Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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when the festivities ended

the duty of incarceration was transferred

from one warden to another

the bridal tent was erected beside the groom’s

and his wealth afforded that two guards stood

right outside her tent

at all hours of day and night


as long as majnuun

wasn’t confirmed dead

he was considered a threat


sensing the wind failed to deliver her message

she turned to the sparkles of the stars

to be love’s emissaries

did not their light extend across the sphere

of the earth

and could they not reveal in one place

what their light witnessed in another

if willing,

they could reflect all of majnuun’s words

upon the pupil of her eye

but she could not decipher the starlight

within the moon’s radiance

so instead her insomnia gave way

to watching the night shadows play

in the folds of the tent’s darkness

until the light of the approaching sun came

to dissolve

all the nocturnal distractions


as dawn arrived

she was summoned to her husband’s tent

to make the fajr {pre-sunrise} prayers

whereafter, she was sent back to her bridal tent

to have breakfast with her parents,

perhaps for the last time

the meal was mostly immersed in silence

the food more a prop than something consumed

when done

she exited with her parents to see

the rest of bakht’s camp had been disassembled

only her tent remained standing

with men waiting outside to take it down


the possessions she kept were placed

in empty donkey carts nearby

the other lavish gifts she gave to her clan

these were like a last meal given

to an incapacitated person left to die in the desert

the final succulent savors

before the bitterness of starvation began its burn


but there she stood

beside bakht, now a prisoner in his custody

as he bid her former warden goodbye

her mother ran back to the camp of her clan,

crying in deep lament

unable to say goodbye

her melancholy stained by a touch of guilt

because she knew in her heart

that layla’s heart

was not committed to the man she was married to


her father stood his ground

mustering a slight smile

to reflect the pride of a sacred duty fulfilled

he had protected her from that nefarious majnuun

and found her a lasting salvation

in the wealthy and virtuous bakht

yet his victory felt incomplete

although she tried to hide it,

he could sense a sadness within his daughter

one that went beyond the sorrow of

merely leaving home

but why give inquiry to such now

whatever it was, she did not confess it

despite having opportunity to do so

it was not his paternal duty to explore

what was unspoken, despite its haunting presence

it was enough to complete his paternal obligation

and leave the sadness

where she chose to bury it


giving a good face

he helped his daughter into the howdah

and patted the husband on his back

he then stood before the crowd that gathered

to watch the caravan leave

the children cheered

some women cheered, others cried

the few men watched with pride

this scene was seen as a sign of victory

for two wars that devastated the clan

with irreversible hardship


but the elders knew they were witnessing

the consummation of the end

without layla,

the full burden of their defeat to nawfal

would now fall upon the remaining clan

only a few realized

how their fate was tied

to layla and majnuun’s denied yearning

for each other

in a most peculiar way

this provided a surviving sustenance

but with her departure

the presence of her love would no longer draw

sufficient means to subsidize the clan’s destitution


* * *


the howdah became a traveling tomb

despite being decked for a princess

to her, its luxurious confinement

beheld a cruel and unwanted poverty

the veils were not darkening enough

the smooth motion of the walking camel became

as the shifting of soil around the burial shroud

yet this soil did not suffice

to suffocate her corpse to death

allowing just enough air into the tomb

to keep her weak body breathing


thus, she was trapped

despite the outer facade displaying

a prosperous freedom

she grasped at the only solace at hand

a hope masqueraded as a prayer

“perhaps fate will intervene to resurrect me

to sever the chains that separate us

i will hold to faith...”


it was as if something beyond

chose to give an inkling of encouragement

when they set camp for the night on the second day

her husband requested that she dine in his tent

so she carried her food from hers to his

but along the way she dropped her napkin

she exited his tent to retrieve it

and just after re-entering his tent

she heard that voice

that magical voice

which she had not heard in years

and it was louder and more alive

than the traces she glimpsed at times

from the whispers of the wind


it yelled out,

“layla, my layla”

no truer words had ever been spoken

and at no better time


despite a wedding performed to this stranger

despite gifts exchanged and her father’s blessing

to him

despite the world acknowledging

his marital claim over her

she did not belong to him

she was not his


she was majnuun’s

and majnuun was hers

and nothing in the whole world,

the whole universe

could ever change this

and even he knew it

the look of alarm within his eyes


the stranger rushed out the tent

with sword drawn

yet she feared not

no, she was drowning in the ecstasy

of hearing that voice

all there was was that voice

even his words became a blur

in her immersion into bliss

but the last of his utterance cut a path of clarity

through her bewildered mind

“slit my neck within thy shadow

within thy life-stealing gaze suffocate me

just don’t let another day pass me by

without feeling thine hands”


her sight blurred by tears

she started to go out to him

but the stranger with the sword barred her way

yet she could feel his warmth upon her,

his warmth

and see his beauty within her blinded eyes

clouded spheres that could only see

the motion of her streaming tears

and in her denied exit

she murdered her beloved

with her distant embrace

feeling his body with hers across the distance

she died with him

and in death,

they found their belated union

a peaceful bliss indescribable

until she finally kissed him

and her lips resurrected him,

and his her

their repented bodies returned to this world

where fate cruelly placed them

in their severed intimacy



in that moment

her soul exposed in nakedness

the stranger looked in her eyes

realizing what she already knew

that his genuine adoration of her

had penetrated not the slightest

her undying love for majnuun


yet prizes purchased for high prices

are not quickly abandoned

perhaps the purity of his patience

may win a partial affection from her

even if she continued to love majnuun

he would be content

with the illusion of a compromised adoration

a facade of happy matrimony

better this

than to render his hand empty

for all he expended to gain her


this is why when they arrived at bakht’s home

upon the balcony with its expansive view

he declared to her

“everything within your sight is yours

my sovereignty is servant to your will”

although she knew he meant it

she would not allow herself to even be tempted

into being corrupted by his treasures

for true love and wealth are like oil and water

they may share the same glass

yet mix not into one liquid


so she refused the luxuries of the nuptial bedroom

insisting that her bridal tent be her private chamber

she became a reclusive within that tent

to avoid all the temptations of his wealth

and he patiently obliged

for after all,

she was a peasant girl accustomed to lesser standards

let her have time to become familiar

with this new way of life

and also to see that his virtue

is worthy of her trust


but over time

instead of earning her favor

her unyielding indifference to him remained

* * *


his enduring hope began to drown

in an inconsolable agitation

especially since she chose isolation over

his company

and continued to spurn his courting

all the gifts and flowers he sent her

she placed outside her tent

for the wind to blow away

every single one, barring none

an explicit refusal quietly proclaimed


eventually bitter thoughts crept upon him

as he lay alone in the marital bed

their coldness became his bedmate

instead of her warm embrace

“what arab man

who has given so much and been patient so long

continues to tolerate his wife’s refusal

of his husbandly rights

let strength take what she yields not to your mercy

perhaps this is all a game

inviting you to assert your dominion”


bakht continued to make a home for such thoughts

instead of dismissing them

their lingering presence began to poison his virtue

until one night, gripped with angst

he stormed from his bed to her tent

it was no coincidence

that as he neared the threshold of her abode

he stepped upon a rose she discarded

one of its thorns pinching his foot

causing him to pause within the night shadows

for a moment


instead of heeding pain’s warning

as a sign to reflect

he used the hurt to further kindle

the fury of his anger

he barged into the tent

into the midst of the candle-lit sanctuary

and rushed to the prayer rug like a bull

he lifted the solemn worshiper from her knees

and tore her shirt down the middle

to declare his dominance

and she immediately slapped him in the face

with such force that he was moved backwards

not so much by a physical might

rather a power that stills ferocious armies

with the gaze of a sole pacifist

fearlessly ready to die for her cause



she stood her ground

without sword, without shield,

without any armor


having never seen such strength

his senses were bewildered,

his body numbed

yet there was no mistaking her coarse words

“naught but remorse will come

if you ever do that again

my oath i made to the one who creates

that i will never yield to you!

shed my blood

or i will slit my own neck

before you shall ever have this body of mine

or that within it which makes it alive”


the creeps of evil’s whispers fled

and in being humbled

he remembered his love for her

although too ashamed to voice repentance

he fell to his knees and cried

his tears soothing her anger

and causing her to reflect to herself

he has been respectful until now

and did continue to extend me courtesies

all of which i rejected

yet still i will defend...


her thoughts were interrupted

by his trembling voice


even if your love for him blinds you

to my love for you

refuse me not your presence completely

as one denied the fruits of the one you love

surely you can sympathize with my wish

to have at least an occasional visit,

as a friend”


there was a moment of silence

and then the words resumed,

“i will never demand that you abandon

your love for him

only grant me the chance

to win your partial affection

is that too much to ask

few are those spouses whose love is whole

and exclusive to each other

even to have just part of your love

will suffice for a matrimony of beauty”


with that

she fiercely pointed for him to leave

and rather than risk losing her for good

he departed

but her anger remained

deeming his request a false claim of love

for if he were truly in love

he would not ask another lover

to turn her attention away in any way

from her beloved

true love is ever in quest of being whole

never surrendering itself to be partial


she knelt back down upon her prayer rug

hoping to receive in some way

a message from majnuun

but nothing showed forth as a sign

instead the moment gave way

to a torrent of tears

that bled deep into the night

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