/ you get much more for less, even if it’s

not the top of the fresh line of products. The functionality you require – it’s there, looks and other

properties too: where, the last might be necessary to fulfill your goals – it’s enough to serve. By saving

this way money: you advance and it’s only possible because of those choices, #2.31.

Nobody in the end cares: whether you’ve got them or not – they’re required.

You must be conscious: how you use – your resources, including time/ do it only: the

wise way.

Lack of this knowledge application: might unable you to complete the task, so be very wary.


If you’ve borrowed in the past, i.e. 3,500 & 2,000 from a private individuals/ as of the mistake from

past: your duty is to pay it back. It can be done, best: by paying a part of the debt in the regular intervals

i.e. each month, or at once – if there is only such possibility. You’re however obliged to present a

gesture, which would encourage similar attitude to be repeated towards you – in the future, as you

always must to be fair with people who care about you or helped, in some meaningful way – in the past.

Buying an additional bottle of 0.7l whisky/ best vodka is a duty, but when and if – only having more

money which can be used for such purpose and dependent on the circumstances, that it took some time

to pay the money back/ you’d might need them or their help once again, where it’s forever like it – it’s

wise, to add the extra454 500 or 1,000 to 3.5k, 300 or 700 to 2k – to encourage similar behavior in the

future, as to be honest and to don’t feel as they’ve made a mistake with you/ to do as such, even after

time. It would be however best to offer something of value to them – without paying any money for it,

like a business you’ve dumped as you’ve had to i.e. for the money borrowed/ think about the ingenious

ways to repay your lenders (to which they would agree and it would be a better solution for them). You

have learn to distinct wise moves from the idiotic455 ones, to forever select only the first/ count only on yourself, save what’s best and deal with people the way: you would love to be treated.

Focus on achieving the desired results, not to have or be. The best way to approach this/ or any such

or similar situation, is to ask yourself: whether I would be thankful and repeat this behavior towards a

person, if I were to receive X for the Y action I’ve took – rewards him? If the answer is likely: increase

the reward456 or change it/ remember: one, only (i.e. item or pay).

452 There is also another reason why to never buy new things like cars: they’ve got plastics which release toxic vapors,

#3/ similarly as when the air conditioning system is built from and uses toxic substances/ hidden defects, & price etc.

453 The best quality item at a price, which would last – very long and would be even bought after time, as it’s still: the best or was/ at a given time.

454 Dependent, on the time – it took, to pay off the owed money.

455 As is i.e. lavishness/ who some perpetrate i.e. driving with taxi’s when you don’t have the money – just to show

yourself or giving much more what is required without a purpose. In this case: giving back the doubled amounts. Its worth to notice, that such and similar actions aren’t viewed by many as something to admire/ appreciate, but an idiotic

move – to talk about/ who makes an idiot of you, in their eyes – understand it, forever: think about yourself, first.

456 It must be definitive YES and the answer has to skip all other associated variables.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You have to always think about yourself: first (to be-repeated – remembered).

You must reinforce helpful to you/ serving to your goals behavior: by encouraging it, in

the future – forever.


You have to be somewhat distanced, to ALL of it: your soul and your body are the one, but a two

separate things/ the pain is body and psychic, but soul is delighted – wants more and it only really

keeps you going.

The way to do it, is to split your mind on two personalities (its enough to believe)


/ i.e. to protect your new belief system.


One is 457 your real personality (for the outer world) i.e. ‘Agent Smith’ (your Name) which

represents your dark side: the one required to gather data, learn new experiences – being

distanced to it all (the dumb expression of you, to be accepted by the environment). The second,

is your good (wise) side: which interprets those facts and acts based on the belief system, which

can’t be ( never) influenced.

If somebody is offending you: it offends, the first side of it/ it’s a shield that allows you to

function in the real world as nothing can compromise your secretive mission.

You perform now with a belief system: of your hidden side.

Apply (it’s a clever way, to function in the system without being compromised).

Transformation would take place, in time.


You take what is thrown at you, deal with it – continue the effort, no matter what. No pay is

present, adapt to it – failure after failure, swallow it – award, is awaiting: take it/ finish the project

you’ve been handled and do it always at your best, as you’re working for yourself only.

You continue to push the train, until its final destination. Life of a paradise, is awaiting – takes 5

or 7 years, at best: dependent on your performance and you’ve got FAT years for the rest of your

life. Taking the challenge, #2?

Embrace, adapt, survive and pass.

Forget about the rest.

Continue, to the very end in every/ and each project: perform and adapt at your very

best and do your only very458 best.


Everybody hates to loose, but it’s necessary. Let it be then.

457 As in the movie: Psycho (1960) by Alfred Hitchcock.

458 As you would be required to repeat the tasks, or complete new ones which wouldn’t be necessary – if you would

only do the previous ones, at your very best: which would delay the prize and because of it – you would rather never be able to complete the process/ it’s of the highest importance: do to things very right, from the very beginning – urgently.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Tasks in the process would involve passing your boundaries and overcoming personal limitations – by

doing, the things which no one else does or are hard.

Confront always immediately every fear.

You amass all the possible knowledge about the topic/ object of the fear itself: press the tongue up to the upper mouth – keeping it this way and DO, just DO it.

In fact, on the very top – there is little or no competition. By doing it the other way through – by refusing to take responsibility: you’re risking to be forced upon an unnecessary suffering.

Attain new knowledge, everyday – for at least min. of 2.5 hours daily, 4h or more at the

required best.

If you refuse to learn, continually each day: you’re likely to be outsmarted, outrun and out-beaten by

people who don’t.

Ability to see things as they are – not, as you would want them to be, and adaptation to it: is
