Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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“his madness is such

that now his reputation is declining

among our clan

yet even our own enemies

marvel at the beauty of his words”


as-sayyid shook his head

he had no need to veil

his true feelings

among his close circle of elders and wise men

he looked to them desperate for advice


another man spoke

“what other counsel can we give

that was not already shared

in the larger gathering”


“perhaps something was withheld

because it would have seemed too extreme

or too humiliating

let nothing be suppressed now,

my most trusted companions

you will not embarrass me

nor need fear embarrassment”


“have you considered imprisoning him”


“is his madness such

that it would be cured

by bars and isolation”


“his madness already isolates him

and our chastisement only fueled

its intensity”


“there is one thing

but it too is mad”


“hide nothing”


“if only a miracle will be a cure

why not take him as living petition

to the most holy house on earth

the more distant pilgrims have already begun

to pass through our region

and if prayers at the ka’bah still fail

perhaps the journey’s absence

will restore his sanity”


at first some argued against the suggestion

none could deny the potential recklessness

of marring the sacred hajj (pilgrimage)

with a selfish blemish

such might unleash an uncontrollable madness

and possibly at the door of that holy sanctuary

but a starving man cannot reject

food that has fallen to the ground

although the dirt that soils it may make him sick

the pangs of hunger

bid him to eat


so as-sayyid agreed

to bring his son to the sacred house of allaah

that instead of merely continuing

to turn there in prayer

he would go with his son

to kneel at that door

for which he had no key


perhaps his voice in intimate proximity

would draw the mercy of the beloved directly


* * *


a small caravan was assembled

the most trustworthy camels readied

and majnuun’s body,

although incoherent to human interaction,

was brought on the trip to mecca

along the way,

as-sayyid sprinkled the path with petals of zakaat

dispersing portents of wealth to the passers-by

to purchase, in advance

his son’s restoration

only the father’s heart and the beloved know


but there the father was

retracing the steps of the prophet ibraahiim (a.s.)

who brought his own son to the altar of sacrifice

as-sayyid had his dagger ready

to slay the ram of his son’s madness

yet no blood would be needed for this sacrifice

the sacredness of the ka’bah

is sharp enough to penetrate to the soul


the worldly adornments and distinctions

were exchanged for the pilgrim’s garb

the sight of simplicity reflecting

the oneness of humanity

the individual steps merging into the greater flow

of reverence

the voices of supplication echoing

the pilgrims circumambulating the sacred house


as-sayyid could not restrain anticipation’s excitement

holding to his son’s hand

the words poured out

“my son, my dearest,

let this tragedy end now

petition the lord of all

at this holy house

pray for agony’s banishment

pray for confusion’s dissolution into clarity

place these words on your tongue

and sincerely offer them with all your heart

‘in the name of allaah,

the beneficent, the merciful

may your compassion bestow me salvation

confer me refuge from this daunting madness

guide me again to the straight path

so the evil of this flawed infatuation

no longer keeps me in bondage’”


at first the son’s eyes overflowed with tears

but the cocoon of his pain turned these

into a perverse laughter

then a sudden mad dash through the crowd

to the door of the ka’bah

the circular flow of the pilgrims

disturbed by an errant, linear drop


as-sayyid gave chase

but tripped hard to the ground

slow to get up,

he was assisted by others

meanwhile, majnuun reached the ka’bah

banging on its door with erratic recklessness

then he began to shout

to cap this unacceptable disturbance

“a majnuun bangs now at heaven’s door

what they bid me abandon i have sold my life for

my love for layla is my breath

none other life is there for me


“oh lord,

increase these breaths

to an unrelenting panting

even if this body dies

succumbing in suffering to weakness

let this love grow stronger

let all the burden of its fulfillment

upon me fall

may not a single hair of hers be encumbered


“she alone is the nectar that fills my cup

the daily bread that sateth mine holy hunger

without her, i exist not

the dust of my creation she is

make my devotion to her endless


“may naught distract me from my layla

i pain and bleed for her willingly

love for love’s sake alone

is for me the only remedy...”


he did not see the first blow coming

nor the second or the third

yet before he knew it

the wrath of pilgrims were upon him

the father’s pleas could not cease

the anger for majnuun’s blasphemy

this godless iniquity

performed before the most holy of places

could not go unanswered

the only thing that saved his life

is that none wanted to stain their soul

with the sin of committing murder at the ka’bah


when the fury waned

as-sayyid and his clansmen

retrieved the bloody body

laying lifelessly at the holy threshold

as they carried him from the sanctuary

he eked out a whisper barely heard

“now this you have seen, you...”


their exit became an immediate trip of return

the purpose for the pilgrimage sullied

the sacrificial offering flawed and rejected

the only mercy to be found in this failure

was that majnuun’s life was spared


on the last leg of the journey

as-sayyid bid they slow the pace

intentionally delaying their arrival

to the town until after the sun had set

in the shadowy darkness,

the servants whisked the frail and beaten body inside

as the mother rushed to ask the father,

“tell me,

has allaah saved our son”


the old man’s eyes conveyed

what his words confirmed

“what more can i do

he clings to and blesses

the curse that destroys him

how can anyone expect allaah to heal him”

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