The Most Important Knowledge You Would Ever Read Implement and Live up to Forever by Andy PSV - HTML preview

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Everything is set in this reality to further your own development. You won’t be killed tomorrow or

today, on the road if you only show the initiative, #2/ abandon this idea. However, if you won’t: it’s not

sure – if you’re worth more dead than alive, or hold such Karma – it’s likely you’d be moved

somewhere, where you would have the ability to learn on your mistakes i.e. a prison. It’s dangerous in

this reality, to refuse development unless you serve those, who do the work/ being kept alive.

790 Nirvana/ #1.1 but min. Adoration state is a sign indicator – it isn’t: as you’re doing it right – what you’ve supposed

/ for the best of yourself (i.e. the level of happiness).

791 Inspiring/ morally-rewarding work for which you everyday wake up, to continue.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Its best in life to distance yourself a little from it: avoid to be bounded to it, hardly.

Use a dreamer-realist-critic approach to, the goals #2: of the process.


A dreamer – perpetuates a very desirable goals and fantasies which are able to be realized in this reality.

Realist: sees the ways, to make them happen.

Critic: points, everything which can go wrong – looks at it, from the pessimist way of view (type III,

#4.42/ yet everyone can perform such stance: learn it).

Nobody likes to be criticized, but you sometimes have to/ allow do it others as they’ve might see more

than you can imagine: improving your work/ you yourself.

Think also in terms of ‘what is limiting you/ your venture/ your development’ and

overcome those issues, by targeting the specific areas. If something792 isn’t leading you to

resolving the problem: leave it/& ignore: more along.

If for instance your growth is limited by the capacity of your production: think on the ways on how to

increase it or delegate/ 793 first.

It applies to any other field of development.


Knowledge, that.

Every action people turn against you: is predominantly from FEAR – the hidden, deep-

rooted 794subconscious one. Your actions make people feel uncomfortable (any action

towards your dreams) so they respond by criticism, sarcasm and every other way to protect

themselves as you make them feel inferior i.e. dreaded by the thoughts that you would rise

above them or their level of richness/ by having more, through your actions – even if they

seem pathetic.

Is the deep-hidden truth. Use it, to your internal dialogue.

Let it give you: the required drive to overcome.

792 Keep in mind: that most people listen, but don’t hear/ or know better – you’ve might be approached by someone, who knows already the answer but your refusal to acknowledge it, might lead to your downfall: look for the clues,

signs and events which lead you to the accomplishment of your goals/ be vigilant and receptive – analyze your

environment – #0.1/ constantly. Focus forever on solutions, to your problems – not the problems themselves.

793 If everything else is covered for the expansion to be possible & you’ve got a solid data and funds to perform it/ only.

794 They’ve might not be aware: why they do it, but the property of the mind causes them to reject or deny everything which is volatile, unknown or passes their certain understanding ‘the average/ commonly accepted level’ in order to

protect their ego/ the deep-grounded and accepted ways – the ‘status quo’.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Value is relative for everyone. For a survivor a bit of rope of web, to catch fish – a zipped plastic bag

to carry water: would be a gold, but also making the first from a nettle and the second from a bamboo

might prove valuable.

Never stop to attain new knowledge/ at bare min. 2.5-4h daily, each day.


Why people die out of cancer? It’s because they don’t think: they’ve refused to, by only binding to one

area of knowledge at most of such cases. They avoid to take the efforts, to make their own research –

they want for everything to be given to them. They don’t question the system, they’ve stopped to

observe intentions of the surrounding. They don’t know what cui bono is, they went lazy...

Avoid to ever give up. Always and forever: fight up to the end, but with the knowledge

first/ its usage – not, by any other means, unless they’re required at the moment of time

i.e. the usage of inferior dangerous & wrong/ publicly-available solutions, methods.

Avoid to ever really care about anybody except you and your closest family.

However, be helpful to people and provide them with the desired – if you only wish.


Let the others do their thinking for themselves. Prize your efforts.

Be a believer in people, although/ presume such stance towards them, but know and count only on self.

Stop to ever give power to anyone or anything: over your own795 prized Life.

It has the highest worth, in the end.

795 Teachers, mentors, experts, doctors or even hairdressers.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Everyone grows comfortable, in time.

Put yourself on the edge – as there is the most of the knowledge to be extracted.

Keep it this way.


You either have or have not.

You either do or don’t do. If you do, you do 100% or 0%.

No middle.

You change/ test constantly new things, approaches.

You avoid to ever look over anyone: you’re the true master of your own fate, #2.


The highest importance in your Life has: your strength of character in any circumstances and at any

cost. Develop it.

The beauty of this realm, is that anywhere you are in life – independent of age, any problem – any

issue you’ve might have: health, financial, emotional or anything which happened to you in the past

or is to be: you can always change it all, if you only would have such intent to take the full796

responsibility/ to decide enter, the process: #2 (demonstrating such stance, really meaning it797 for

serious). If you live: it’s never so badly to not be able start to do things, the right way/ #2.

It takes only 5-7 years/ everything would be dealt by you (avoid to ever think how/ why and what) as

all would be provided, if you only would take the courage, to take – the best decision of your Life.

Everything, would turn around.

In time/ tested, #1.12.


For only the best of you.

It’s, how it is.

Know it798/ believe.

If you refuse, to take the process, #2: your DNA (genes) might be lost, forever – as you’re

exempted from the Laws full protection.

796 In mind/ in thoughts, to follow.

797 To fix the damage, #1.12 & go straight – by taking, #2/ which is, what to do.

798 As everything is set here, in such a way/ just as.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You’ve changed. You’ve adapted, to save money for its later use, #2.31.

Assets are things which do bring you money – which/ in turn, bring you even more money (as you

invest continually: the money you earn – in assets and self). You’re basically asset-own.development

focused as it’s the most important – you avoid to spend them on items/ utilities, which don’t contribute

to your growth or the expansion of your assets799/ portfolio of your new acquisitions.

799 You’ve acquired and have to take care of, in the process itself – #2/ to develop, for your best outcome.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You just take it/ & keep with it, as with everything i.e. in starvation, #3.1: you just stop to eat, drink

water and keep it for this time, 7-days. It’s all/ adapted to any action/ preceded by thought.

It’s all easy, unique mind programming enables it, #0.1: it’s the key/ to any achievement.

The question to be continually asked, is.

What is the most important use, of my time?

Follow it. You always know, what to do.

Do it continually, then.

If you don’t sell – you’ve got a problem.

Whether you would share this book on a various forums – discussion groups, with your friends, p2p

networks/ put permanently on your blog, website and sources of your associates – print and sell,

redistribute800 etc.: it’s only up to you, as everyone works on his own account, to earn points which enable you to be used to get an idea ex. for the next multi-billion dollar business/ or buy any related i.e.

love, the best soul-partner, or any other dreamed of, desired – imagined.

/ Efficiency is what counts, the more – the better, the chance of getting them. Everyone works for

himself, always and forever would be, in this reality.

Fail at it, and you’ve might get stuck in Life.

Take the process, #2.

It all gets, to it.

Nobody would help you, unless you would help yourself first.

800 Avoid to look at anybody/ ignore everyone. You’re working for yourself only, always: they would want to, but lack the courage – you possess/ therefore: ignore all the comments, what anybody thinks – as it’s irrelevant.

You know what to do the best for you: stay with it/ to the end.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Aside from what has been written. I stepped once, to a shop and observed the cashiers and all

the people around: everyone is watching himself and his back – the first, looking and speaking

with the clients, serving them and selling the GM-poisoned, deadly cigarettes/ you can be like

this cashier, working each day for the end of your life complaining – working at the factory or

doing other job which you don’t like, hate or even sometimes do from a must – it’s a part of the

process. Embrace it. You’re not a nanny to babysit everyone. Never disdain, but change and take

those actions to make this change. If you won’t: you would be condemned for this living hell,

here (the heaven and hell concept). The process, is the first – i.e. the job which doesn’t develops

you: the latter. Why it should ever matter that you’re dirty or raised seat toilet or washed after? It

wastes time, which could be used purposefully for development, which does only matters in the

end/ to attain new experiences. You’ve might still do this job, as all is in the mind.

The first mistake is lack of listening, to the end – what one, has to say. Second: is the 2nd best.

To third: nobody listens. Aiming to be a billionaire/ going after it: mine ideal me/ not a

billionaire yet – I’m on its road, as The Process lead me already everywhere, where I’ve wanted

to go – whether it was to get the best-looking girl for a end-school801 party (was brought, on the

last day i.e. “hour” where the name had to be given/ which implies: you have to believe – stay in

this802 belief, up to the very last, final – absolute END or is it, to it: with success/ it’s all

confirmed and well-documented or the 100k in a 3-month time (earned more)/ I absolutely

believe it, as it has been proven so many times. I’ve achieved everything that I’ve ever wanted to

this point of time – thanks ONLY to the process, which is on a side – a primary mechanism

created to realize the purpose of knowledge increase of a unit and serves the God to harden

you803 – the worthy, #1.11xE/ the soldiers (being a basic Law, of the cause principle/ of the

Universe). In the foundation: those 75804 failures, in a row (something, which nobody would

handle): were all a successes, however they’ve didn’t succeed financially – they were all my

personal successes (most of the projects lasted at min. a week up to couple months, each/ to

prepare – significant money and efforts were invested). They’ve might succeed, but I’ve always

backed where the initial plan failed/ where each stage was cleared: I’m never interested in

anything lower. Look upon yourself only/ ignore, all the rest. Even if I’ve earned in some of

them: they couldn’t be named successes/ being abandoned as it was not the purpose (the

most important: to forever remember). It never worked with the plan, but the last was always

done on-the-fly to adapt and adjust to the current circumstances.

Even if I would fail the next 5925 times/ which is still, despite the wisdom: likely to happen as

my knowledge is slightly above the basic level –/ I would continue to work my way up to the

success. I’m a realist acting as a greatest pessimist: I’ve got my limits, too.

It’s normal for everyone around that they would best close such people in the closed institutions

as they feel no power over such people and are scare of them. They’re scared, because they’re

better of them/ then I would reset the counter and start to count from the very beginning, again.

They’re scared.

They’re powerless.

The best works – to show them their powerlessness over you: is to ignore everyone and

everything around which doesn’t serves your goals – it’s the highest punishment ever. The last,

is also to be like everyone around: mediocre, at best/ not the very best, which ever lived – I can’t Live with it and fight those battles everyday. Look on everyone is a sin, but being led by

someone’s thinking is a corporal punishment condemned for a long-lasting prison/ it includes

TV, media, the so-called ‘experts’ and everyone, including you. To trust, is to fail – in Life,

miserably. I acknowledge, but I refuse to ever believe. Your reality is only for you.

It’s ALL for the purpose of energy, #1.1/ Karma harness: I don’t care about anybody, I’m in this

game alone (like you, everyone) so why to even bother – it’s something required, on a path to

become a billionaire (those, who have become ones as heard from the media: have also very

probably generated for themselves positive Karma in their past life, which couldn’t be repaid).

801 1st graders couldn’t, because there was alcohol/ it had to be someone from the outside – someone unknown: to look the part.

802 I’ve never stopped.

803 If you only choose to participate/ #2.

804 After how many failures: you’ve stopped to continue?


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You’re in my world – you’re hooked when only opened: it would hunt you, either way.

If you’re alone – in somewhere: why you should even dare to care?

I’ve might be eating half a kilo of white powder combined with a couple grams of MDPV when

it stopped to work/ to do the deal, in a shameless self-destruction – all to explore, the unknown

as I’m required to, taking all the hardships of a path for myself/ to hit the UFO which probably

purposely, flew into my home area on this state805 of the soul (and I’ve couldn’t cross the

invisible space in part of the room). It doesn’t matter/ they’ve flew away, either way. I’m might

be tasked to get myself purposely placed in a psychiatric806 hospital/ by a court order: to avoid

leave (not being/ making it all look as I was placed there, by someone else, who wanted me

there and to keep the illusion alive for years). Am807 I better?

I don’t care.

It’s all about the process, #2. It’s ALL about delivering. It’s all about the goal/ the want, the

desire. I’m able to accept everything, I’m able to do everything/ all in the moral boundaries, as

I’m tasked to (survive and pass all, the worst: imaginable and the unimaginable/ as required, in

the process).

I’m important, because of it. Whether would you?

Knowing, that I would get cheated: I would give away 2k at once to learn the techniques which

might be used/ up to 1-1.5k in sum for a single person – each time, as ‘investments’ for real.

Who does that?! However, it leads – in time, those choices to a greater development. I’ve

refused jobs for 2k, then 4k (up to 8k increase after a trial term) and even would refuse: the one

which would take an hour a week if it’s not getting me closer to my goal. It’s thought, that most

would never achieve such proposal due to the lack of knowledge, which their choices have led

them. They want to rule everyone around, but they’re powerless (as everyone around).

I’ve left a beverage to a cashier, to be given to somebody who needs it/ they won’t require for

themselves a healthy one, so the aspartame which was probably in it – they won’t care, they

won’t know what they put into their bodies. They don’t care: they vote with their wallets

everyday and therefore me, would see: more aspartame on the shelves, more poisons in the food/

even more GMO’s and even more monosodium glutamate/ and it’s successors which intensify

the pleasure derived from food (it tastes great: it destroys the brain and the body i.e. Alzheimer,

weight gain, loss808 of eyesight, heart problems and cancers etc. – yummy) as they don’t care for

the things important and everyone pays with his health, for it/ #3.

I constantly think, analyze, observe: add new knowledge.

The most important wisdom, is.


If you allow ever anybody to undermine your belief: you’ve lost, in this reality – it’s the most

important of lessons. Believe what you know, is the best for you/ independent of anyone or

anything: only then, you can succeed/ #2.

It’s similar to everything: if you don’t like something – cease to give it power i.e. stop buying

items/ food products you don’t support. If you don’t encourage809 immorality: ask from where

the seller has got the product from – is it, i.e. 8 razors in price of 4 compared to the other sellers.

Avoid to be happy with flattery answers: call the producer, verify the information/ ask for an

immediate return810 of the money: in a case of justified suspicion or send the item back, if it was


805 Vibrations, i.e. frequency/ this Universe is a very crowded place: believe.

806 By staging an event – which wasn’t hard at all, in my case: they’ve just looked and knew, believed in an instant

/ pull up the records, who called (indirectly – to be placed there, in result).

807 The thing, is that they’ve didn’t wanted to let me out/ the 2nd longest holiday in a ‘hotel’ – is another story/

particularly where the IQ-resembling tests were given – some sort of puzzles, to match: which on the side were the

hardest thought process I’ve ever made to be released was done (with my skills at it, being drugged insanely).

However: I’ve succeeded finally after the second approach – days later. I’ve made it/ the impossible, as forever.

In fact: they were the only normal people, I’ve met/ not judging, listening and respecting others opinions and thankful for what they’ve received – not wanting, to use anybody for their purposes (sharing and helpful, to add to it – accepting their defects – striving to solve them/ however: the bad way, due to lack of knowledge). Without an immense ego.

808 Damages the retina.

809 I.e. ask always: whether you would want for somebody to steal your possessions (as the product such lowly priced might indicate it, being stolen or faked as the seller wants to sell it fast)? If yes: support the immoral by buying, but

acknowledge it has got consequences (Laws, but also in the legal sense/ #1.12).

810 If others want to buy those items: it’s their choice.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

It’s somebody loss if it comes from the immoral activities: it’s your