The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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confident of shared feelings: would go to a jeweler for the wedding rings, and most of

all – would also desire to find a cozy, joint nest. For singles: a great chance for equally

great love. It is starting something really new. Cease to decide too hastily, but at the

same time avoid to be too picky. If you would miss the right moment: waiting for some

firework of passion – you can lost a chance for gaining a true friend. Who said, that love

must begin with a special effect? Sometimes is as such, that a friendship hatches like a

rose from the bud – loyalty, faithfulness, responsible attitude to a relationship cases, are

the features, who now matter the most.

Stop to overdo and quit to mess with the Scorpio as you can get burned. People born

under this sign are vindictive. In the process of discouraging Scorpio – bet on being

“vague”. In direct contact you have to be ‘wooden’ and completely unemotional.

Scorpio is a man of passion – even if he first would take as a point of honor to extract

from you the hidden layers of passion, so if you constantly, consequentially would be

indifferent and impassive: he would finally capitulate, because he needs passion from

woman and if you’re not able to give it to him – it’s time to look for another object of

feelings. Scrub, besides it a knowledge of “I’m not constant in feelings and I like to

flirt”. Definitely it’s not what Scorpio is looking for – in woman. He will leave,


The answer is – perseverance. She’s a mistress of persistence and waiting for the

appropriate opportunity, so this feature in a man would be also kindly appreciated. If

you think, that you would urge her or force to make a decision – you’re in a mistake.

With her: you must be patient. Nicely welcomed are acts of courage like the very honest

talks or emotional declarations. She would like: if you would take some effort, to get

her back. She would rise you not once the bar – to check whether you’re for real the one

for who: you want to be seen in her eyes. Follow your intuition and feelings, sometimes

leave common sense behind the doors.

If your split has occurred because of your reason or offense against her, this time – night

be very hard. She has a great memory – especially for injuries. Therefore now: she

would watch you more suspiciously. No false moves, no lies and no evasions. You must

be for her like a crystal. She would either way scan you with the strength of her intuition

and insight and it would better to turn out: that you’re for real worthy of her and that she

can trust you. Cease to try any tricks or to cause her jealousy – to manipulate her

feelings, because it would turn against you.

Usually inscrutable and spiritual. Loves to get books about various topics and all the

guides. Also original and mysterious would make him happy – magic talismans would

be perfect. Gift for him needs to be good quality: he’s a connoisseur of good style and

tasteful packaging.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Motto – I see.

The first decade of sign is the 100% Sagittarius: brash, uncompromising, friendly

oriented to world. Is characterized by high sense of justice, life optimism and

generosity. The second decade, is combination of Sagittarius and Aries features.

Wide gesture, satisfying of different desires, posing as a hero, impressing

environment and general enthusiasm and readiness for new feats is characterized

to this Sagittarius. The third decade of sign, is Sagittarius with Leo influences.

Easily absorbs knowledge and uses it in practice. Is responsible and foreseeing –

has a serious attitude towards life. Brave, but within reason.

Sagittarius, The

Impeccable manners and high level of

Archer – 23.11-21.12

It’s not easy, but earn his trust. He likes

intelligence – interest in sports, tourism

open and sincere women surprising with

would make an impression. Take her to

appearance and way of being. Seeks for a

concerts, cafes, cinemas, discos etc.

partner to his escapades: which would

Shower her with flowers and gifts as it

also be a companion delighted of his plans

would allow to break the first ice. If you

and passions. Needs freedom, liberty, not

can give her way, like the life full of

tolerates pouting and stupidity.

adventures – it’s a partner in time.

Leaving him sometimes alone. Does not tolerate senseless jealousy.

Intelligently and with the use of careful language (in a sense of grammar etc.).

Under the influence of strong emotions all is written on his face.

Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius

Taurus, Cancer, Libra and Scorpio


Leo, Aquarius and Pisces



Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Scorpio,

Aries and Sagittarius

Sagittarius and Pisces

You’re intelligent, cheerful, exuberant! With you: all must be on the move, you do not

care with your failures, you do not take to self – refusal, against the wind and against

the current you swim always to the goal! You look optimistically into the future, every

day is like a blank page! You such also approach love. Sagittarius, otherwise Archer –

it’s a man, who likes hunting: as much as you’re tempted to reach for the fresh supply of

arrows. Favorably you would look on the woman, similarly as you open, cheerful and

sincere. Nothing predisposes you as well as intelligent remarks and witty comments.

First date would succeed extremely only – in an unforced atmosphere. You appreciate

all the pleasures of life: good food, nature’s beauty – you’re not after too strong hugs!

Your feelings live only on freedom!

You believe in the sincerity of feelings and because of it: you’re not jealous. Heart not a

servant – it didn’t used to obey orders, so you’re not after keeping it on the leash. Love

is for you a mutual desire of two free people. You like to be in love, so if in your heart

doesn’t lies any arrow: you look around carefully, trying to stand on a line of fire of

some interesting person. You’re looking after an independent optimist, as like you:

playing always fair. From women controlling and possessive: who would not be able to

do without you a step – you prefer to keep the safe distance. When you meet a woman,

which drives you: usually you omit the lengthy introductions and relationship quickly

enters the intimate stage. You can be believed, when you tell, you love – the point is

that it’s true ‘now’. It doesn’t exists for you ‘tomorrow’, doesn’t exists ‘yesterday’.

Your feeling is real and natural – which doesn’t means that it: always can be expected

for continuation.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Sex in your issue is an ongoing journey. Increasingly new adventures, more and more of

Sagittarius, The

new lovers... Preach to you sermons – it’s as silly, as silencing the bang of the waterfall.

Archer – Man

You love to have sex! Your spontaneity seems to be insatiable. You love the good

things in large quantities, appetite grows while eating! Your heart is decorated so

cleverly: to hold the whole harem without creating the impression of piston. Input and

output is there collision-free. Enthusiasm won’t however never replace depth of the

feelings – you therefore check in those systems: in which sex is mostly a good fun, and

shared nights are those of love and laughter. Woman, who expects experiences with

higher specific weight shouldn’t find in your bed. It would be difficult for her to

understand, that those great experiences might not longer repeat themselves? Why?

You’ve got her to offer that, which nature gives a man – sensory feast, desire, which is

living the moment, happiness in a nutshell.

Honestly saying, that if you’re a great lover, inasmuch you’re not suited specially to be

a husband. At least, not right away. Your sexual appetite weakens after forties and with

it comes a note of nostalgia and a chance for successful marriage. After all: it’s known

from the top that any woman won’t turn you into an inseparable love-bird – won’t

interest in a dietetic kitchen, or saving on a rainy day. Also laying on you her moods,

blaming with own desires sooner or later would lead to conflict. To lead with you a

consistent, shared life – it’s worthy to have own, equally interesting. The best system is

one: where both sides for all day follow their own tracks and meet up in the evenings to

to exchange experiences, funny observations. Home is for you a haven, safe place,

where you willingly come back, when you’re tired by the buzz. Your attitude towards

money is sometimes quite nonchalant, so it’s better if your partner is more skilled in

planning the household budget: on the other hand – in financial issues you also need

freedom. It will be better – if you would simply have a separate accounts. Each of you

should also have own friends. You won’t be especially jealous of them, because you

offer your partner a loving friendship, uncomplicated and full of warmth.

Advice for Summer

It would be boiling hot! In your hearth a summer storm – invigorating, refreshing,

electrifying. Vacations are a prelude: to what is going to happen in the future. In July

you would win a cosmic popularity poll! Your sign is particularly surrounded by

exceptional prosperity of the opposite sex: possibly you would have lots of female fans.

If you care only for those carefree, holiday romances, full speed ahead! If you’re

however bored by flutter from flower to flower, do not engage hastily. After all, first

impression is sometimes confusing. Also affairs, established to kill time, stopped to

have in front of them a long perspective. In such situation: only your heart can indicate

the right direction. Trust it – stop to calculate. Just love. August would bring the

moment of truth. Something can end, but it says: that’s tough – avoid to regret, because

soon is gearing up a repeat from the romantic moods. Aura would serve couples, who to

shake from marasmus: would decide to liven up. You need a change of scenery. A few

days trip might do wonders. Both you would feel as newly reborn. Unfortunately for

relationships, ongoing only by the force of inertia – such time might end up with a

catastrophe. It however happens always – if nobody controls the driving lane.

Somebody newly met: would realize to you, that remembering the good old times is not

enough, that you’ve got still an appetite for love!



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You disclose yourself as a person full of optimism, joy of life – you love adventure,

adhere to the principle that who doesn’t play – doesn’t wins, therefore not alien is for

you a little of a life gamble: impulsive and hungry of experiences – you don’t have in a

habit to beat around the bush, anything. Under your hot glance – hearts melt like a wax!

Every new man is like a freshly filled lottery ticket. And what, if it turns out happy? He

should however remember, that he is dealing with an independent woman. For men

longing after sensitive, devoted little woman – you’ve got nothing to offer. You need

discreetly shown sensitivity. Someone: who from finish too sharply enters you life –

quickly would feel an unwelcome guest. In too much possessive arms – you lack air and


To love – you approach with a great deal of optimism. You’re full, warm – intimate to

you is loyalty, loving attention, but you don’t the have tendencies to build a solid

structures. You’re afraid of them, so they would not change into a prison. Love means...

love! Your own morality, independent is of that – what people talk: it orders you

sincerity and honesty. It doesn’t happens to you an affair from self-interest, out of

revenge or a false coquetry. What in you charms the most: is a childish openness,

joyous appetite for life and a willingness for your relations, with partner – to frame them

on every level, not only in bedroom. You seek for a partner – understanding what means

this word: lover, who would be at the same time a friend. In your heart flames a light,

calm flame. You can warm up with him – hardly, to get burned. You don’t seek a hole

in the whole: you don’t design sad ending, because why? Rare love heartbreaks you

Sagittarius, The

take with head up. You control your senses, don’t want to loose control over life and the

Archer – Woman

course of events.

Sensual love is for you something so obvious as heavy rain or a clear sky. You’re the

child of nature! Equally natural is a fact, that to the bed you go with the one, who is

liked. Love games, in which you participate with enthusiasm, lined are with warmth,

full of humor and laughter. The joy of giving and taking: makes you open to any

spontaneous proposal. You want to delight everything which is in the boundaries of

human senses. Likely you would enter sex shop and you would exit from it, in the

possession of a few props. You body and the body of lover you treat as a pair of

wonderful instruments, on which you can play all the melodies of the world. Your

erogenous zone is an inner side of the thighs – on kisses and touch: you react as on

alarm. In one moment – you’re in a sexual readiness.

Love is for you an adventure and before you would decide on a shared life – you will

leave behind a long list of contenders for the title of fiance. From this crowd, some love

you – others, hate. Hardly anyone can’t remind you. The highest chance have got those,

who seek for a girlfriend: a companionship for adventures, wife – a friend. You’ve got

high expectations towards a man: with who you intent to spend your life. You would

want to discuss with him about philosophy – when you would come back from the gym.

You expect also, that a partner won’t absorb you completely, because you don’t have an

intention to resign from your own life and interests. Cooking dinners and vacuuming

carpets won’t satisfy your appetite on life. For it, to be successful – it needs many

attractions: travels, social parties, full new faces, sports and entertainment events. The

repertoire is unlimited. With equal fervor you would get to the opera and for the

mushrooms. Sulky home-bird, thinking that sex is purely for procreation – can easily

save himself the proposal. If he however is a broad-minded man and tolerant – he would

leave you a wide margin of the liberty: this relationship would bring both of you lots of

pleasure. Loyal – you act towards the husband fair: you’re able to forgive a mistake and

you’re in fact indulgent – if he however would often abuse your trust, he would pay

dearly for it.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Advice for Summer

If you’re still a ‘free Archer’ you can, in the period of holidays – meet someone, with

who you’d be connected by a passionate affair, but cease to assume it would transform

into a stable relationship. Feelings in your heart explode with the force of lightning, but

sometimes they last equally short. Aura would incline you to seek for an adventures.

You attract therefore to you men passionate and amorous, but not too steady in feelings.

On something more serious you can count however: if you find on your way somebody,

with who you would have a great talk, someone – who would inspire your imagination.

Such relationships, which are not based only on an erotic attraction – might survive

until autumn. Since then, bonds would start to tighten. If you’re already connected:

think about how you can diversify the partnership life. Forbid to allow yourselves on

routine – it can lead to weakening of the feelings. Plan your holidays in such way, to

allow you abandon habits – to show yourself to the other side in an entirely new role.

Avoid holiday homes, where life moves slowly.

Instead of running and to jib: reverse the roles and start you – to attack him. Show that

you’re wanting to entrap him and bury in the hearth and home, and in the head of

Sagittarius the red alarm lamp would turn, under the title: this woman would cut my

wings. It would end pestering and start a runaway. Sagittariuses are funny, facetious,

and cheerful, so if your goal is to discourage him: be serious, dramatic, unsociable.

Show him, that being with you is a ‘golden cage’: he would have great, but not a step

outside the house. Control him. It’s not for the Archer: he can give up a lot, but not


If you would start to pretend and play – she would turn away from you. Bets on

honesty. You might not choose the rights words, but if you would be honest with her –

she would surely gain for you respect. Female Sagittarius observes a man and if she

senses a lingerer or a sad act – takes a step back. Only by being like she is – an optimist,

a man full of life happiness: you’ve got chances to be with her. Be similarly open as her,

on it – what would bring you tomorrow. Would appreciate also audacity: if you would

be ashamed or afraid – she won’t see it with admiration. In female Sagittarius there is

plenty of goodness for others and honesty, so if you would fix the past mistakes and

rationally explain your point of view: you’ve got chances that your arguments would

convince her.

She won’t like if you would tightly hold on to your old customs and habits. This

interested of world, joyful woman seeks a partner – companionship of adventures and

not an indolent bore. If you’re not able to keep her pace: cease start to her. She won’t

like also a pose of standing silent observer – alone is happy and talkative, likes

company, so she too expects it from his man. If in your attempts to get her back you

would be precautionary, prudent and thrifty: forget about the win. She would look with

favorable eye on fantasy, a little madness or even risk-taking.

Loves all surprises, but only under one condition – if he’s able to payback. Needs

movement and for sure would be delighted from a new pair of goggles or a sports

clothing. Joy would be brought also by new perfumes and a wise book, for instance a

guide. Splendidly packed gift would grace him with its very outer beauty.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Motto – I use.

The first decade of sign is the 100% Capricorn: distrustful and distant towards the

environment. Is conservative, stubborn, preservative and counts only on self.

Snippy and frigid in contacts with people. It’s not easily familiarized with anyone.

The second decade, is combination of Capricorn with Taurus. Loves life and

pleasures, lives with a full breast. Is warm and affectionate. It shows common

sense and doesn’t wastes time on nonsense. The third decade of sign, is Capricorn

with the addition of Virgo personality. Curious about the world – lives novelties

e.g. technical. Resourceful, diligent and meticulous. Involves himself in innovative


Capricorn, The Goat

Difficult to get as a glass mountain – wary

– 22.12-20.01

Delicate and subtle, not imposing attitude

and cautious. Needs to be surrounded by

is the best starting point. Prove yourself

care: interest must be shown. Care for her

with intelligence and practicality – you

health and well-being. Let the last word

should also share his interests. He should

belong to her. Hates hypocrisy, deceit, lies

know that you’ve waited for him, all your

and prevarication. Wills to know even the

life. Avoid to expect a generous gesture or

ugliest truth. Apparently snippy. Likes


caress, but must control the situation.