Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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in complete desperation the deer fled

from the jovial pursuit of the hunters

the cunning swiftness of the deer

could not elude the agility of the horses

after all,

they were trained for the fiercest of battles

having survived many tastes of war

to relish the savor of victory

to them, this chase was a pleasant game


this pursuit of unarmed deer was easy prey

for nawfal, the “destroyer of armies”

an adventurous ride through hard terrain

and twisting turns

until the deer took refuge in a cave


the entrance was too short for the horses to enter

so nawfal and his men dismounted

with bows readied

yet he paused

as in the receding dark of the cave

he saw the deer huddled by a...

what kind of being is this

some type of limb scathed with scars

another too lean to be human

yet the draping matted hair

resembled no animal he knew of


as he got closer

there was what resembled a face

the sunken cheeks stained by fresh tears

and the whispering whimpers

of what sounded like a human cry

was it a human

or a rare breed of animal

or a demon cursed to show its form to this world

or one of the jinn whose fire was now

burning to extinguishment

whatever it was

it moved the ravager of armies to compassion

for here this being was,

immersed in its own suffering

yet with a slow stroking hand

it was attempting to console the frightened deer

taking refuge by its afflicted body


“can anyone identify this thing

the deer are huddled by”


one of the fellow hunters replied

“my guess would be

it is the majnuun,

the madman of these mountains

he has forsaken the world of humans

consumed by love for a woman named layla

lovers and fanciers of verse

make these mountains a pilgrimage

in hope of hearing the poems he composes

for his love

if you bring him anything that reminds him of her

he utters extemporaneous verse

some which i have heard recounted by others

some of the most beautiful compositions

i have ever heard

and i don’t even like poetry”


“do you remember any”


“not the words, but the feeling:

enough to make the most cold-hearted warrior



“i remember one,”

chimed in another man

“it’s like an elixir for my wife’s passion”


“i thought we were hunting deer,

i’m hungry”


“we are now hunting to sate my curiosity

then i will feed your belly

say the poem”


“it goes

‘when all is love, what is madness

but a rose smoldering in its own bloom

this life is but a half-existing dream

which veils from me the all reality of thee

not less than all of thine existence will i accept

the shifting absence of the sun is not enough

if i am to truly live, i must have all of the night,

all of layla...’”


the creature whispered from the cave

in a clarity of declaration

those last precious words

“all of layla”


“but i don’t say ‘layla,’ i say my wife’s name...”



i think it spoke”


nawfal approached closer

all the deer fled further inside the cave

except one remaining with its head

upon the creature’s lap

“say it again”


there was no response


“say it:

‘if i am to truly love

i must have all...’”


all of the night, all of layla”

it spoke again



“do you love this layla”




even nawfal could feel the creature’s adoration

something sweet and deeply sincere

that survived the extreme abuse endured

the ferocious lion that lived to ravage armies

was made as feeble as the docile deer

huddled on the creature’s lap

yet the range of this warrior’s empathy

extended further in the human realm

the romantic in him was touched

and did not hesitate to make this offer

“i am a man of great influence

able to seize what is not given or negotiated

and your words and circumstance

have moved me to great sympathy

therefore, i would consider it an honor

to help you achieve your heart’s desire”


although presented as an offer

it was actually a command

for nawfal had already decided

that he was gong to help this being

attain layla


* * *


the hunt abandoned, a feast was prepared

a tent raised not too far from the cave

fine food prepared by a cook, artfully displayed

on a table

as if to entertain great and noble guests

majnuun was retrieved from the cave

donned in a perfumed robe

and placed in the seat of honor

across from nawfal


despite the stirring aroma of the food

and the visual allure that titillates the eyes

and teases the mouth

despite the festive merriment and camaraderie

the boisterous laughter of warriors stuffing

their bellies

majnuun only receded further into his own solitude

unmoved by what was happening around him


this disturbed nawfal

because unspoken in his intention to aid

was a wish to nurse majnuun’s sadness

to a more palatable pleasantness

so it slipped out

“tell me about this layla”



all watched

as a crack appeared

in his melancholic facade

then a voice

slightly more than a murmur

“layla is all”


encouraged, nawfal began to praise her

with general characteristics men adore women for

“i hear she has the most lovely eyes”

the bait was laid

but was it enough to draw him forth


majnuun’s devotion to his beloved

would not allow her beauty

to be reduced to generalities

her uniqueness had to be defended

“no, her eyes are as moon beams

tickled by perfect spheres of glowing amber”


with that

the crack in the facade became bigger

large enough to slip through

a small bite of food


“is her voice sweet”


“oh, the song of songs

it makes the psalms of dawuud, alayhi salaam, cry”


“what about her hands”


“ohh, the kisses of flower petals seek to imitate

that grace i have yet to embrace

yet i know,

within the softness of her gentle fingertips

is a strength that melts even raging behemoths”


nawful and his men were amazed

as majnuun continued to utter poetic replies

in between bites of food

and sips of drink


“what about her lips”


“ahh, the honey of wild roses baked by

untouched sunlight

one taste

and sugar will forever taste sour”


“how about her hips”


“you can balance gravity

by the grace of her walk

and the roundness of the moon

by their dancing sway”


“but all of that

is little without fine character,

does layla have that”


“now you have left me speechless

certain wonders has allaah created

that are beyond the reach of words

the beauty of layla’s nature

can only be known

by surrendering to be slain

by layla”


nawfal then stood and proclaimed

“my friend,

such genius should not burn itself to embers

with the austerities by which you smite yourself

deny us not the wonder of your gifts

let the world have a greater share


“what would you say

if i pledged

to unite you with your layla

housing your love in a temple of holy matrimony

i have plundered whole kingdoms

for far more selfish pursuits

but this i will do as charity

to serve the justice of love”


majnuun was so overcome by hope

and exhilaration

he rushed to prostrate himself at nawfal’s feet

but then skepticism seized him

to raise his back and give voice to concerns

“my heart is intrigued, my soul inspired

but how can i know your words

to be more than just words

my refuge of the mountains is not happenstance

her family will never consent

to marry her to a majnuun

they will never place a delicate flower

in the care of a raging tempest

this has been proven by the great efforts of others

to secure what you now promise


“for you to fulfill your oath

would be a very rare marvel

the hunt seems inviting

but when the prey continues to escape,

even the clutches of an inescapable fate

will you too abandon the endeavor

if so,

i am content with the mountains

being my only friend”


there was a silence

until nawfal stood and unsheathed his sword

kneeled by majnuun

and stuck the blade in the ground

his hand upon the handle,

he placed majnuun’s hand upon his

to profess

“in the name of allaah, the all-powerful

i vow my living life until death

to lay waste all enemies and obstacles

that impede your union with layla


“i will deny myself food, rest,

all luxuries and comforts

until this vow has been fulfilled

but two things you must do for me

which are essential for success


you must take care of your body

how can you even be able to truly love your beloved

if you’re a bag of bones on the verge of death


your madness you must contain and tame

for how can nawful the great

deliver a precious treasure

to a madman


“do you agree”


majnuun nodded his head affirmatively

then they all began to eat and drink

until the fatigue of jolly

rendered them to sleep


* * *


the days quickly became months

as nawfal shared the pleasures of wealth

with majnuun

this became the landscape of his refinement

the veiling scars of his madness fell away

a resemblance of the boy named qays

began to emerge in adult form

none appreciated his return to civility

more than nawfal

he was completely amazed

by the person of majnuun


he adorned the young man’s radiance and charm

with the finest of attire

the fruits of this harvest were quickly meeded

with the endless poems he would recite

the insights he shared

majnuun became a wondrous spark of light

to the drone of the warrior’s life

even for qays,

this world became a happy place again

he had become a favored prince to nawfal

who would not let qays be gone from his company

for more than a waking hour


but what happiness can last forever unperturbed

especially when the grains of its soil

have been fettered by a lover’s discontent

fertilized by promises made but not yet kept

the madness was tamed for now

but began to boil underneath the surface...

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