(206-207) Works of Love
Part Two I Love Builds Up
The Lover Presupposes
The lover who desires building up must start
So of the beloved the lover presupposes
That love lives strong in the beloved's heart
Not something the lover imposes
That makes for a building up in the lover
Such love makes for a mutuality
Of infinite love, there's always more to discover
We can never achieve its totality
We cannot build up through any coercion
Nor to transform through some constraint
"It's for their good" is a justification
And it's a cause for our complaint
Presupposed love requires no master
But welcomes the devoted servant
To respect the beloved is the answer
For building up that is most pertinent
In love we act with humility
Indeed we are inconspicuous
This can feel like futility
But love can't be officious
Still we act to build for strength
And remove unwanted slivers
Love will go to any length
To stand with and deliver
Presupposition does not mean completion
In love's building up there is no finality
When we give love there's a steady accretion
Love's humility entertains no banality