The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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If you’re not able to realize what enters your mind which you’re always able, but consciously decide not to. You’re left, as you haven’t executed everything: the time it entered, at your very best – urgently = YOU’VE LOST, 90%.

You have to forever execute everything whether you like it, want it, desire it or you’re ‘ready’ or not.

However, it’s easy to be honest at the beginning (it’s the prize you want, so you do – you’ve got high error margin).

Nothing would be perfect, but it’s accepted unless you willingly follow.

This stage lasts/ month to over half a year probably to get the first prize – you might get the idea for it after completing the first tasks you were ordered to// yes, it’s a Law – avoid to ever question it.

A success might be a part of it: dependent on your strivings – for the Laws to get you hooked on the process/ #2.

The only thing you have to understand for Life is: your success is only now dependent on you.

/ Give from yourself forever 100% self (to speed up your progress & get the prizes).

If you continue the path taken (85% drop-out rate): you’ve might now spot that it takes a toll on you/ work becomes harder, no-successes follow, but you have to continue it no matter what.

You’ve might not notice the presence of Laws (they’re never noticed, but you later know).

You make countless realizations which everything fails/ project after project. You give everything from yourself, but it fails again and again. You encounter resistance in your mind: first signs of burnout, weakness (doubts), etc.

It’s the time when “the Devil” comes in.

You’ve got an offer for a job which would pay you 2k from a reliable source (i.e. your ‘attorney’/ accountant, 100%

sure): “5 hours a week”. If it doesn’t helps – you’d be tempted later in the time by another perhaps very much higher-paid job/ however paid work just isn’t something appealing for the author, so it wasn’t exploited...

Your friend says “look, I’ve met this hot chick and she has brought her friend/ i.e. on the New Year time”: you go there

and **BAM** – another MISS Polonia for YOU (pictures don’t give it, check the official website/ just because you have taken the process, #2/ i.e. launched something unknown to anyone, in this reality). Author might be paranoid, but

not everyday you get to meet a women who outperforms the porn actresses in the movies you watch (try beat him but

most of them are weak genes, in reality). The best woman, at a time appears – in your reality for you to just arouse your desire (send by you-know-who). She would dance with you – playing uninterested/ she would kiss with her friend on

your eyes to just make you aroused/ gives you her number. There is nobody on this planet, who wouldn’t fell for the temptations who are just made(crafted)-to-you/ i.e. “the best genes”. [2]

You’ve got 50,000+ and just know you can have her despite it would require your efforts/ you wait as it’s not the goal.

Then on the next meeting after ‘are send’ 4 women, where another woman – to take: is for you, being with her friend from the above story – just ridiculously beautiful women/ you know: like when you’ve hit a jackpot in the slot/ fruit machine – things just don’t happen at random/ confirmed. All yours, to take/ you just know (it can’t be explained/ it just can’t). You’ve got now a choice.

The next beautiful woman touches you ‘accidentally’ for a millisecond and she lets you know it, i.e. eye looks –

movements, in talk and subconscious reactions (even such things as legs are pointed towards your direction/ if anyone would ever spot it) for you to just know it – you’re the first she wants. You’ve got her number as she has given it to you/ SMS i.e. text message would do. She’s just slightly less than her friend, in beauty but still impressive. However 487

The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

it’s not enough for you; you’ve got about 10 hours – it’s your girl: which is your time for a decision – purposefully, as she’d knew despite her impressive beauty – it’s not enough for you/ doesn’t looks as she would ‘play lottery’/ seeing you captivated by her friend). The ‘best’ however in the same event would sit on your knee, even start to preliminarily

test you// ‘nobody has seen anything’ i.e. to arouse. Your friend hits a jackpot, because you have refused.

The best i.e. might visit you at home with her friends/ she’s a virgin, i.e. “friends share their secrets”.

It’s the purposeful work of the Laws to get you out of the goal you’ve set.

For those women it won’t matter where you are/ whether you’ve left psychiatric hospital, can’t talk – they would be attracted anyway as they know you would get to yourself (and probably you’re not the real you). It’s ALL purposefully so designed for you to loose your mind.

You have to just spend some time her and it’s ALL that’s required (purposefully so established to take your time, get

hooked and to abandon the GOAL). You’ve got means – you just know (that’s the point = if you take it – you’ve LOST

big time, again because you were taken from the goal). Laws would win/ literally be delighted they’ve fucked you in and what a weak, lame person you are = unworthy. In the moment: you’ve abandoned your dreams (let it be,

named as such) because you’ve took something not leading directly to them.

Various pressures and manipulation techniques were used. Everything is set to just take: beware.

You have to understand NOW – WHY it’s your FAILURE in the process when you would meet with such

beautiful woman (NOT a soul partner/ as the last, has a purpose). You’re giving your energies (by holding in

mind) to the other ‘god’ i.e. pussy/ betraying the Creator as you’ve been easily swallowed by the non-important i.e. you split the time in your head by thinking about the non-goal-related (woman, anything else irrelevant to

the GOAL). However one-time sex or give her to suck is excluded, but no-woman (not a whore) would agree to

it, at least: immediately (and you’re only allowed to it)/ confirmed. You have to take it seriously.

You just have to adapt.



/ i.e. SERVES


x NO

Enter it

→ Skip it.

/ taking into an account – every other

variable, before.


(protection) Want to fuck her, immediately

like ‘now’/ want to give her to suck – you’d see

how she changes her mind/ it works...

Gay? I’ve kissed with probably 200+ women: everyone except one (not because of looks, but of the ‘dirt’ on her mind)

might be your wife. Suddenly they’ve stopped to laugh: focusing their attention on other problems is the way to play it/

but started to talk about ‘lack of approach’ (i.e. not gay). Nobody understood why I’ve didn’t fucked any of them/

nobody ever would. You have to persevere in the World you Live in, because lack of it might not be able to realize your striving/ as required by the process/ #2 (friendship, contacts and still knowledge to extract was required from

those people, attached: to advance your agenda/ any ‘turn-left’ might spoil the influence required, to possess the desired/ as you still have to take help from the other, i.e. make it use people to advance). Nobody would understand.

You have to play your part/ as required, to be kept in the system – as you still Live within it. Fail to do so and you’ve might get rejected, by everyone. The system is your enemy. It’s ALL an art of directing attention/ learn it.

TEMPTATIONS are usually unseen, appear out-of-nowhere and are just natural to be entered by you: principle above

applies (is this serving me OR not, i.e. BLACK or WHITE – THERE is no gray or hue of a color). You enter only

those, who serve (or not go beyond a day and it’s aligned with the goal – in time of relax for instance, i.e. a 2-day “trip”

/ 3 days overall a month). You have must to always think from the BIG PICTURE/ not only related to the visible as

you would loose miserably. ALL those events have a reason and make only one mistake and your Life is virtually over.

It’s hard to recover after each one and you know it.

Even knowing it ALL – won’t protect you as you have must to think constantly.

Then you hear later where you’ve abandoned plans to get her that she wasn’t ‘interested in you at all’ and you hear it suddenly (to get on your ambitions// ‘as a last attempt to get you back’ from the goal, itself). Everything is used.

It’s ALL purposely so designed, to look ‘random’ and to get you off the path chosen.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You’re led forever through a path of the highest development which not always might be moral or not: it’s where

you learn, the most & where you have to go, accept and advance due to it. Experiences which I’ve met on my way won’t probably relate to your path/ i.e. your inner motivations of the soul – fate. You would have your own/ suited, to you – by you desired, to be experienced even if they’ve might be painful later: particularly at the beginning.

You have to accept the pain/ it would probably be prevalent (the pain of failure, unfulfilled hopes, etc. but would change as you advance in it/ as you would transform your in-born thinking, about it).

As with every drug – you’ve got a period, when it’s pleasure/ then the intoxication symptoms set-in: the same is with women. Learn it. With or rather IN Nirvana/ #1.1: you’ve got the first ALL-the-time, similarly as with the SOUL

partner (might be not the most beautiful in the World, however it’s likely sure to be). However what remains, counts...

It has to be earned/ as only weak and defected might enter your reality, without.

I was released on a day pass from the psychiatric hospital after being a month closed (cheated later every dose they’ve given to me/ 2 first weeks slept as you’ve couldn’t skip it & the IV’s): took MDPV (the only drug where my red lamp lit up/ from which could get addicted, but I’ve didn’t as it stopped to work after a certain time completely so I’ve recovered// a HELL of a drug, to avoid – forever) hidden there, in fridge for the purpose. You don’t leave moral field planes/ #1.1: of 0.0001 “as such”/ it takes a great deal of perseverance – if anybody would ever bounce from the very bottom (something to avoid, forever). Went on a trip with friends, being rich to the limits – “bitch to everybody”, bought the most expensive camera (mission/ as something pumped into my head, with one side-task of getting Y

amount in cash), “you study grab X”/ probably given easily over 2.5k+ on 3 people just as/ bought alcohol for

everyone, took a box of it and opened one – wet my lips, drink a bit to have a distinctive taste (if I would be committed

to not be caught I would drink it rectally// might be deadly, to avoid – forever) and she called basically immediately as I’ve violated the terms. They’ve took me probably 6 a.m. – in the place they’ve bet I would be back in 24 hours.

They’ve would have won if I would take the last. Covered the alcohol test: found nothing (as always). They’ve said

I’ve got a high-burnout rate (metabolism, as they always know better). Where your own mother is your greatest enemy/

as those around you don’t have such access – you realize in such situations. Curiosity is that a person who was there in ambulance was the guy who took 5k when they’ve took me at first – he couldn’t look me in the eyes. I’d known, he’d

known (money were hidden under the bed and they’ve moved it as I’ve basically got run out of the places to put them/

he crouched for a while as I greatly recall it – they’re his to party, anyway). [1]

You’re so shaking after the ‘vacations’ there that you can’t drink vodka from a calyx and are forced to use a full glass/

particularly when they were trying to tell you – they’ve imported a ‘special pill’ resembling size of two blue, triangle mitsubishi extasy tablets telling, from another center – something, where nobody has reached such level there: it didn’t

helped. You couldn’t talk for the period after, but it didn’t killed your soul. It’s just an example of what you learn & what circumstances are really required for you – to be able to. You have to see it with your own eyes and experience those or similar/ to get smarter, in order for you to become prepared.

Maybe it meant to be this way – particularly where everything had to be executed this style as because of the come back, I’ve received (which might be interpreted as another attempt to take me out of path, but it wasn’t really it: the opposite is truth, in this case). The symptoms were just a kill, but because I’ve passed them – I’ve stopped to be afraid

of any such treatments.

One of the reasons why immorality is accepted in this reality, is because – you’re still increasing more of your knowledge, bypassing more limitations than the person who is reactive/ #1.11xE (as seen from the perspective of plan).

Attaining in a faster speed all those required traits as you have to clearly overcome basically all your fears, ‘at once’.

You have to repay it: to clear the Karmatic debt/ #1.11xF and it was required by the process, in order for your progress.

/ Unbelievably more (& accepted only to the point – later, but much later drugs have become just obsolete/ immoral except few particular substances/ being at a time required to extract or see the desired, to be & play the part enabling to advance your agenda).


If author was saved at a time by the extreme laziness// where 100%-(minus)units, fail/ the path also led to a breakdown.

REJECTION of the process is a part of it. You’ve got “23rd failure in a row” and you can’t reach the prize despite you’re performing everything and it just can’t be mentally justified. You wonder – maybe you do something not as you should, but you can’t find a reason for it.

An over month/ 1.5: amphetamine-row which takes a toll on you takes place, because you’ve extended your limits

already (imagine something like working 3.5 years in a row or rather even more and have 0-slightest success rate/

barely no cash – no resources, with the works taken). You just don’t want to continue, at a time...

It might be interpreted as a ‘waiting of the soul’ but after it and sleeping like a week – in high depression (brain-

depressed due to its total destruction of ability to produce synthetic substances, not the moral field/ #1.1). You’ve been still however in the process/ #2, but it took some while to get this pause from the 100% work and it’s as so.

You fall, sweep yourself & are ready to continue, after it ( taken as a necessary vacation).

This stage lasts about 3-4 years or even 5 dependent only on your performance and engagement (next might already

started)/ ability, to perform work and to don’t stay lost is paramount – continuing, no matter what ( units persevere).

It’s ALL purposely so designed to take you out of the path: to test of what you’ve made of.

You have to adapt, when you persevere.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


ALL the plagues are released/ everyone is turned against you.

THEN just come ALL the problems/ they worsen timely. Your health cracks/ your mothers turns a parasite/ all

the thugs come back to your neighbor/ you’re framed into many things/ all your family betrays you/ you don’t get help from anywhere/ you lack money – you lack resources – you lack friends – you lack everything & everyone makes you mad – wants to harm purposefully & it continues...

EVERYTHING/ just everything in the book...

What’s interesting – they’re not there to harm you, but to enforce your growth/ to see: the Real World, who is who etc.


Everything you would do now wrong – would take you out of the goal, so you must to be vigilant x10 (as always).

You have to forever remember about the goal and work your way through, to it.

For instance your mother/ all your family would make threats to you that they would put you back where you belong

i.e. psychiatric hospital, would get to lawyers – you would probably see evidence in your reality for it to be true.

As you would be always in such conditions and circumstances where they would have a leverage above you.


It would still be exploited, but later everyone won’t matter anymore because you’ve extracted everything and they’ve served your purpose. Ignore it ALL, at best. It’s clearly visible to the author, but won’t likely be to you (it’s his interpretation of events, ‘as seen & experienced by him’/ opinions presented were not solely his, i.e. basically everyone agreed and repeated the same as mentioned).

Perhaps the pesticide infestation/ #2.58 event was the most touching – memorable, destructive (i.e. total annihilation) from this whole period. Your mother was used to poison everything remaining so you were unable even to complete your work as it was required first to ensure your survival & a working laptop (a foil was devised). I still to this day write on it and even can’t put some of my clothes as they weren’t flushed enough (interestingly: those like many of such events are problematic only to you)/ becoming much better prepared for the scenarios. It’s easy when you know, but everything was tested not mentioning the substances used – which you’ve didn’t ever wanted to touch or used in such conditions previously/ particularly in the event when control over my body was lost for a period...

Therefore, in true reality: it’s nothing at ALL, to be in worry about/ in this stage. All those events appeared to be working for your advantage as every immorality is punished for the perpetrators – your eyes went opened and you’ve learned through the experience. You’ve stopped to fear/ resent those substances all along you as you’ve been poisoned by them all/ including into it – any of such events (in intent: to always be prepared, in advance).

Such as parasites/ #1.1 are easily emotionally disturbed by your actions and react in such way – giving away their moral energy (happiness, high) to you. You have to change your mentality and start to see them as your ‘free food’ to eat/ obligatorily (no-talk, immediately to cause their reactions or turn everything against/ attack ALL their weak spots in each defensive attack – in order to extract them). Just do unintentionally i.e. something for you normal constantly what causes their scream on you and you’ve won/ as they can’t behave such way as it’s immoral to them. There is ever a better view than yours – viciously attacking mother hitting depression because of it/ as every parasite is your death enemy. You never can’t attack first, but you usually don’t have to as they want your piece of power (trying all the time something new but nothing seems to work/ #1.11X).

You’ve got a goal now and it has to be completed/ everything is either an obstacle or a help for you to take.


You know you’ve passed the stage of temptations when a friend from the segment of an organised mob: recognized

your hidden, unknown to anyone potential for the job they do and offered a theoretical “100K at once, join us –

everything covered”. You’d refuse few times, as it’s not anymore a temptation: you’ve got a clear goal and everything is irrelevant which doesn’t pushes you towards it, i.e. cash, women or any of it (and nothing is for free

as you always waste your time, brainpower/ ‘sperm’ even if it ever would be). It might take another form in your

case. As it’s known to the ‘introducers’ – you won’t ever cooperate unwillingly (why? because you would loose moral energy i.e. happiness – high, #1.1/ & many other things of value, to you). Even if you were even to be implanted with a poison which lack of it: causes your death/ you would just sit and watch it: similarly as with the cut limbs – you would

either regrow them or wouldn’t care about nothing...

You have to develop skills which would enable you to continue striving for your goal/ never to weaken under those pressures. In fact all those people are like harmless pigs/ but immensely real ‘pigs’ – ‘swimming dolphins’ around you.