Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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there was a silence

as the last trickles of oil

poured forth from the vat

the old man had given his all

any more words he would offer

would only be veiled repetitions

of what he already said


the young man

swathed within his cocoon of madness

was moved

looking into the eyes of his father

matching sorrow for sorrow

he too began an outpour of oil

into the pool of his father’s emptied confessions


“oh glory of the heavens,

i pray our destinies grant us the boon

of sharing the same final breath

so i may never have to bear

the tragedy of losing you

nor have you suffer the survival

of losing your only son


“my sympathies you have

that i have become

only a semblance of the son you hoped for

cursed with this torture

i did not choose this fate

it bound and imprisoned me

in a cell that has no door

i did not fetter my heart

these chains are the lock of fate

which no locksmith can pick

yet within this prison

you ask me to be frolic with glee

but is the torture chamber

a place for captives to laugh in mirth

this is a sentence of melancholy

and suffering endured

until i be with my beloved

or death takes me to where i can wait for her


“this is why i have no fear of death

its promise of relief inspires my courage

and love, pure love,

purges all cowardice

emaciates all fear

dissolves all caution

and worldly logic

i welcome the sword

like the western horizon does the setting sun

i am a day departed,

an ending late to its own finality

my soul is ravaged

trouble it not by laying any claims to it

its home is now the barren desert

or death


“why retrieve bones scattered

along the expanse of the blowing sands

why resurrect a life

that will only be tortured if it breathes again

my only fulfillment

is in this life’s demise

since this life continues to deny me


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