The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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tact and delicacy, avoid to show jealousy.

circumstances spin any plans for living

for the rest of life together, in four walls.

By giving him encouragement: his raging doubts cause him full of contradictions.

Talking with understatements. He would reply you in the same way and in such way it

would be created your common code.

It’s easy, observe his face: he has got everything written on it.

Gemini and Virgo


Gemini, Virgo and Scorpio

Aries, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces

Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio and

Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius



You’re variable, flourish between contradictions. Joyful, spontaneous, nonchalant and

full of boyish charm, regardless of age – your intrigue and just as magnet attract

attention of the opposite sex. Secret of the success? You love women! It works on them.

You’ve got a wonderful sense of situation and you charm like a professional magician.

No value is for you in a too easy victory. You expect, that she would also do on you

impression with her intelligence, charming way of being. You would appreciate sense of

humor, slight distance, brilliant review of the popular recently movie. You’re the type of

a man, with whom can be carried out long discussions until dawn.

Steadiness, isn’t softly speaking your biggest advantage and therefore it might appear,

that you score women in love relationships. Usually more effort than seduction, costs

you: to free yourself without tearful scenes – from the invasive arms. To woman who is

with you in love, would likely want to say: “You see that beautiful, bird of paradise?

Enjoy it. It will fly away”. In essence, a great curiosity pushes you towards them and the

variability causes that you quickly get bored, but you not deal with just anyone and

you’re not amused by seduction for the sole purpose of it. Even perfect shapes,

seductive lingerie and hovering around scent of expensive perfumes, aren’t able to

653 Art of speech, simple persuasive skill of speaking, oratory.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Gemini, The Twins –

kindle in you the fire of passion, when she has got nothing completely in head. Love


without exciting flirt, duel in which love hits and dodges are dealt with words – is for

you without a taste, like a dish without salt.

Sex is for you one more form of the intellectual game. You’re a master of building

tension – you can create a mood – in your bedroom no shortage of candles and mirrors.

Music underlines the uniqueness of moment. You’ve got imagination: you’ve got class

and can lovingly speak what every woman desires to hear. You’re able to reach the

volume of poetry, weave a quote from the movie or introduce to a love scene warm

humor that would turn it into a joyful fun. In words – your repertoire is unlimited.

However woman, who is focused on emotions of the heavier specific gravity would

sense, that you’re not overly sensual. The accompanying erotic plays atmosphere has

got something from the acting, intelligently directed spectacle. You don’t engage as a

whole: you remain actor and a spectator at the same time. Your erogenous zones are

shoulders. A drop of oil smelling like patchouli, delicate, sensual massage is able to

awaken in you a huge, sexual appetite.

Steady relationship with you is possible under the condition that the other half would

appear similarly independent, individual and be little meticulous. For a woman raised in

the traditional way, waiting for you with lunch, assuming that the common life is

predictable, safe and set in a fixed, regular pattern: arrangement as such – would quickly

become a source of constant frustration. For you also! It’s not here about your loyalty

but from the innate aversion to routine, the need for change, surprises, sometimes even

longing for chaos! If you were to come back home everyday at the same time, settle

with being fifteen minutes late, to receive an urging phones? It’s simply not an option.

For you relationship which has in front of it a perspective, it’s the one – solely standing

on the mutual trust, high freedom. In the material matters you also need a sense of

independence. While to Bull motivation is added by a long term goal, inasmuch you can

earn a substantial sum, and then get rid of it with light hand and without much regret.

Nicely seen is a woman, who in an intelligent way can kindle your interest – having her

own cases, her own work, her own little secrets, as a not-entirely discovered planet. She

would gain in you a full of energy partner, full of ideas, charming, generous and caring

for it: that together journey in life – would never become tiring and tedious.

Advice for Summer

You can expect a calamity of harvest. How many hearts you would love in yourself –

it’s not known, but... Would you be just a sharpshooter or an arrow of love would strike

you too? It’s very possible that this summer a great love of your life will begin or a

passionate, hot affair. Even if you enjoy your freedom: this time its worth to reflect,

whether it’s not worthy to reach some port? What begins this summer has a chance to

become a steady relationship and in addition – the one you like, still fresh, fascinating,

happy! In steady relations, time of a good adventure. To take advantage of the good

streak: it’s worthy to go away somewhere together, change the landscape outside the

window – get to know the new surroundings. Pairs ‘after crossings’ have got chance to

find themselves once again. You would be able to find in her those traits, which once

caused on you such impression! Despite the flow of time, it’s still the same person!



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You resemble a colorful butterfly, lightly flying from flower to flower. When somebody

impresses you – you can afford an intelligent provocation, a fun intrigue. In addition, he

would be convinced that he has won you alone. An ideal place for making new

connections are social gatherings, receptions and parties. There: you fully develop your

greatest gift “ability to intelligently listen” which convinces a man, that he has met a

woman who understands him. When he manages to surprise you or entertain – it’s a

point for him. Continuation should be a fascinating surprise. Nothing there “the same

time, be where ever”. You seek for a sexual excitement, a man, whose intelligence and

ingenuity won’t let you sit on a sandbank of boredom.

You’re constantly on the road, never-ending journey through life and you usually lack

the time to surround with care a germinating feeling. Therefore your impulses: resemble

rather love friendship and don’t bother you to love your own life. Someone, who

expects more may have an impression, that in spite of you giving him your heart... it’s

just to hold. You however use a simple rule: “You love or not love”. When you don’t

love it’s very easy – time to leave. When you love... you most care about intellectual

passion – a continuous exchange of views, including in it even argues. Less important is

purely physical side of the relationship. The continuous need for novelties, pursuing

after fleeing time – directs your interests in a way of dynamic men. He must accept the

fact, that you’re an independent person. Close you in home, like in a golden cage? It

won’t work. You will fly once through a not closed to the end window and would never

come back...

Gemini, The Twins –


Your sexuality is as much complicated, as the whole character – sometimes it all

depends from charm of the moment, sometimes from the progressive developments of

accidents. It happens, that the motive of your erotic experiences is more a simple

curiosity than a desire for sensual pleasures. If it comes to loving: do it in the streams of

champagne, in an alpine train... or in the waiting room at the dentist! Anything distant

from trivial. It would be strange, if your spontaneous nature, character – for which every

whim is sacred, wouldn’t come into a conflict with what is commonly called morality.

Sometimes however crazy ideas and sophisticated sex are a mask under which you hide

your fear, that the question – where is your home – still is without an answer. Your

sensitive zone is on the inner sides of hands and arms, on all their length. Who would

make there kisses, would reveal many passions.

From time to time: you desire to support yourself on a strong, manly arm, but you don’t

belong to women who with pride flaunt ring on their finger. The perspective of a

permanent relationship rather scares you: being associated by you with making dinners,

ironing shirts and phones from mother in law. When it comes such moment, where the

need for freedom outweighs the need to have a nest – you would decide on a steady

relationship. You don’t however have an intention to completely change your mode of

life. Your house must to have many doors and many windows. You always leave them

closed not to the end, to slip yourself, when outside is something interesting happening.

In stifling tower of the conventions and lack of real understanding – you would quickly

run out of air. Who counts that after a marriage “nonsense” would volatilize you from

head, he is in a huge mistake! You’re a woman of thousand faces! Your “today yes –

tomorrow no” is a guarantee, that you won’t get bored. If he however really understands

you and not desires to “convert” on a lecture of cooking books: common life – is going

to be pretty good. Because you are not hungry of nothing more than a buzz around, new

faces, duels on words and flirts, in which victory – is only a smile. You don’t dream

about a risky affair, under the eye of vigilant husband: your inner world gives you

satisfaction. Unhappy you can be with a bore, which lacks a sense of humor. It’s not

believed, that someone like him could interest you for more than 5 minutes.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Advice for Summer

Feelings barometer shows good weather, so it will be a time of great passions. This

summer you would win a cosmic popularity content! Your sign is particularly

surrounded by exceptional success with the opposite sex – it’s possible that you would

have not one, but few admirers! You would be stimulated by the sexual side of

relationships. In such situation only your heart can indicate – the right direction. Trust

it: avoid to calculate. Just love. Some of you: would soon recognize that the choice

made was best from the possible and in autumn, they start to think about living together.

Before Gemini in relationships: is a period of good mood, social popularity and mutual

understanding. Hot summer would heat the feelings temperature – on lot of things you

would look from the more sunny side. Off course, mild aura must be consciously used.

Especially if you’ve got after yourselves misunderstandings – pull out first your hand

for an agreement. Remember that every warm, hearty gesture would come back to you.

Once again, you would find – that you’ve made the right choice.

Twins generally have a variable nature and the real challenge for a woman is how to

keep him, not how to discourage. But you’ve maybe met such a special Gemini, the one

who likes to “attach”. First rule, in such situation is: to show him, that you’re not too

smart: you don’t understand his jokes, gently speaking – you’re not sinned with

brilliance. For him, it’s extremely important to achieve with partner an intellectual

agreement. So, if he sees that you’re “standing out” out of him in this field, his

admiration would start to melt as a snow on the spring. Gemini hates shaky women.

He’s trying to corner you – take the baton and be like his shadow, still require feelings

and emotions. Nature of the Twins won’t stand it. Proven ways to deter from you his

character are also over-protectiveness, by being so caress with your attention and

kindness as the proverbial cat.

She won’t despise a sense of humor – your distance to yourself and acumen. Instead of

fantasizing: go talk, go for a walk. Explain to her bluntly, why you want her back.

Convince her, that you match to each other – you’ve got many of the shared passions,

interests and above all – ideas and topics to talk about.

Discourage is an understatement – simply it would bring her to nausea, when she gives

you a chance and you would be the same as you’ve once was: predictable, the same

gestures, words, habits, talks. For her it’s a deadly boredom. It once hadn’t worked out

and if you now want to get her back: prove your creative inventiveness, surprise her

with new identity, creativity and fantasy.

He would appreciate any sort of challenges and puzzles – would be pleased from new

computer games. He’s a connoisseur of what’s new and branded – would be joyful from

new watch or a music equipment.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Motto – I feel.

The first decade of sign is the 100% Cancer: characterized by a great sensibility,

imagination and good memory. Often takes in life stance of a dreamer, bringing to

life his ideas and selflessly helping others. The second decade, is a Cancer partially

showing characteristics of the Scorpio. Is quite resistant mentally and psychically.

He believes in his own strengths, is brave and confident. Persistent, stubborn and

consistent in action. The third decade of sign, is Cancer with a bit of Pisces

features. Hypersensitive, not resistant mentally, with the changing moods – a

personification of goodness, kindness and confidence. Is easily moved emotionally

and is always accompanied by a sense of danger.

Sensitivity, receptivity, inner warmth,

Give her friendship, understanding and

Cancer, The Crab –

femininity are your strengths on the way

sea of sensitivity, patience and


to his heart. You should surround him

forgiveness for her changing moods and

with invisible protection and care for. He

nostalgia. Compliments, small gifts,

needs constant assurances about lifelong

flowers, toys, proofs of love and adoration

love. Important is your neat and well-kept

also would do their work. Take care, to

appearance. Deterred by greasy hair,

avoid betray her trust. She must feel, that

bitten nails etc. Would appreciate a good

she’s the only one: the most important in

contact with his family – especially with

the world, forever. Feelings are treated

mother. He’s jealous and possessive,

seriously: avoid to joke from them. Tell

avoid to give him reasons to be envious.

her about the plans for a shared future.

Assuring psychological comfort/ peace of mind and not only it. Love should become a

convenient nest, in which he would indulge to his dreams and waking dreams.

Avoid words that mean nothing – is tired by too long sentences. Likes people who are

able to carry a dialogue with his silence.

Avoid to try, vain effort which might only scare him. Cancer itself can unveil the

mystery, but it does so very rarely.

Pisces and Sagittarius

Taurus, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Aries, Taurus, Aquarius and Gemini



Aries, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius

Cancer and Scorpio

Gemini and Cancer

Did someone ever tell you: you’re not easily to be understood? Your desires, plans,

moods change like the tides and outflows of the sea. You can recklessly play a soul of

the company – to freeze everybody with inert behavior: you look upon world through

the prism of your own emotions. You tend to be warm, caring, sometimes snippy and

negligent. It might seem, that you don’t care about opinions of others, but all to the

time. Someone who gets to know you closer, knows: that you’re looking unrelentingly

for a stable relationship, because stronger than anyone – you desire to put down roots.

Wise woman, who would do with you skillfully: won’t allow let herself to be fooled by

your alleged nonchalance. Inviting you and encouraging, at the same time – would let

you to take the first step. It would cause, that your acquaintance would drift onto the

calm waters. It’s worthy to remember that the key to your heart is a growing sense of

security. The freer you feel, the more you’ve got the courage in you.

You easily fall in love, because your love imagination quickly starts to work.

Sometimes just a little trifle is enough – timbre of the voice, a many speaking glance.

Rarely – you however act in an unequivocal way. You do one step forward and two

backwards. You wouldn’t stand failure, disregard, rejection. There is also second



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

reason, for which you so long examine the situation – you’re afraid of women, but

Cancer, The Crab –

rather of the feeling, which threatens you to fall into a state of slavery. Besides, you


know, that actually from time to time you fall a victim of some senseless passions. For

who you look? You belong to those men, who as a little boys promise to marry with

mommy, when they grow up. Echo of the childhood promises – echoes in the image of

your ideal lover. Those are maternity women, full of warmth. You’re loyal in feelings –

you’re not looking for an adventure and excitement. Love is for you a way to home.

Home, for which you care!

As a lover: you need a little encouragement. You prefer to be sure that nothing happens

too early, that you won’t see suddenly the red light stop. It’s so depressing! Endowed

with erotic intuition female should allow you to become its teacher, which would cause

you to feel more confident. When you’re sure, that on the road there are no major

obstacles: you find in yourself vastness of patience, like if more fun causes you the way

itself than reaching your destination. You’ve got however this essential bit of

aggressiveness: to finally get there. Excellent memory will allow you to record

faultlessly, with which you’ve caused your partner the greatest pleasure. Certainly, you

won’t no more forget about it. Your sensitive area is chest. Caress works especially

strong – if it’s covered by hairs. Then, a delicate shift after them with one hand is very

electrifying. You very like also frivolous underwear!

When you fall in love for real, indeed, bind – you become very possessive and

relentlessly hold, what belongs to you. You build your own private world and put a

clear boundary between it, and the outside world. Won’t it be however a thick wall!

You like to feel a conqueror: who brings trophies from expeditions. Your men’s nature

then flourishes. Mostly you would see so your partner in a solid built by you home,

mending socks, wiping noses of children and waiting for you with lunch. You need a lot

of love, to have a full sense of security, but don’t close the paradise bird in a golden

cage! Woman can count on your loyalty and devotion and on it, that many of your own

plans you would surrender to the family: that having for a choice more interesting or a

better paid job – you wo