The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Motto – I analyze.

The first decade of sign, is a typical Virgo: intelligent, persistent, hard-working,

often unseen and thrifty. Always caring about hygiene and looks. It’s not a soul of

the companionship and is seen as a pedantic, frigid and dull. The second decade, is

Virgo with an addition of the Capricorn characteristics. Manifests rational way of

thinking and high life ambitions. Is persistent and consistent in ceaseless climbing

up. The third decade of sign, is the combination of traits with personality of the

Taurus and it gives, a type of person who primarily uses logic and rationalism.

Hard-working, persevering, practical, mandatory. It doesn’t stops him to enjoy

life, in all its aspects.

Requires a great deal of perseverance,

Virgo, The Virgin –

patience and persistence, but also tact and

Gain his trust, friendship and then it might


good manners. It would help to

be some more – be careful, because he

demonstrate subtlety, literacy and

may startle. Recognize well his interests

knowledge. You should appreciate the

and treat seriously. You have to give the

eloquence, perspicacity of the mind,

impression of a person balanced and self-

intellect. Compliments aimed at her mind

possessed. Take care of his appearance

than the beauty are more often noticed.

and comfort, but first of all – look neatly

Sometimes jealous and needs care –


essential in matters of fidelity, but you

can share with her all your solicitude.

Making to realize that it’s not about an obligation, but about the desire and excitement.

Only specifics: Virgo does not like generalities.

Watching, when something is desired and ashamed to say.

Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius and

Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces


Aries and Aquarius


Taurus, Cancer and Leo

Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo and Aquarius

Virgo and Capricorn

Virgin and Pisces

You’re not a type of a seducer, on the contrary – at the beginning of the connection you

always keep a reserve. Sensitive to failures, and to it a little shy: you’re afraid to show a

woman, that you’re interested in her – especially if you don’t know yet with who you’re

dealing with. Therefore fall off pick-ups in the cafeteria, on a beach or at the disco.

Ideal for you ground – to get to know, is for ex. work: where you can object of your

adoration – calmly observe. Though she was unknowingly how beautiful – silly giggle,

unstoppable stream of words stripped of punchline, would cause, that you won’t ask

about her phone number. If you would decide on the next step which is – on date:

you’re still looking on your chosen one – with an almost pedantic inclination. She

would earn a big plus if her clothes are neat and hair careful. It’s much more important

than a prevailing fashion. Second, she would receive for straightforwardness –

perversity of female nature is for you something equally confusing as chinese spelling.

Her “no” you would treat seriously. Whence you would guess, that she only wants to

tease with you?

Shyness bothers you in expressing your innermost feelings, so you don’t like also to be

hurried by impatient ladies. Love: you show with affection and discreet – yet it remains

a constant presence in the life of another person. Romantic affects, romance with heart

palpitations – you prefer to watch in the cinema. You, more than a brief moments of



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

happiness and firing up corks from champagne – care to sail for a quiet, safe harbor. In

Virgo, The Virgin –

your sign – meets a lot of men alone, because having for the choice a relationship, in


which you’ve got to agree on many compromises – you choose solitude. You find, that

it’s better to read a good book in loneliness than to waste time on communicating with

someone – who is not your ideal, and you’re fussy so, about perfection – it’s quite hard.

In addition: you prefer to be conquered than to conquer. On continuation and

strengthening of the connection – you decide when you’ve got the confidence, that you

and her: have chosen the same direction.

Hidden inferiority complex doesn’t allows you to move further without the explicit

encouragement. You don’t always notice, that she precisely waits for it. When you

finally find yourself in her bed: your erotic techniques are impeccable, but it could do

more freedom, more heat. Still you however behave impeccably: like you were taught

sex education in the high schools. Salvation for you is a relationship with the

appropriate partner. Your sensuality is revealed in conditions of full trust – you’re

misgiving for a ridicule and betrayal. When you finally get rid off your inhibitions, be

done with naive myths about women’s innocence – you become a tireless lover, but not

right away... Your erogenous zones are buttocks. A woman who would find it and

would know how to use can count on a lot more experience!

What happens when you finally meet the right person and decide to live together?

Romantic ups? Well, a woman expecting, that for her whim you would bring a gypsy

orchestra and ruin yourself on a diamond ring: has got nothing to seek with you.

However in the real world you gain more and more: it turns out you’re a supportive,

loyal partner who would do breakfast and bring it to bed – without reproaching would

fix the dripping tap, work out lessons with the children. For someone, who knows, that

life is made up from trinkets and prefers to invest in the future – than live only a

moment: relationship with you is like a capital investment in a reliable bank – dividends

seem guaranteed. You’re demanding, because you expect responsibility – serious

treatment: you don’t have much leniency for weaknesses. Your home must be ideally

clean, and life in it perfectly organized. Sometimes you unnecessarily worry about

something – try to fix thing, which to others seems to be good enough, but not for you!

You should control your tendency to perfection and pedantry, don’t forget – that it’s

precisely this, which is unexpected – makes us happy. Let so, from time to time for life

– to make you such a pleasant surprise.

Advice for Summer

The world would seem to you this summer more beautiful and more colorful, and in

your own palette would appear a new color. Daringly use the beautiful red crayon

reminding the hot, passionate love! Your sign is particularly surrounded by stabilization

and strengthening of the partnership relations. Flourish would feelings in families – you

would become a homebody and a personification of reliability. Or maybe you would

finish building of the home, which would become a real asylum? If you can: leave

together on vacations! Atmosphere of a break from life, unknown landscapes, would

open in your hearts a space. Alone Virgoes would seek for a solid partners and those

giving a sense of security – both emotional and material. Remember, that love

sometimes comes under a cover of silent, faithful friendship. Look at her with

benevolent eye, and it would flourish. Most of all in August your way would illuminate

and would come forward to your desires and longings. Although you need a little time

to spin yourself, but in this instance: the time – is short. The best lasts to the end of

September. Stop refrain to love!



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

At the first glance: you seem to be frigid, but for real you’re just hidden and somewhat

distrustful towards great gusts of passion. Accordingly to you: they smack comedy,

sometimes a farce. Not easy so, you make relations – you’ve got difficulties with free

showing of your feelings. It doesn’t works on you – a carefully orchestrated scenery,

don’t make any sensation – romantic music and candles. From false modesty, which

makes an electrifying impression on men: you pretend, that you don’t know what’s

going on. First date can pass talking about the job. If he likes to sleep to the midday, and

at the moon he writes poetry or plays the mandolin – he probably struck wrongly. You

sense a male sensitivity – hidden under the mask of indifference. Your attention grab

men who cause trust, are reliable and predictable. You don’t like to be surprised. It’s

really hard to deal something – that you firmly step on the ground and you need a long

runway, to soar upwards. Fortunately, it is possible!

Under the guise of distance, lies your great sensibility. You’re hungry for love, faithful

and more sentimental than you’d like to show. From where this reserve comes from?

Because as a result of morals declaimed to you, in childhood – you doubt the sincerity

of love confessions: you tend to feel guilty. Because the greater the feeling, the more it

requires consideration. You don’t have the desire to get stuck in a relationship with an

inadequate man. In love: you’re not afraid of routine, because everyday rituals and

habits give you so much needed sense of stability. Indeed, more than on the brief

moments of happiness: you care on maintaining the peaceful way of life – on carpets in

the Persian patterns, flowers in pots and slept nights. Fortunately, the more you get to

know someone – the more you can offer to him genuine warmth, patience and

Virgo, The Virgin –

forbearance. When you’ve got a big enough sense of security: you unleash the


emotional side of your nature – you cease to keep it under control. You also begin to

understand: that to be a human, is to be imperfect.

Moral prohibitions put on you a chastity belt, overwhelm your shy sensuality –

demanding patience, tact and true understanding. Until you won’t met on your way

somebody, who would free you – you don’t expect emotions of the strength of an

earthquake. In bedroom you believe in an Ars Amandi manuals and in a factual

atmosphere: where your heart beats a steady, peaceful rhythm – it’s a little difficult to

really sin. If you however have a bit of luck and hit on the right man: your passions

would in an obvious way take the precedence over inhibitions. You can really surprise

your lover with exuberance, insatiable appetite and fantasy. Your erogenous zone is

stomach. Petting of this body area can bring an amazing results!

You’re not setting up for collecting men’s hearts – you’re an incurable monogamist.

Thinking about getting married (because you’re quite conventional in choosing the way

of living): you’re lead by the right principle – that a man with who you would spend the

rest of your life (you really intent to do it) must be your – ideally suited second half!

You know what a man you need (for sure it won’t be guy: who makes jokes from life)

and you’re ready to wait for him, even if it would last quite long. People from your sign

don’t recognize an emotional makeshift! Steady relationship is for you a serious

commitment – you carefully therefore analyze the situation. You’ve got sizable

requirements and hope to find a permanent feeling and for all the time – wonderfully

fresh. Sex is for you of secondary importance. More important is – the intellect, shared

interests, spiritual understanding. As a wife and mother: you’re faithful and loyal. You

can be trusted. To your indisputable advantages belongs also thrift, frugality and

cleanliness. Your partner won’t be embarrassed in front of an unexpected guest for the

mess – in your pantry would never lack inventory. The best policy in marriage with you

is to appeal to your reason. If he would happen to mess up: it’s enough for a convincing

explanation and sincere apology. Let he not ruin himself on a basket of fresh roses in

the middle of the winter. Only then he would get!



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Advice for Summer

Your sign is particularly surrounded by protection, the irresistible charm and great sex

appeal. It would be hard to resist you, so if you’re in a need of sensitivity – you would

get it, and if you’re dreaming of an adventure – it’s enough to take the initiative.

Especially in August: you would start to send a strong erotic signals. Alone Virgos can

therefore expect intriguing friends, admirers, among which may appear someone –

you’ve been waiting for years. It’s hoped: you will spot this person as the aura is set for

a real love, and for getting to the shop with a wedding rings. In stable relationships, as

its known – once it’s better, once worse: it would be worth to check how the power of

endearments and caress works. It may turn out that even in pairs slightly bored with

themselves – return to the good old times is easier than you’ve might think of. If any

changes would occur: only for the better. At stake is the material improvement, better

living conditions. Just remember, that fate – needs to be helped.

Be all that, what he is not: a dreamer, romantic – fall into hysterics, make scenes, cry on

demand. Virgin defends himself intuitively against showing emotions and doesn’t

accepts it in others. And independent of how much he would rage about you and want to

get – if you would serve him streams of tears, outbursts of anger interspersed with

bursts of euphoria: he would run away. Be unpredictable, bury him with surreal ideas.

Arranged Virgo would not assimilate it. He would act allergic, so he would escape. And

even if this won’t work: throw out the heaviest of weapon, show – that you attach no

attention to money – spend them with light hand and there is no word “save” in your

dictionary. You’ve got Virgo already off your head.

Swinging in the clouds or becoming a charming conqueror: you distance the vision of

getting her back. If you would exchange it for specifics: on honest, though modest

approach – there is a light in the tunnel. She’s a capricious girl – it’s not either easy to

get her or to convince back. In a relationship: bets on honesty and clearness of

intentions. She’s careful and skeptical – wants to have confidence that she can count on

you. Alone, strives to be a reliable partner, sometimes even a perfectionist. The same

she expects from a man. She doesn’t wants any words to be thrown on the wind: instead

of magical confessions, prefers – to see a concrete action.

Ardor, passion, over-zeal or hot wave of your feelings: won’t help in issue. You must

balance your own emotions and passions – keep calm and reason. Evidence of feelings:

dose to her in small quantities, so she would have a time to get used to new version of

your relationship.

Usually very modest and would be pleased by gifts which are ‘not-binding/

disobliging’. Likes practical items – those, which would be clearly used by him daily.

Would be happy from jewelry, scarf and other accessories to the clothing and a various

species of decoratively packaged teas.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Motto – I compare.

The first decade of sign is the 100% Libra showing high sensitivity to beauty, full

of grace and charm, romantic disposition, nice, discrete, yet impartial in rate of

others, sometimes falling into self-admiration. The second decade, is a combination

of Libra and Aquarius traits. It gives an ambitious personality and slightly creative

– somewhat detached from the reality. Volatile mind, individualism. High sense of

humor makes it surrounded by a crowd of people. The third decade of sign, is

Libra with a bit of Gemini features. Cheerful ubiquitous intellectual, broad-

minded with versatile interests. Pacifist: acts often as a mediator.

Libra, The Scales –

You would get her by subtlety and tact,


Captivate him by charm and courtesy.

impeccable manners and personal culture.

Then take the way out to the opening of

Mutual communication on one wave plays

the theater or a literacy meeting. Likes to

a key role. Bouquet of flowers – talk

feel one and only. Well, if he has with you

about the lectures, long frank discussions

a chance to spend time remarkable and

also perform. Showing warmth you can

finds within you a refuge from muddle

always count on help of clever and

and clutter.

resourceful, although seemingly weak and

helpless Scales.

Agreeing to the fact, that Libra won’t change, despite her moods are difficult to


Using metaphor: likes to portray the world in images, where she plays the role of a hero.

Avoid to even try – she’s a born diplomat: when encountered with an obstacle prefers to

avoid it than to attack frontally.

Cancer, Virgo and Sagittarius



Leo, Virgo and Pisces

Gemini, Libra and Scorpio

Gemini, Cancer and Libra

Aries, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn and

Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn and



You early discover the charm of women and throughout your whole life remain under

their influence. As a little boy you crush usually in actresses, and as a grown man:

you’re looking for the echo of those Hollywood dreams. You don’t accept anything,

which storms the harmony, complicates the romantic scenario – outbursts of emotion,

laughter, sudden passions. You forgive a woman everything except a bad taste, thick

layer of make-up, lack of tack! Therefore, you pay attention on beings which are a

personification of charm: beautifully scented, dressed with flair, with which you can go

to an elegant party, concert or to an art gallery (it is there – where the first date would

succeed extremely) and you don’t mind even on this little studied, film smile and

elusive feeling that – what is happening between you: perhaps you’ve seen in the


Love is for you a great aesthetic experience, but sometimes one might get the

impression that you admire her like an Egyptian pyramid. You delight in – treat as one

of the great wonders, but keep the distance, like a tourist from another world. Among

the most diverse, sometimes very elaborate verses – which you deign to your partners,

word “love” appears very rarely. You’ve got the soul of connoisseur, and a lot of

success and easiness in dealing with women, cause: that it’s difficult for you to make up

mind for a stable relationship. You seek for a perfect partner – avoiding to rush

yourself: you think – that you’ve got the time. You feel your value, so when the next

date ends at the front door: you don’t quite understand what’s going on. Next time, you



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement a