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828 It’s much more to it, examples given – they’re not even the tip of an iceberg (not mentioning, what’s under the water). They were purposely placed, to show you: others have got better than you/ as they’ve rewarded with all sorts of

troubles to which – yours are probably with no comparison. You’ve might not been so luckily gifted by the Universe, but you have the chance – by taking the-so-called process/ #2. It’s an adventure, which is the best memorable

experience you could ever have/ liked the stories? You would have even better and look from all of it, in a different angle. Move your body/ get into the action. What’s next? It’s for you to experience.

I’ve been prepared: for years condemned on immense pain, trouble, failure/ nothing was received, no support ever handled. I’ve received probably about 70k rejections/ if only to count them, in a row – with all my projects: some

earned millions in a period of two years/ or I was forced to watch the TV ads couple years after their introduction by me. My home was a habitat of Hell: all those immensely powerful entities which used the bodies of my fellow men and

women – to bombard me with every in-the-book or not even in it: technique, to crack me – under various pressures/ I

won’t ever let anybody to take my high, i.e. happiness/ #1.1. Even my own mother tried to kill me: for face –

unsuccessfully as always (throwing a chopper knife from a 2-3 meters – for the head with a whole force, being drunk/

from surprise – qualifies). If you do anything: be successful at it, for the stake. More than all: I hate failure/ I just can’t watch when somebody does a mediocre job (on a personal level, not attached to any of the outside). Thanks to her: I’ve succeeded as I’ve started to do the opposite of what she did or didn’t. It continues still to this day, all the time: I

couldn’t reveal more and this knowledge is merely a top-bottom base of an absolute very basics level/ so an apology for it, but you wouldn’t accept certain ideas beyond it or even on the boundary of the next: it has to be earned by you.

Nobody wanted to ever print this book (as a curiosity – it couldn’t be printed anyway by me, #4.43 as any profit would spoil the prize/ it was not the purpose)/ nobody helped to get a patent for a formula which removes completely all the alcohol hangover – yes, I’ve thought about it too (if the memory would be lost, by you: you won’t tell whether you’ve drank yesterday any of the %; I’ve found three substances working in conjunction which perform such role; the pill can be embedded itself into vodka/ for less than 1% of it cost// none side-effects, it’s an addition to it: safe & harmless with no extra kick/ there are designed two special versions of it – with it). My (your) survival is the most important: then,

comes the all rest. However it’s all: only a pre-requisite for a better progress/ which is continued, everyday. Things started to change recently and it’s the whole point of it, as due to those all hardships: you’re better prepared for the incoming. Hope: you would invest in yourself also – as it’s worth it and this humble piece of work inspired you and delivered the very basics, for you to want and do the change/ #2.

I won’t understand – you’ve didn’t took it/ I’m not listening, why.

If you would refuse ‘today’/ #2: you would be condemned for the pain, trouble, failure but also depression, lack of sense and loneliness/ when the cards, invert – usually, in time.

Like many who did and lost – their lives. Independent of the age: you can still turn the cards for your favor – if you only would believe – it’s possible for you and it is/ you only have to willfully follow to the end, it’s all.

Avoid to ever look on anybody around or look, to be able: confirm those words.

It’s your choice, only.

Thank you.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


If there is anything, which could be added and I’ve learned and still learning to this day: in Life, you

only have to do 1 mistake – to loose it/ to fail. It applies to everything: is it the chocolate who would have 1 non-organic ingredient which would be GM-poisoned and would force you to vomit/ #3.29L

(sensing and rather 100% knowing829 you would, after it) or is it the event which would come and

poison all the living environment including all your clothes and forcing you to shake bone cold at night,

as you’ve got nothing to wear as nothing can be touched by you as it’s all infested with pesticides – to

leave your even to this day walking without pants/ #2.58 (as those challenges learn you to secure

everything and think, in the first place: i.e. in your work, the most important – it’s insuring its830

survival, the latter – comes the last).

Those experiences leave a mark on you – the permanent one, which do really matters as they change

you. You can’t be killed immediately because you have to have: the ability to learn, based on your

mistakes (yes: this world has got embedded in it a genocide survival-requirement plan by the Creator

himself/ secret). Only up to you, is whether you would: survive.

However, thanks to them: you’re only able to succeed. Avoid to do this one mistake in Life and

change it/ for the very best of you, #2. Follow, those who had the courage – to choose 831wise. Make

such decision/ too. Accept it/ pursue: willingly, #2 & your Life and the whole experience of it – would

change only for the very best, drastically – forever.

It’s: the purpose.

829 So why to eat it? To learn, based on this experience (new ingredient, unknown before)/ it’s accepted, fully.

830 This reality (& the Universe itself) it’s so purposefully designed: to create a 3d illusory environment where there would be ability to train and provide a learning ground for the souls. Those who would prove themselves, i.e. surviving and getting the most out of it/ possible only: through taking the process, #2/ those who would acquire the desired traits and knowledge imprinted in them (through all of those experiences): would be the winning candidates (would be spared, to progress). The rest of souls, who failed those tests: would be destroyed (as they’re useless – for the purpose of Creation, #1.11xF). This training ground: is to create and pick those winning candidates/ who would become ones: through their own efforts by using the Laws here present.

831 The highest in this world: I “fear” job i.e. the reactive state, #1.11xF/ knowing, The Process – #2 (as the last is fun, pleasureful and worth living – despite the hardships which aren’t really perceived as such, but as a learning experience). My mind generates horror dreams of me working in the first, when I screw big time. Never EVER again.

I love it/ everyone will do, who took it and passed – the initial years: when he learned, the basics.

Life is a dream: when you’re crossing it.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Law of cause and effect.

We Live in a cause-effect reality. You won’t be hit by a truck – your car wouldn’t be splashed on the

road. If you were to be even killed, #2/ you’d be resurrected by the path (the next deja-vu effect) as the

testing has to continue and you’re now important.

Therefore, if you were even fucked in the ass ( not a gay, couldn’t do anything or rather did everything in your power to protect yourself). You have to832 do: none/ that’s the point.

It’s enough to feel emotions for the perpetrators and they would be returned to those who did it. If you

would waste your time and energies to find them: YOU would earn Karma, #1.2: the Law serves the

justice – you don’t have to, it’s absolutely guaranteed. It might block only your path to success and

you’ve now might be hit by a car.

The same applies to health/ #3. The last, is of your own making, ONLY. What you eat, what you do

with it – if you avoid to take causality for it: you suffer. We’ve got power over our Lives, through the

choices we make daily. If they’re are insufficient: we suffer.

Learn it.

832 It’s forever about the right mindset suited to the goal itself: you’re horny which not every woman has.

It’s, the most important of lessons/ Adapt it: to your reality.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

As in, #3.21: the same applies to people you.





/ limited

/ wanting something for nothing

Χ / following only moral paths –

or achieving it – the immoral

with morality as your highest

way, i.e. drugs – speculative stock

value as you’ve learned through

market play etc.

your mistakes

Valuable to the Creator as they

Worthless piece of trash (even if

overcome their fears: constantly

you get the chance to reach

Deadly piece of trash (threatens

strive to their goals – have a

anything what you want – you

the plan of Creation at some

relentless attitude. Improve and

still won’t overcome your fears


develop themselves, all the time (as

and limitations because you’re

required for the achievement of

constantly afraid833 of something).


You’re likely to die due to your lack

You die due to your actions or are

You Live, are happy.

of actions and reactiveness as

moved somewhere else – given

lack834 of striving for any goal –

chances to change yourself and

lack of overcoming doesn’t

leave what you do behind. You’re

develops you (properties only found

moved to a prison/ psychiatric

in psychopaths).

hospital or killed somewhere else.

You feel not as the psychopath,

When your role ends: you’re killed

without knowing it/ worse, much

by the Laws/ or become a cripple –

worse. You loose your life

handicapped i.e. permanently

satisfaction, happiness, great mood

disabled to serve as a living

and all the attached, i.e. immense

warning sign for others.

wealth (because you’ve ceased to

generate moral energy through your

You die.

actions/ #1.1).


You’re only kept in this reality to

give you the chance to change/ #2

and to work – providing tools835 for

the psychopaths.

Look at it, from this side and keep a positive eye on all those experiences delivering you by the process/

#2 as because of them: you’re increasing your value in the face of God.

Forever know it: never cease to believe.


It’s not the work you perform, but what you think about it.

It’s, the ugly truth. You’d better adapt to the plan of Creation, #1.11xE by taking the process/ #2 to

increase your value. You’re not born a psychopath/ you become one.

833 Lack focus/ lack the action to make it happen through your own effort.

834 Insufficiency, i.e. 100% effort like in the case of psychopaths.

835 You’d kill yourself/ when your role ends i.e. through a disease: it, being a result of your lack of thoughtful actions.

For instance you’ve might have an idea to use doctor’s place who are designed to softly kill ‘undesirables’/ like you.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

You can always watch a false telenovela836/ if not.

It’s believed known by the author that in the End (and it’s even given in every religious book): when it

would come to this War of the Worlds (realms, Universes – as described in, #1.11xE) only those who

have acquired the traits, knowledge and possessed a variety of skills would be spared from this whole

Creation (as i.e. critics, those weak – weakly prepared would rather cause problem837 than solve

anything/ literally: those who attack people who have taken the process/ #2).

Therefore: it’s in your best self-interest to start play838 this game/ #2.

836 Impossible to be achieved scheme of a perfect ‘life’/ causing frustration.

837 They’re a problem from the perspective of Creation but are left to serve as an opposing force for those who reinforce their strengths & fight to win – learning, all the time/ as free will has to be present. Interestingly: everyone has got equal chances to do it, as he’s faced with a different set of problems in each of his lifetimes/ being best equipped.

838 Telling it the most clearly: refusal to become the best of the best – would be equal to the end of you, terminal.

The end: of your existence.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever


All Laws in the Universe are here to assist you in the development/ reinforce thinking – to realize the

purpose of Creation, #1.11xF. We’re brought here, without a manual or tutorial how to play along and

use them to our own advantage. Generalizations, might be known and are introduced in the form of

religion: not to harm anybody, be a good man but – it doesn’t provides much and it’s rather largely


The world is, as it is: purposely – to pick and create those who have learned to use their brains – to

progress from a sheep to an intelligent beings. Only those, who invested their efforts and used their

abilities to uncover the truths, are and would know solely the stakes involved in this game – rest, just

doesn’t cares and they suffer throughout their whole lives, because of that. It’s only up to you, whether

you would reinforce your strengths, adapt to what’s here – to win, all the desired and Live a happy Life/

not the comfortable one, but the most pleasurable.

It’s the work, only you can do. You’re in this game alone – you’re judged individually, as everyone else

yet their punishments, might and are often purposely hidden. It’s never about not making any errors or

taking the wrong choices – they’re required to progress, but about the ability to learn based on them.

Nobody ever told, it’s easy to start but it’s required – and it, only matters. By refusing to play,

accordingly to rules: you always get the punishments which are usually delayed in time by 5, 15 or even

more years.

Those, who have started the process, #2: Laws start, to work for their favor in this reality. Those

who didn’t: might be perceived as slaves for those who took the process, in this reality – working

hard, for the money – to blow them up at the end of the month, having little or none left/ or to buy


Everyone can take it, but not everybody would. You, yes you – can take it, as you’re an entity

populating this Universe and Laws are to be used by anybody/ being the same for each one of us,

working by the consistent rule. The question is only: whether you would be intelligent/ smart enough, to

use the knowledge here presented?

Most, would not.

It’s only about you.

Take the process, #2/ the path-of-power.



The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

This book is worthless/ if the knowledge isn’t applied by you – to your daily Life. It’s a continual


To brake any fear: do what you fear, immediately. It’s required sometimes to

investigate the object839 of the fear itself.

Knowledge is highly organised – you’re always being lead by the path of maximal development: only

untruths and false/ inaccurate information might find you, being screamed or presented publicly. It’s

required to invest your own efforts into understanding and it’s hard, because an invisible (moral/ #1.1)

field is to be conquered. However, it’s always worthy as it pays off – sometimes, you might not know

how or why at the moment of attaining it.

You see, if you don’t know how to earn

money: the only idea, besides getting a legal

day-job would be to punch somebody in the

head and rob him/ maybe more ambitious

immoral enterprises i.e. selling drugs or

others/ heist. Here comes, the knowledge

because if you pursue the process, #2: an

ocean of opportunity comes in – you start to

see, use and gain of ALL what you’ve

acquired, #0.1/ if backed only by the

appropriate brain programming.

Those, who have risen to the very top: have

invested all their Lives, to conquer the

darkness of the unknown, feared and took the

risks and chances – if not even always the

moral way/ #1.12 & 1.2: they’ve learned on

their mistakes, fast.

You won’t ever be nobody else, than who you are or can personally become – therefore, take the path

which is right, from the very beginning and complete it with success as the rewards are a guarantee. It’s

ALL the difference between those who have access to such knowledge, to those – who don’t. Be

however wary, that by sharing it with others/ the payback would come, from other source – in a

prolonged time. Know basically, that what you do today – would be repaid, in a 5-7 year mark so you’d

better start do it now, #2.

No purposeful effort, is ever lost.

839 Using/ observing others who already did it might be helpful, therefore: share this document, now/ it’s the purpose.


The Most Important Knowledge You would Ever Read, Implement and Live up to Forever

Most people/ you would desire in life – to experience a pill, which taken: would give you ALL what you

want, in an instant. This knowledge, is such pill – #0.1, #1/ the one, which works and lasts, without any

hangover or unwanted side effects, which provides unlimited health, #3 and that takes on a journey, #2

of a lifetime – rejecting all the darkness, shade within.

You have however take it, to experience.


You’ve found the code of this reality – know all the possible traps, variables to follow to get the desired/

to get the fastest, most prolific results possible – the best840 way. Therefore, the only person to blame for

not succeeding, at it – is you.

You would get back to this book many times.

Power and achievement is measured not by the volume of knowledge attained, but by the sheer

actions and courage who lead to their completion.

840 The process/ #2: can be also understood by you – the other way/ a closer to the reality of what it is & even simpler.

It’s a Law (God intent) which wants something to be introduced in the material world for purpose

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