Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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when you truly love someone

you will eventually be called

to sacrifice something great for that one

if you refuse, this shows

it is not love

at most,

it is only an imitating adoration

called love


his determination overrode all sensibility or fear

a glance he must have

which the shade of night would not provide

“i must see her with my own eye”

it became a chant

that echoed through his mind


as the dark purple of night

dissolved to the cyan light of day

the tormented lover,

aided by a band of sympathizers,

made way through the tents

his companions were all young men

denied by humans or fear

the chance to love their beloveds

in awe of majnuun’s bold courage

they sought to live

vicariously through him


they had already spied where her tent lay

and plotted a route that seemed the least conspicuous

the danger of treading so deep

within this forbidden camp

was obvious

if caught,

a torturous death was likely

but each one was ready to make such sacrifice


“i must see her with my own eye”

the reverberating incantation

became the focus of his mind

his patience expired

his anxious longing torn and confused

such that as he turned the corner

to the path that led to her tent

he froze


the entrance open

a slender silhouette moved within

emerging through the threshold

she froze

the basket in her hand dropping

was this a sight imagined

or a blessing intruding upon her incarceration


their hearts quivered

eyes locked and invisible to all else

their language reduced to quiet sighs

and intensifying palpitations

unheard yet felt

he wanted to speak to draw a response

so he could at least hear that precious voice

which had been stolen from him

by the imposed separation

but no words would come

his voice reduced to nothingness

despite the flood of feelings

yearning expression


and she wanted him to speak,

just a word

to hear that intimate sweetness banished

to her memories

it could not be captured

in his distant recitals to the world

or others’ voices repeating his words

how much of qays remained

within the disheveled madman a few steps away

his voice would reveal the answer

but all there was was silence


a deep silence

their eyes frozen in a timeless stare

mutual slowing of breaths

trapped in the insufficiency of language

two lovers attempting to steal back

what was stolen from them

but the present moment could not regain

what was lost in the folds of time

a past now irretrievable


thieves must work quickly

to avoid alarm and capture

and something somehow knew

if he wanted any hope of seeing her again

that he must leave



so he ran with great speed

but not before an arm seized

one of his companions

“sound the alarm”

a young man’s scream

fleeing feet and panicked bustle

men emerging from random tents

yet somehow an escape was made

the traversing of open sand

reclaimed the reign of separation

the lead rogue gone with his band

except for the one now seized by many men

and the treasure left behind,

seen from a close distance

but never touched

still no contact within this ocean of love


* * *


many wanted to execute the captured youth

but an elder dissuaded them

instead his advice was

to make an example of the young man

a public flogging of such intensity

it would reach any sanity left within the majnuun

perhaps such would discourage any future trespasses

transforming his lover’s fast into starvation’s denial

and if he denied himself to layla

there would be no need for further action on their part


so they shackled the young man’s ankles

bound his wrists behind his back

made him walk by foot many miles

through the desert’s baking sun

such that he was exhausted

and completely drenched

when they arrived at the town’s square

yet he would not abandon his loyalty to majnuun

standing with dignity to bear any coming torture

for his hero’s right to love layla


as a crowd gathered

layla’s uncle withdrew his sword and declared

“we are a humble people

but we will not bear this disgrace

we cherish our women and our youth

and will afflict bitter revenge

upon anyone who endangers them

such as this fool

who intruded upon our camp with that majnuun

with the intent of stealing away our layla...”


“no, he only went to see her...”


the youth was viscously punched in the face

his fall to the ground with a bleeding mouth

the completion of his unwelcomed outburst


“out of mercy

we will only flog this youth for his transgression

but the next time anyone encroaches upon our camp

with ill intent

he will taste this blade with his flesh

to yield up his soul

and that includes that majnuun

even if such bring us to war against as-sayyid


“tell him,

his son is reckless

and a threat to our dignity

which we will no longer yield to”


with that said,

layla’s uncle had the youth stood up

and then tore the shirt off his back

he was laid face down on the ground

a man holding each arm and each leg with force

layla’s uncle then grabbed a four-strand whip

and ferociously struck his naked back


the youth screamed in pain

and yelled defiantly

“for the love of majnuun who loves layla”

this stirred the anger of layla’s uncle even more

unleashing another blow,

more brutal than the first

another shriek of pain as the broken flesh cringed

another bold declaration

“for the love of majnuun who loves layla”

the uncle’s wrath was loosed from all restraint

a quick series of cutting lashes

as blood sprayed to soak the whip dripping red

the pain overwhelming, compelling the body

to scream

the defiant mind tried in spite of the torment

to speak

but could only eke out

“for... the... love... of...”

no more words

unable to overcome the body’s yelling agony

writhing yet held down

bearing the continuing onslaught

a body being broken

a soul crying for mercy and refuge

but no escape was present

only the torturous bondage of pain


when the flogging was done

the bloodied body lay in convulsions

as layla’s clansmen left him to be

a display of defeat in the square

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