Unavoidable: a Hard Truth about Alien Encounters by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Sex and aliens


Did you just skip right to this chapter? It’s okay. I would have, too. There is probably some that would skip this chapter. I am absolutely obsessed with two subjects, God and Sex. I think someone else, a favorite musician mine, said something very similar- which made me laugh out loud. It is this very subject that makes sharing this difficult for me. I wish more people were open, honest, and nonjudgmental. I personally wish for more courage. And a brain. If only everyone could be like Doctor Lindsey Doe, sexologist and host of the youtube channel: “Sexplanations.” If you don’t know her, go find her and make her your next idol.

There is this new thing, relatively new, where certain scientist have suggested trauma can be passed genetically to offspring. The term is called epigenetics. It offers explanations why some family issues seem to be generational. It brings new meaning to the Hebrew idea of the sins of the father will last seven generations. Hypothetically, if my family had a history of physical, sexual, and drug abuse- not only might I be more disposed to experience the same, and pass that shit on, but I might actually carry a memory imprint of someone else’s abuse. Assuming epigenetics is real, alien sexual encounters, episodic sleep paralysis, night terrors, and even false memories could be related to a parent’s or grandparent’s direct experience of abuse. Maybe it’s not complete memory, but enough there that our brains can fill in the details- giving us featureless face with big eyes. I added false memories to that because there are people who make reports that aren’t accurate, they have this memory of being abused but never abused; you’re not going to persuade them it’s fake, and family systems get disrupted. (I am not saying that the person’s suffering isn’t real; I am simply saying the experience isn’t real. (Yes, that applies to me and my idea of being abducted and seeing UFOs. I am very candid about that.)) Psychologically speaking, epigenetics makes more sense than aliens. Still, I don’t see a lot of folks rushing to that to the alter of epigenetics, “Oh, this is explains everything…”

The reason all of society isn’t likely jumping on the epigenetics band wagon as a real thing is that it negates the idea that the brain is the primary organ for memory and personality. Accept epigenetics as real thing, suddenly you have an explanations for ‘reincarnation.’ (I don’t know how many children Cleopatra had, but almost every in Asia related to Genghis Khan- and since I haven’t heard of a million people saying their the reincarnated Genghis Khan, I think my theory epigenetics explains reincarnation is bunk.) You also have an alternative explanation to memories and personality changes coinciding with heart transplants. You get someone else’s heart, you get someone else’s gene. We have neural transmitter floating through the body, so they hit the heart, unlock a memory, or an abstract, like a sudden liking for Harley’s and Fried Chicken- and there you go. (Who doesn’t like friend chicken?) My scientific brain says, that’s a better explanation than say, ‘the dna structure is a crystal radio that tunes into the frequencies of my astral body, where all my memory is contained.’ I like that one, too, but, just saying- there is some weird stuff with memories that not only can neuroscience not explain, they don’t even want to touch it. Like, how does a person who has flat lined, heart and brain, have conscious recall of events. Skeptics will point out there are misses. Yeah. Hell, there are misses even when I am conscious. Just do statistical survey of all my spelling tests. The fact that there are any hits is something!

Oh, but, we wanted to talk about sex. I like sex. I like talking about it, thinking about it, even having it when folks are agreeable. I like it from an academic perspective. I like it from a spiritual, theoretical, and an abstract perspective. If I held the PhD in sexology, I would have the authority to talk about it without the fear that I was just some perv that likes sex. Seriously, lots of people actually have questions about sex. Gogle a sex question leads you to porn sites and malware. People want to talk about sex, but there is no safe place- (Except for Sexplanations!) As a counselor, I am allowed to go there, specifically we can discuss sex if it is therapeutically relevant- but it is seriously inadvisable. The number one reason therapist lose their license is due to having sex with clients. Here’s the general rule of thumb for progression: people talk, they connect, they touch, they have sex. It doesn’t matter what or who is involved, that formula bears out. The number one thing therapist do is ‘talk.’ Even the person you think who has the best boundaries is at risk for failure. And jail. Interestingly, Doctors and Therapist go to jail because they are more likely to be seen as expert manipulators and the client as a victim; we don’t hold lawyers and congressmen to the same degree of liability. Probably because they’re the ones making the laws. Cops who raped women were usually written up for abuse of power and or transferred. Gym coaches, especially if they are good at getting girls to the Gold, well, they, too, have been transferred. Catholic Priests were also just transferred. There’s a pattern here. I suspect people are more emotionally disturbed and vulnerable to manipulation with lawyers than any other class of expert. Seriously. I have never gone to a lawyer when I wasn’t already out of sorts, angry as hell at someone, worried about the cost of the damn lawyer, and desperate just to be done with it all. If you don’t know this, or didn’t figure it out, lawyers are friends with other lawyers. You and your spouse may have your own lawyers, but those two people are sitting at a coffee shop discussing how much they can milk the both of you; they won the moment you walked into the office.

The number two reasons for divorce. Sex and money. Sex, someone is either wanting more or less, and the fight is about when, where, frequency, and who it’s with. Hell, some couples even fight over partner masturbating. Arguments about money is usually about wanting more, or less (less time at work,) and who has control. We’re probably just arguing about control.

UFO lore suggest that if you are being abducted, you were either randomly selected due to convenience, or both your parents have a history of being abducted. There is evidence UFO follow family genetic lines. There is evidence that suggest that people who are abducted have relationships issues. If your partner isn’t initiated into being abducted, the night after they experience their first abduction, they’re moving out. Or will soon after. They may not even be able to say why. Maybe it’s not aliens. Maybe the experiencer has sleep paralysis and night terrors and mood shifts after an abduction like experience that they’re subtly pushing people away. Folks with trauma, real or imagine, have relationship issue. They tend to have attachment issues. Sexual trauma usually goes one of two way- hyper or hypo. There is usually few middle of the roaders in this.

Sleep paralysis is a normal feature of human existence. You go to sleep, the brain turns off the body so that when you dream, and everyone dreams whether you remember or not, doesn’t run around acting out the dreams. Some of us wake up before sleep paralysis dissipates. If you don’t know what it is, it can you freak you out. There is usually a feeling of a presence. A person in sleep paralysis may have a sexual experience. This, too, may not mean ghosts, or aliens. When you are dreaming, your body is elevated to an aroused state. Men and women are aroused during dreaming. It is most noticeable in men, obviously. If you wake up, can’t move, and you’re aroused, you brain will give you an explanation. Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s scary. Sometimes it both. At a certain point of stimulation, it’s confusing because part of you wants the relief, and the other part just wants to be able to break free and run away. Rape can be confusing because of multiple levels of internal conflicts.

From the point of view of the primary operational personality, alien abductions are by definition violations of person. If a person isn’t consenting to sex, it’s rape. If a person is telepathically engaged so that they think they’re having sex with their spouse only to realize after it was an alien, that’s rape. If you are immobilized or knocked unconscious and someone has sex with you, it was rape. If all we had was this information, aliens are bad news and we need to find a way to fight back. If we assume these are not aliens, but maybe humans who have traveled back in time to save the human race- it’s still fucking rape! There are enough people that would happily volunteer to save the human race by donating genetic material. Hell, I personally, would volunteer, if you come at me with the Galaxina model android.

I can imagine several contexts where it isn’t rape. Aliens are like animals, no pun intended. When they go into heat, and you’re there- you’re fucked. I don’t like this explanation, but I have a few dogs and cats in my life that weren’t fixed, and they would come at me as if were just one of them, so I can make an argument for it. Another reason is social. Rape is defined by culture. We have a pretty solid idea of what constitutes rape, and in doubt, there is always statutory rape. There are cultures in the past and still to this day that don’t agree on age of consent, on rape, or what the punishment for it should be. Do telepaths ever get confused? Hypothetically, you’re abducted, and you can’t move and all you can think about ‘I am about to get raped,’ and they’re picking that up telepathically and finally they indulge you because you psychically triggered them, hijacking their version of medulla oblongata, or they indulged because they thought you were asking for it. You would think telepaths would know you weren’t asking for it, but we think in languages and pictures, and there is lots of room for confusion. Maybe they’re wondering why every time they pick us up we’re demanding sex from them.

Assuming its aliens, you would think they’d have a moral sense about them. It has been suggested that maybe that’s why they’re not landing on the white house because they believe some principle equivalent to the Trek’s Prime Directive; then I am seriously confused why they’re ‘raping’ so many of the abductees, and then half ass wiping our memories. Taking our memories just adds to the ‘rape’ feel of the thing. If you spike my drink and I groggily wake to Gray on top of me and you knock me back out- rape. If they are securing permission, subconsciously, I am even more confused- why can’t I consciously know what we agreed to? Hiding or suppressing information make this suggest there is a non-friendly agenda here.

I can see how if they are engaging us on a deeper level, may lead to a mutual agreement to engage, based on a more substantial conversation than I am able to process at a conscious level. I can grudging accept that as an answer, but it doesn’t take the rape feel from this. I have a pretty intense fantasy life. When I have a REM dream sexual encounter, or a sexual out of body experience, or a fantasy crush engagement, conversations about consent don’t happen- the encounters just unfold. When you’re telepathically engaged with someone, the rules of engagement may be so alien that we don’t even have a construct for it. How many of us tell ourselves ‘no,’ and still eat the last piece of cake, or fall off the sobriety wagon, and or engage in something we know is not good for us. Maybe our conscious ‘no!’ isn’t substantial enough to be recognized at their mental level of operation.

Then again, my experience with this from my primary personality interface, with it’s limited parameters of sexual social engagement, both based on society and my family or origin’s religious beliefs, and my own experiences struggling with family abuse, depression, and just trying to love myself and find a relationship that is reasonably transparent, understanding, and reciprocal- maybe a part of the engagement is part of the healing process. Again, as a fan of Jung, one doesn’t get to be enlightened by running away from perceived darkness, but rather run towards it, the lights on the other side. I stood up to the nightmare before realizing that was what Jung would have advised. Reading that from him was like, oh, yay me! What else does he have that I haven’t learned? Well, I figured out how to get out sleep paralysis on my own. Instead of fighting extreme, trying to roll off the bed or swing arms- if you just move a pinky, the spell is instantly broken. But also, I decided at some point, I am not going to fight. I went with the experience. It was so enjoyable, I wanted to figure out how to do it on demand. I can’t get it enough. I have always felt like that. Alien encounters don’t happen at a frequency I can figure it out or beg them to keep me. Or stop. If I have any say, I want to remember everything, not bits and pieces. But may, this is another one of Jung’s rite of passage- it stops when I speak with clarity and strength.

There is level of my wanting that feels like an addiction. It does not meet that standard. I have remained reasonably functioning, held jobs. I have failed in relationships, but not because of the wanting- nothing happens in a vacuum and there is a myriad of factors influencing that. I was married twice. I have one son, 5 years old (at the time of writing this.) He is the absolute best part of my life and I would love to have more children. I wanted him to have a brother or sister. I enjoyed caring for him as a baby. I have said is much in writing, and to friends: in the past, if I had access to a time machine, I would have rewritten my life. Now, post son- I would not change one thing, suffer the same injuries a million times and again, just to meet him again. That’s love.

I suspect what I am actually craving is a connection so profound that it feels or is telepathic in nature. Maybe that’s why they’re engaging sexually- they want a deeper, more profound relationship- and that’s just their bio-psycho-social way demonstrating affection. I think that’s why some of the experiences are so scary- I want it so desperately, and yet, I am afraid of losing myself. How do you talk about this without sounding absolutely nuts? Whitley Strieber is just now starting to reveal precisely how personal his experiences are. He is smart. He is successful. Perhaps one could argue the loss of his wife is influencing his reports- except, I personally relate to how intimate some of this is. There is a list of celebrities who report having had sex with ghosts. I have had experiences with this. Either, I am crazy as fuck, and so are these celebrities- or, there’s something here with us. And an order of tens of millions of experiencers. Or, this is ghosts. Or a psychological equivalent induced by archetypes expressed through the collective unconscious. Or, it’s aliens. They can be in your room and you not see them because of cloaking tech, and also, because they can hypnotize you telepathically and it’s done before you even saw their shadow.

Transcendent Sex: When Lovemaking Opens the Veil, by Jenny Wade, Ph.D. Helped me understand another aspect of this. I have had intimacy result in bizarre experiences; things like time slowing or seeing movement jumping, or ghostly out of alignment things. It’s freaky, but euphoric and I want more of that. Mostly, I just get the random out of body with sex. Maybe that’s explained by past trauma and a dissociative state. But Wade clearly says, I am not the only one, and I am not just crazy for wanting more. Sometimes, I want more, but less. Engagement is sometimes so intense for me, I need to cover my eyes. I failed to communicate that with my first wife and the first time I covered my eyes she took it as an offense that I didn’t want to see her.

With the exception of cannabis, I had my first brownie in 2011, I have not done drugs. I have read about drugs. My family has a history of dependence. I was an LCDC for a moment, because I qualified for to test out on receiving my LPC-Internship. But also, I just like knowing things. I am interested in shrooms, LSD, Ayahuasca, and DMT. Some of the things I have read suggest that my above experiences are similar. I am curious how similar. DMT entities really intrigue me, because I want to know if they’re related. If on taking DMT I discover they’re the same as my ‘alien’ experiences, I am likely going to lean more towards metaphysical than alien.

Human beings are sexual. We are likely much more sexual than we give ourselves credit and or permission to be. Sex can unlock spiritual qualities. Sometimes sex can unlock things easier than twenty years of meditation. Wade jests in her book, “To think, I spent all that time mediating when I just could have been having sex.” Yeah, go figure. I personally started meditating to get away from sex, to quiet that drive. Meditation simply amplified it. Then again, there is really sound, scientific explanation for sex being amplified by exercise and meditation. You have a libido. Everyone does. The healthier you are physically and mentally, the greater that drive. Meditation, exercise, yoga, being social increases your health- which increases that drive. Maybe that’s another reason we sabotage our health- we’re afraid of our libidos!

In terms of symbolically communicating, sex in dreams doesn’t necessarily mean sex. In the broader sense, it usually emphasizes a connection to someone, highlight the need to discuss love or health. Maybe somehow in the attempt to communicate telepathically a desire to connect with us on a social level, it is being exaggerated in our translation to something more intimate. Maybe it’s not physically sexual at all, but they can’t connect telepathically without that being triggered in our brain. Seriously, telepathy is the most intimate thing you will ever experience because there is no hiding what’s in there. Most people don’t want to be that exposed and vulnerable.

If aliens are not sexual in the same way we are, that sense of sex could be an accidental triggering of brain centers responsible for that. Or, if you consider that the only time we are likely to be open to the idea of telepathy is in a dream, and we are always aroused in dreams, then this, too, is just a result of the state we are in. Maybe our arousal triggers their arousal. Or, again, I keep coming back to this- taking that one step further, we are so worried about the sex part of it that we trigger them into being sexual. Telepathy works both ways. Maybe we not only trigger them, but because of the way we see them in that light, they come across as bug eyed monsters- when in reality- they’re okay looking. We see what we want to see, and a telepathic communication may exaggerate, distort, or create a complete fiction. Maybe they’re not wiping our minds at all, but we’re choosing forget because we’re embarrassed about our level of participation.

When we experience intimacy with the aliens from a more loving perspective, the feeling of it changes. It’s more peaceful, the sensation are more pleasant, and entity seems more affectionate and even appears more attractive. I can’t say that and not consider my experience with Sleep Paralysis. When I was afraid, it was scary. When I went with it, it was enjoyable. Old hag versus princess. Maybe this is about us and our limited ability to see reality, and not about them.