Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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what the pilgrimage could not heal

became news spread among the lips of arabia

the sounds of majnuun’s knocks upon

the ka’bah door

were brought directly to

the ears of layla

and her family


the last embers of their unwilling tolerance

burned away

as layla’s name was now sullied in gossip

spread throughout the muslim world

inside, she smiled

but her clan was incensed

such that they sent representatives to petition

the caliph’s prefect


giving account of his unrestrained madness

citing the danger of his “immoral infection”

spreading across the land

and his enticing verses arousing misplaced

sympathy and contentious debate

they inquired how this canker should be cleansed

that the blemishing of their clan’s reputation

needed to be stopped

and the honor of layla no longer tainted

the etiquette of respect and honor

must be upheld, they argued

to maintain the precious fabric of social order


the prefect’s reply was clear and dramatic

he stood and withdrew his sword from his sheath

“wash away that atrocious stain of a human

with this”

he said as he raised his sword high

“the season for patience is over

and if my men encounter this qays

of the clan of amiir

their hand will be as your hand

in slaying this majnuun”


these words were overheard

by a man of the clan of amiir

who immediately made way

to the home of as-sayyid

as he listened to the man’s account

it was as if sand was slipping through his fingers


it now seemed the only way he could save his son

was to imprison him in his own home

but as he opened the door to qays’ room

majnuun was gone

leaving a bed of scattered sheets

with a note upon it that read

“there is no reality but layla

she is all, she is all


tears fell from the old man’s eyes

disaster felt imminent

the clan sent out a mass of men

to search for a needle in the blowing desert sands

but they all returned empty-handed

without a trace of majnuun’s whereabouts

the presence of death trailing as their shadows


lamentations filled the home of as-sayyid

as if the clan was mourning his death

before seeing his corpse

the continuing days of his absence offered no relief

because his people did not know

the pearl found safety in a hidden clam

in a most remote place in the depths of

the wilderness

he exiled himself to solitude

physical suffering he bore

for his mind was still uneased

yet the unforeseen benefit

was the purging of all selfishness

he became completely emptied and purified for love


the lack of shelter and insufficient food

compared not to the torturous grief of separation

one that humbled him to a more devout

commitment to love

such that in the home of his aloneness

he sang his verses to the guests of the heavens

to the sun, the moon, and the stars

to the angels, if they chose to give him ear

even to the unseen throne of the beloved

and even to the wind when it drew low and near

yet none of these carried his words


beyond his place of isolation

so to the world beyond

he remained invisible

and to the things of the world

he remained unaware and uninterested in


within love

his beloved

was his only focus


* * *


only by chance

a man gone astray from a desert path

stumbled upon his hidden spot

the bent figure first dismissed as a mirage

until the frail body emitted a moan

the man questioned this figure

who only stared at the ground

no words given, no reply

“perhaps he’s a criminal fleeing human justice

only to be served the desert’s version instead

let him die”


as destiny would have it,

words of him telling this encounter in town

reached the ears of as-sayyid

desperate to hope

the old man seized upon the possibility

that this wasted bag of bones

might be his not-yet-perished son


he and his men immediately set off to the desert

nearing that place to be greeted by

indecipherable moans

yet, a peculiar observation,

there was something beautiful

in the debilitated mutters

as-sayyid dismounted his horse

bidding his men to wait yet stay ready

he went forth with his hand upon his sword

toward the moans straining to intone

another melody

walking around the bend of a large rock

he saw the weathered remains of qays

who had become a full majnuun,

his body broken

a scant of flesh upon protruding bones

his mind even more broken

completely severed from the body’s dismay


the father’s knees buckled

as he froze in suspense

watching his son struggle to stand,


and then collapse to the ground

when their eyes met

the son looked at the father

as if he was a complete stranger

he then tried to crawl on

groaning another attempt at a verse

his quest for volume

made his weak voice indecipherable

yet there was a distinct feeling within the whimpers

something encased by sincere longing

something conveying warmth and love


as-sayyid stood before majnuun

and in the proximity of their presence

something familiar rang true

he realized the falling tears belonged to his father

this is my father before me


“oh, you to whom i owe the inheritance

of my soul

please accept my fallen body as a kneel before you

i plead for your forgiveness

turn away if your eyes can forget

the sight of my body in such shame

inquire not my state

only ask fate,

if you wish,

who tosses me about

like a grain of sand in the winds

of harrowing time”

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