Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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“why do you adore only this girl, layla”

the words were harsh and curt

like throwing ice water on a beggar

freezing in the cold of the desert night

but majnuun sat unaffected


“there are so many beautiful maidens among our clan

none who would deny you

some more alluring than the one you fancy

cease with this foolish youthful obsession!

let the nectar of one from your own clan

bedeckle you with a thousand flower petals

let go of the fire that tortures your soul!”


even an elder added to the father’s counsel

“young qays, take heart

not a single person has everything one wishes for

but even within life’s disappointments

the opportunity for happiness dwells

when unfulfilled passion is released

the invitation to learn to love another

becomes evident”


although their intentions sought to dissuade majnuun

from continuing his path of suffering

their words only fortified his conviction

the thorn bushes planted to deter his pursuit

became firebrand for his raging love for layla

not even a father’s loving advice

could penetrate the heat of these flames


the refuge of home was now lost

as his father joined the world’s betrayal

in opposing his love for layla

he who was already a stranger in the world

now became a stranger in what was supposed

to be his home

he envied a corpse

since it at least has a shroud as a companion

and the cold dirt of the grave as its home for now

but majnuun had neither

no companion, no home

not even his longing would remain

when the madness seized him

and as for companionship

the madness proved to be a very unreliable friend


the madness even ruined

his plot to commit suicide

as the vial of poison he obtained

he poured into the air

attempting to kill allaah first and then himself

of course, this misguided attempt failed

and deprived him of the means

to end his own life


so he fled from allaah

fled from his home

fled from his family

and his clan

greeting the cold desert night alone

maniacal shouts sprung out their own utterance

“there is no power but allaah,

there is no power but allaah...”

so it is allaah

that leaves me in this torture

he thought


but then thought ceased

movement and travel not bound to time and roads

locations insignificant

people became like background walls

good became evil and evil, good

every sound became the utterance of her name


oh sweet layla

even stones spoke the name

the flapping wings of birds spoke the same

the drip of water in the dark of a cave

spoke that very same name


everywhere “layla”

until somehow, some way

he found himself in the marketplace again

covered in the dust of many days

his perplexed stare fixated on a piece of fruit

without any conscience or consciousness

he grabbed it and bit into it

layla, how you will pay for that, lalya,

it is not free, layla

you thief, layla...”

then a smack in the face, layla

blood in the mouth, layla

the sound of the fruit hitting the ground, layla

silence, layla


only then did he notice

as a blur

the crowd that had gathered around him

yet keeping a distance

they were completely insignificant

as the madness embraced his mouth’s pain

the hurt serving as a call to his love

a whisper only heard to him

“oh, layla...”

so he smacked himself again and again

viscous blows until the words poured

out consistently

the crowd looked at him

as an extremely troubled young man

yet when a verse spilled forth

their amazement all judgment dissipated

sating their hunger for his poetry

with a meal well served


“the wine glass upon a rock smashed

who is the one who bleeds

the victim is the servant who defers no obedience

say live and i live

say die and this becomes my last breath

say cry, my tears already flow

what my beloved commands, i perform

a majnuun needs to not be tamed

just grasp my madness, oh layla

i am beyond hope’s resurrection

culled empty, not even hope can live in me

kill me and spare this torture

no judge will convict a person who murders one

such as myself

even my family has disowned mine insanity

and will not seek revenge for such a mercy killing


“who, thou, layla

a hundred laylas i see before me

yet thou only watch my grief as a lover’s spectacle

if thou wilt not comfort me, move

to the desert will i go

and lay wait to die...”


although he moved his legs to sprint toward the horizon

his body only fell to the ground

days of sleepless exhaustion claimed their unpaid wages

yet he extended his hand across the solid ground

sifting the loose dirt in a hopeless search

for companions among the imagined grains


“oh layla,

for thee i have fallen again

the chipped penny of my living

is more valuable than the poverty of my death

come take me in thine hand

otherwise, i will die out here in the barren desert

my bones to decay into shifting grains

to become indiscernible

from the indistinct mounds of sand


“what justice perverts this world

that the beautiful in prison are locked away

but madmen are free to roam in lunacy

unchain me from my madness, my beloved

if thou shalt not deliver me,

i will remain undelivered


“oh serenity of my breath,

how can there be peace in this cruelty

when the only sin i commit

is to honor my love for thee

yet even my shadow departs me

too intense is this pain

come and stand by me

let me take refuge in thy shadow

perhaps then i can bear this mystery

which presents no solution


“i extend mine hand

to kiss thy sweet foot


as he extended his hand

his face fell to the ground



the crowd remained mesmerized

standing over another fallen lover

yet they did nothing

to help his admired cause


who can decipher whether

it was as a coin tossed to a beggar

or a fee paid afterwards

for a performance enjoyed

but first a man,

then a woman,

then others

placed the price for the fruit

in the vendor’s hand


as a greedy businessman,

he took it all for himself


as the crowd began to disperse

one of as-sayyid’s servants

who was audience to the entire incident

went to retrieve the body of his master’s son


with, help from a few other men of the clan

carried the fallen lover

to his father’s home


* * *


oh, nizami is right

love, if not genuine...

let me correct myself right there

for if it is not genuine,

it is not love

but all that unauthentic “stuff” we call “love”

it’s all worthless toys

on the playground of deluded senses

the scoff of children’s imaginings

which fade even before the setting of the sun

since dusk and the night

will offer its own stuff

to feed the charade of dreams


but what is love

is it the ego’s prance within whims of romance

and pleasure sought

or the oddities of hopes projected

upon a canvas of possibilities reached for

there is no “i” in love

yet for how many

is this the steeping water

for our tea bags of unauthentic musings

love goes deeper

stripping one’s being of all sense of i

leaving souls drawn toward one another

naked of all identity

to be blown around or stilled

like loose leaves by the wind



those who truly are lovers

yield the best of what they are or are not

to the sovereignty of surrender

even if such relinquishment

scars one with an incurable madness

which spews a beauty of eloquence

many will appreciate

even as they do not fully understand


majnuun’s love

although clothed in madness

is as the flower’s fragrant nectar

yielding testaments of this scent that survive

long after the flower has wilted and faded

to become grains of the soil again

yet still,

they are adored across the expanse of ages

by those who hear and tell this story

and even pervade the ether

to touch those who may never hear this tale

but still surrender to love

within the unseen presence of this aroma


i bow to nizami

and all who keep the fragrant gust of this story

blowing through the fields of time

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