Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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no words could approach

the tumultuous torture imbruing his heart

so he tore his shirt from the chest

and cast his turban to the ground

he knelt by the remains of his son

tears flooding streams from his eyes

until the words began to trickle into thoughts

that flowed as a burdened current to his tongue


“have you been so cursed

by this youthful infatuation

that you allow it to render you a fool

for what cause do you inflict

these extreme austerities upon yourself

if you lash yourself with a whip

it will break your skin to bleed

then question not the source of your suffering


“i will not soften my words

what is the prize for self-torture,

for this unrequited love

to annihilate yourself for passion

still results in your destruction

the ruin of our honor also tarnishes mine

and our clans

why do you stain my sovereignty

and desecrate your inheritance

for a poor maiden of another clan

if one day you hope to marry anyone

and hold a place in society

cease this insanity now!


“true friends must be

as an unveiled, uncolored looking glass

willing to reflect, without change,

harsh and brutal truths

until now,

i have been a compassionate father parsing

my criticisms

but now unfiltered advice i share

even at the risk of our relationship

“discarded wood chips cannot be turned into gold

this approach to alchemy is disease

running from this truth

will only imprison you to bondage

a prison cell haunted by lunacy

you make an idol of desire

such worship only leads to burning flames

you have stepped beyond the precipice

grab hold of the ledge

before you fall into depths

from which there is no return

only unending madness

that ends in death


“when you suffer, i suffer

whyfore should we mourn

when there is happiness in the world

people whose company inspires the sharing

of elation

no shadow of sadness

can survive the light of bliss

this is the elixir for misfortunes

come into this light

let it resurrect you

from those lost in the tombs of despair


“i say to you

what the prophet luqmaan, alayhi salaam

said to his heir,

‘oh, my son

keep up thy prayers

enjoin what is good

and forbid what is wrong

and persevere with patience

whatever befalls thee

that is the steadfast heart of phenomenon’

this is good advice from a prophet

let patience guide you to your beloved

whoever fate decrees her to be,

even if she is not layla

destiny has an awaiting prize for you

but drowning in this impassioned desperation

only leaves you writhing in the mud

“while you suffer,

she continues to blossom without you

has she joined you in your pains

has she taken any blows

your heart is being beat and tortured

what has she done to reciprocate your hardships

do i have to say



“even now the swords of the prefect

hunger for your blood

will she utter even a word for your protection

or will she wait until you are dead

to make empty public claims of love

or even less,

abide in silence


“oh my son,

you are dearer to me than life itself

come home and stay with me,

with your family who loves you

we have not ceased from acting

to secure your well-being

out here,

there is nothing but death and suffering

playing with madness

will only deliver your downfall”

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