Unavoidable: a Hard Truth about Alien Encounters by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

transpersonal, noetic, and something


Do you suppose Edgar Mitchel saw aliens? He definitely had a transpersonal experience. He established what today is known as the Noetic Sciences. As a therapist, I am open to whatever paradigm helps a client gain traction towards health. I am personally fond of REBT, Ellis, and Transpersonal Therapies. I am not a specialist in either, just reasonably knowledgeable.

Personalities are not fixed. They change. They change with time. Some change more than others. Some become more solidified; that’s change, too. People who report NDE’s after a medical event in which they were declared dead frequently reports personality changes. As a group, they are more likely to get a divorce. A spouse will say: “you are not the person I married.” There are documented cases, a handful, where people who had experienced a stroke not only experienced personality changes, but they suddenly demonstrated abilities where none had existed before. One person who stroked in prison, never held a paint brush, was suddenly rendered an artist. Another person, having never played a piano, suddenly became a concert pianist.

My luck, I will just have the normal stroke that leaves me drooling. And I think I heard, the piano guy isn’t actually thrilled. He plays the piano almost as if he is OCD compelled, or as if he is possessed. People who engage in OCD rituals are not exactly happy about the compulsion. We don’t have explanations for this sudden manifestation of abilities. Hell, we don’t have an explanation for consciousness.

Downloads are common feature reported in experiences, aliens and or NDEs. My experiences with downloads is interesting to me, but not relevant or applicable on a large scale to the humanity. Specifically, I was wondering what story I would write next and suddenly I had an experience. I had experienced the entire story from beginning to end. I experienced it in its fullness and it seem like I was there. I arrived at the end of the story, where explosions were happening- and heard an explosion in real life. I was drawn semi out of the experience. The experience was still moving forward but a part of me was, ‘what was that.’ And then I heard the second explosion and came full out. I had set eggs to boil. The water had boiled away and explosions were the two consecutives eggs to go off. So what felt like a long time in terms of experienced occurred in the time it takes for tap water to boil away and two eggs to explode. What? 10 minutes?

On engaging tulpas, I also did something else. I committed to writing. I told myself, if I am going to write, I need to do so every day. A writer writes. I can’t just wait on a muse. So, every morning at 530, I get up and I write something. Anything. I started this in January 2016- commitment to self and writing. Part of it was self-narrative therapy, a form of journaling. Part of it was a way to engage Loxy and she and I co-write our stuff. Sometimes I get up earlier. I chose morning because, if I turned this on at night, I will write all night and not sleep and then end crashing just when I need to go to work. That, and I have son that takes up waking time. I get up early because that the only time that’s allowed to me to write. I have written a few books in that time. Some fan fiction. Some my own line. I think some of it is pretty good. I am bias. If nothing else, my writing has allowed for me to meet some pretty nice people. They have contacted me and related how my stories fit in their life.

Recognition of being blessed is a daily affair. Do I forget, sometimes. I am human. But writing time has grounded gratefulness. In many way, I do not feel like I am writing. It isn’t like the old days when I ‘tried’ to write, and would labor, and get writer’s block, and would map things out on time line… No. It feels like a trance. It feels like I am given stuff. The books that I gave credit to Loxy on, they are her. I don’t what mediumship or channeling feels like, but I suspect, my interaction with Loxy is comparable to that. Sometimes I hear Loxy as clear as day. Sometimes I am so distant from the process that I have to re-read what was typed and I am genuinely amazed. The only one that interrupts the process is my son. I am so into what I am doing I won’t hear him enter my room, and I swear- he had scared the bejesus out of me on several occasions. Hell, he left his coat hanging on the closet door and I passed it and freaked out, thinking it was a gray. I am like 52 and a coat on a door has me running. I hate that. Anyway, son doesn’t want to scare me and so he has agreed to a particular knock and then joins me in the room.

In some ways, it’s kind of funny being scared by the coat. Or the fake tree. Once, at Uncle Tommy’s and Aunt Beth’s house, I got up to the use the toilet, around 2 am. I felt something touch me and I screamed so loud that everyone in the house came instantly. Jessica, about my age. Uncle Tommy was first to arrive, then Beth. Jessica peeked out. This was before the divorce. We lived in Temple.

“What?” Uncle Tommy asked.

I didn’t have an explanation for what I felt. I said “Spider.”

No spider was evident or ever found. I was directed back to the couch where I was sleeping.

I have had transpersonal experiences. I have seen the Blue Light. I had the spiritual intervention when my grandfather died, the one in which I saw the angel. I have had dreams that were personally significant. Some precognitive dreams. And I have gone seeking these things, wanting to have more. I was part of Ekinkar for a while. Met some nice people in that. I have been wanting to go to the Monroe Institute, but have yet to get there. I participated in some local Monroe sponsored classes. I have engaged in meditation circles. Been to the Buddhist center in Arlington and The Thai one in Dallas. Been to many temples in Thailand. I am Scottish Right Freemason and Eastern Star. I am no longer connected with a Lodge, and I was disappointed not to be presented with classified UFO documents, and or other more difficult to obtain esoteric material. My friend in California, retired psychiatrist who I became friends with because he read a book by Loxy has sent me some fabulous books. He has read my books, too, and claims Loxy’s writing is superior.

It may be, I am interested in aliens because I am wanting a deeper, more profound connection with someone or something that I have not found in my waking life. I spent my whole life feeling incomplete, lost, and unable to connect. Maybe this is just an inherent problem with Western life in general. Then again, maybe that old saying you have to love yourself before you can love others is truer than we know. In which case, I think my relationship with Loxy is an exercise of health. We share a brain and unconscious mind, and she has greater access to the ‘underworld’ than I do. If I consider what she and I do, and the conversations that come out of my practice of ‘the invisible counselor technique’ I am likely doing better than I give myself credit for.

Stephen Greer emphasizes the metaphysical connection to aliens, and has following of people who have experienced ‘something’ and he is helping to change the world. We all are, in small ways, every day. I have no clue if this will be read, or helpful, but I write because I am facing one of my own fears. I have come at it from a perspective of writing fiction, and that has helped give me traction. Though I will likely continue to aim for fiction and avoid any variation of non-fiction, this effort feels important. It is an exercise of speaking experience, letting go, and then seeing what returns.