Unavoidable: a Hard Truth about Alien Encounters by John Erik Ege - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Alien-Con Dallas, 2019


So, this was my first 'Alien" convention. Here is a sampling of what I attended in terms of lectures:

History of Quantum Consciousness, Travis Taylor.

How Sci-Fi Movies Document Emerging Perceptions, Jonathan Young

Secrets of a Government UFO Investigator, Nick Page

The Importance of the 'To the Stars Academy,' Stephen Bassett

Do Space-time Portal exhist on Earth, John E Brandenburg.

The above guys are smart. I would like to believe, 'alien' fans are smart. Can some of us be a little out there? Sure, but can't anyone be a little out there? I know football fans that are out there. Alien fans are more together than sports fans. My opinion. Then again, I think anyone who likes sports is 'out there.' And I am from Texas, where high schools have arenas that rival professional stadiums. Yeah, we’re nuts. I am considered crazy because I was born in Texas and I don't wear boots, watch sports, or own a horse. I like horses. I just don't own one. My maternal grandfather was a horseman all his life.

I do like aliens. Everything about the subject. Well, not everything about the subject. Some of the stuff is crazy spooky, scary spooky, and the implications of what it would mean if aliens are really here visiting us in the present time... that is seriously spooky. Especially if that book is how to best serve man… Just saying.

You know what I find spookier? Navy Pilots interviewed on the News saying they’re aliens, and the Pentagon releasing evidence that they’re tracking ‘UAPs’ and yet, we go on as if nothing is happening. Maybe that’s a good sign. Then again, we have been getting news that global warming is a real thing and we have not changed enough hearts and minds to change the way we do things. That isn’t because of a they. That’s us. Most of us feel overwhelmed and don’t know how to respond. Would you be willing to take on a new tax specifically geared to pay folks living in the Amazon not to cut down trees? Most people wouldn’t. Okay, imagine for moment that world hunger is an issue. Why is it we haven’t been planting fruit and seed bearing trees? If every home owner in American planted food bearing trees, there would be no shortage of food. Why not plant fruit bearing trees along every state high way? Technically, we have enough food on the planet to feed every single person. No one should go hungry in this day in age, but we chose not to. Part of it is an economy problem. We are attached to outdated mode of exchange.

Also, too many people are thinking badly about population. They think we are over populated. It is not a population problem, it’s a distribution of resources and tech problem, and the fact there are some who want more than others. If the goal is to give everyone the American Dream home with two cars in the garage and acre of land, yeah, we have a population problem. If we have tech that allows us to build up, eliminate the need for cars as the primary source of transportation, or we can move off planet, then we have a tech problem not a people problem.

Think about it this way- economics requires there be poor people. That is built into the game. If everyone woke up today, satisfied with who they were or what they had, the economy would crash. The first presidential speech following 9/11 wasn’t, ‘stay home with family and pray,’ it was ‘go back to work, business at usual.’ 9/11 resulted in families coming together and being likeminded, praying even, and that hadn’t happened in a long time. That’s the way our system was supposed to work. Family involvement was already on the decline prior to the repealing of blue laws. Getting rid of the Sabbath and making everyday a work day, hurt families- but helped the economies. Go back to the game model. Assume the game is monopoly. What defines the end of the game? One man standing owning it all. One by one, family goes away. In the movie War Games, how long did it take to the computer to figure out you can’t win Thermo Nuclear War by playing tic-tac-toe? Either we find a game where can all win, or no one wins.

UBI, or Universal Basic Income is being considered. It has to. The divide between the haves and have nots is increasing in unparalleled ways. The ability to make and sustain the middle class wage is going away. The coal jobs Trump promised would come back, they’re not coming back. Machines do the work better, more efficiently, and yay! People don’t to die from the hazards of coal mining. There will be some miners that will miss the work. But ideally, people shouldn’t be doing that.

Avenger movie with Thanos sucked. You know what would have made it funny? A minion tells Thanos, um, there is this solar system over here with all the raw materials we need, we just send spaceships…” Thanos kills him. No more minions offer the suggestion, or remind him, we have spaceships… Sam Kinison had a point. Don’t send them food, send them suitcases. We have deserts, too. We don’t live in them! AHHHH.

But also, Thanos had a magic bracelet that could do anything. ANYTHING! But his only solution was kill half the universe? Where does that even make sense? You have magic glove, make more stuff!

We have technology coming our way that can give us anything. 3D printing could make any tool you need. You can grow your own clothing and design it. Old clothing and old tools go back into the material box to get broken down and used to make new tools. Malls are going to go away. Amazon will eventually go away. The old world is being phased out and we’re moving into a magical world of make believe. Most of us will not go to work in a car, but will plug into a HR immersion tech set and do all of that from home.

The transition to this new world is not going to be easy. Even the people who have it all, they’re going to have a rough time. When money is made obsolete, but the definition of your ego is defined by the wealth you accumulated, then you’re going to crash. We have an archetype already spelled out for that future role. Mr. Howle, billionaire, on an island of 7 castaways, would wave fist full of cash around. It meant absolutely nothing and most the time, he was ignored as being irrelevant. Middle class will go away. There will be one class, likely better improved than the present poverty standard in American for most people, and super elite.

Maybe aliens are waiting for us to solve this problem peacefully. Let’s say they have the tech to fix all our problems. Let’s say the tech is similar to the tech in ‘Forbidden Planet,’ that anything you think can be manifested in real time. Yeah, I keep coming back to this. If you have tech that can read your mind and manifest whatever whenever, and you don’t have discipline of thought, you’re going to either have angry people or dead people. What do we do with our tech? We attach weapons, bombs, and bullets, and then put AI in charge of it. What message are we sending there? Oh, yeah, but you’ve heard this message, too. Everyone that saw the movie Terminator got this message. Have we stopped? No. Can we stop? Probably not. Seriously, if we don’t try to get there first, the other guy who doesn’t agree to stop gets there first, and we’ve lost.

Maybe we need to lose. I mean, wasn’t that the whole message of Christ? Could he have taken over the world? Been king? Yeah. What did he do? He surrendered, laid down his life. And in doing so, he showed us a way out this madness. And it in this sense I can say that the people I met at alien con are not crazy. They get it! They know what we’re capable of. They’re smart people. We know that the tech we available to us today is likely anywhere from 50 to 100 years behind the tech our governments using or has access to. We only learn about stuff when the other stuff is obsolete.

There is another message, something that almost has to be a part of this if we’re to advance without grievance. We’re likely going to need to offer amnesty to any and all peoples that were involved in black ops, alien cover up, and all business leaders and government officials who benefited from the secret of aliens.

It is my opinion, there is a Utopia available to us in the future. I think Gene Roddenberry nailed it and too many people are spinning the Dystopian future to bring him down a peg, and make it in alignment with what ‘society’ is aiming for. You get what you aim for most the time. Star Trek was utopian. In the academic book by Doctor Bradly Chilton, one of the essays spelled this out very clearly. We either go the way of Star Trek, or we go the Way of Mad Max. Mad Max is a dead end run.

Utopia doesn’t mean there aren’t problems or issues. People get that wrong all the time. Garden of Eden. It was paradise, by definition. There were fucking snakes in paradise that talked. Problem? In the movie 300, the Spartans, real men were scene as strong, direct, no nonsense. The snakes, spoke lies using truth as their weapon. Umm. Kind of like Satan in the bible. He spoke truth. Even after man was kicked out, Satan continued to converse with God. “Hey, God, that guy over there. That Job fellow. Bet I could trip him up.” “Bet you can’t…”

Utopia or not, there will always be snakes, cowards, and folks who manipulate perspective to gain advantage. The environment that allows snakes and back stabbing cowards to proliferate is a world that undermines equality and education. Undermining free speech and putting up hazard signs and redirecting everyone away from the hazards, that’s where the snakes lay in waiting. This is a fact of life. When we hold knowledge, courage to speak truth, they exist but are robbed of power. No one comes to the Father’s table until they can sit next to their worst enemy. That’s a hard thing for many people to do. Hell, I struggle with that one. But I discovered or intuited this one thing: we rise together or we fall together. Ultimately, no one gets left behind. And if that means humanity has to trudge a little further before all truth is revealed, then that’s just the way it is.

From a conspiracy point of view, people have held the truth back in order to maximize personal gain. In the history of people, there has definitely been that. We have done that to ourselves. I suspect, when dealing with telepathic species- that sort of interaction pattern is not sustainable. Most people will not maintain a relationship with someone that is duplicitous in nature.

Most the world is not duplicitous. The book, ‘Everything I needed to know I learned in Kindergarten,’ Robert Fulgam. I am simplifying his math. Say there is 8 billion people in the world. America and China together have the highest rates of incarceration in the world, separate and combined. America had 2.3 million people incarcerated around 2016? There is what, 320 plus million people. Let’ say the average number of people incarcerated is 10 million people.

Let’s say there are bad people not in jail that should be. Let’s say there are good people in jail that shouldn’t be. It’s not probably not a wash- there is still probably more people that should be in jail that aren’t than there are good people in jail that shouldn’t be. It is actually my opinion, very few people should be in jail. Most people in jail are suffering from a mental health problem. Treat the illness, recidivism is cut more than in half. Want to spend less money on prisons, build more mental health community centers. Let’s say, just for argument, there should be 20 million bad guys in jail. Subject 20 million from 8 billion. There more good people than bad people! Yay! Most people, most the time, are just taking care of themselves and family.

Bill Gates has given lectures and speech about how the world is actually better today than we have ever had it. More people food than ever before. More people have clothing, shelter, toilets, and water than ever before. It is getting easier to get people shelter. They have machine that can print a house in six hours, hold a family of four with all the amenities, and it’s more solid than any prefab structure. The world is getting better.

AI will make it even better. AI is not a death sentence. It will change the game. Change is coming. There is no way around that. We’re either on board with change, trying to make it a better place for all of us, or we’re on the other team. What happens to the world happens to all of us. Fukishima plant isn’t just hurting Japanese. It’s our oceans. It hurts us. What happens to the least of us, happens to all of us. That’s trees, plants, fish, bees… You like dolphins? There won’t be any dolphins if we take out all the fish. No Happy Feet. No Dolphins. No bees, no flowers, no food. No healthy bacteria, ummm- say goodbye to your long term memory.

The people I met at alien con, nice people. They get it. We’re in this together.