Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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time is a funnel that doesn’t gather sand

rather disperses it

and something in him

unconsciously sought solace within

the landscape of scattered grains

hoping that something

within their slow journey to dust

would reveal a means to escape

or twist the strands of fate

allowing him to knot an union with his beloved

that seemed otherwise denied by destiny


although the sands witness much

they offer no advice

within this vacuum of guidance

his wandering demented his hope

and induced a despondency upon his family

as continuing accounts of his madness

trickled in as rivulets to their ears

including his last dash of ruin

into the devouring desert with broken chains


for weeks a search party sought out majnuun

amidst the echos of the mountains

and by luck or fate

they stumbled upon

one of his constantly changing hiding places

a cousin of his approached him

playmates since their childhood days

but to the delirious eyes of majnuun

he was a complete stranger


the only entity that survived the erasure of his past

was layla,

layla alone

and the only entity

that mattered now in the present

was layla,

layla alone

and all of the future

with its myriad of possibilities

was reduced to layla,

layla alone

mention of any other topic

sent him into a silent stupor

of incoherency


when it became obvious

they would not be able to convince his return

they sought to seize him

but with a superhuman strength

he overwhelmed the many strong men

and fled with a speed

that made the fleet-footed slow


as he escaped into the distance

he turned to yell

“qays is no more

he has died

a violent death within my mind


there is only love for layla,

layla alone”


when this account was brought to his parents

his mother ran away in tears

to tear her shirt in private

and his father

resigning to the prevailing circumstances

buried his son

in a grave within his own mind

from that point forward

he ceased all searches

because although his son’s body was still alive

the person he formerly was was dead

his own mind had effaced his family and clan

from all recognition


* * *


as he became an exile to the human world

the realm of apparitions

made majnuun more than a frequent guest

a passing spirit here, a wandering ghost there

he encountered these often enough

that he no longer viewed them

as haunting or frightening

the only thing that kept him from conversing

with them

was that they never mentioned layla

that was until he appeared


unnoticed in the twilight of dusk

his camel approached the thornbush

under which majnuun laid in fatigue

then suddenly

the stranger was upon him

one could not tell

whether he was a man of flesh,

a deceased one draped in bodily form,

or a spirit in disguise


the stranger sat upon his stilled camel

to utter his virulent discourse

to the man who was already fallen

“is it for the sake of layla

that you reduce yourself to such demise

to become a forsaken heathen

t’would be better to abandon

with complete disregard and forgetfulness

that deceptive, insidious woman

you worship as your beloved

why trust your heart to one who betrays you

who secures your perdition with neglect

has she sent word into these parts

to inform you how she has taken hand in marriage


majnuun rose to defend her honor

he had heard similar insults about her before

yet something drove the point

of this stranger’s dagger

deep, deep within

was she really married

and if so, why not send word

“for now over a year

she has not fled her matrimonial bed

to join you in these savage sands

why depart the warmth of a noble’s bed

where she is caressed and kissed

and raptured into sweaty ecstasy

to yelp her moans of lust

why should she depart the good life

for this,

for you

one who has reduced himself

to a pitiful madman”


although the words cut painfully

what hurt the most was the possibility

of layla being married

in a stunned silence

he could not refute or escape

the stranger’s words


“do you think she even remembers you


surely not

but don’t blame her

it is a curse that plagues her whole gender

who are quick to promise complete devotion

and even quicker to break that promise

one day you are the glorious sun

who alights their entire universe

the next day,

you are discarded soil she bends to poop upon

any trust you grant to them

will only gain you unending pain

all women are foxes

who grin to hide their sharpened fangs

which are eager to rip your flesh to shreds

their peace comes from your suffering

their truth is a poisonous hypocrisy

their beauty is a snare

that decapitates the intelligence of men

save yourself from this stupidity

if you wish to ever live again”


majnuun was not swayed

by these reckless attacks upon layla’s honor

this rubbish thrown upon the integrity of all women

was quickly dismissed

what tore a hole into his soul

was her marriage

anything but that


if this was fate’s verdict

it now locked the gate

to secure their lifelong separation

the customs of their time rendered moot

nearly all possibility their union manifesting

and if he could not be with her in this life

what was the use of continuing to live


the weight of such a heavy anchor

plunged instantly through the floor of his heart

dragging his body down with a brutal gravity

that smacked his head upon a rock on the ground

a loud cracking sound

that sprayed blood upon the thornbush and sand


as blood collected under his severed flesh

it was as if he fell again

to crack his head upon the rock again

which spurned another bloody fall

and yet another fall

and yet another

until his unconscious body was dying

in a pool of bloody sand

with the thorns from the thornbush hovering above

ready to pierce his escaping soul


the stranger smiled at the ease of his victory

yet it was short lived

within seconds the thornbush began to shake

as four angels emerged from it

their countenances fixed in anger

they all held swords tightly in their hands

and in their eyes were reflected

the flames of hellfire

burning with yearning hunger

the stranger jumped to the ground

upon his knees, pleading for mercy

the angels surrounded him

their swords raised, ready to slay

and he could see the soul of majnuun

floating above his body

the binding connection fading

with the continuing trickle of blood

his body pulsed with a wave of convulsions

unfurling his corpse-like figure upon the ground,

more limp, more lifeless

his breaths now burdened gasps

that seemed to heave toward death

with a willing embrace


sensing his life was tethered to majnuun’s survival

the stranger rushed to his wounded head

and cradled it with a touch seeking forgiveness

the flowing blood attempting to abate

“good sir,

listen to me

please awake

all i said was false

a cruel jest taken too far

layla remains as true to you

as she ever was...”


with that,

he was revived

his eyes reopened partially

to be greeted

by the stranger’s smile


the stranger looked around to see

the angels had vanished

but to secure their non-return

he spoke again

“she has made her marital bed

a tent outside her husband’s home

and forbids his entry

chastity remains her nuptial vow

unsullied is her devotion to you

such that even if time and distance

separate your bodies

she won’t allow anything

to come between the love you share...”


and on and on the stranger went

to comfort the lover’s heart and encourage

his recovery

yet as the blood ceased in streaming

the comfort became more bitter than sweet

for the stranger’s hand was not layla’s hand

and his words, although about her,

were also from her

and this affirmed

that the distance between them remained

and was now fixed with the obstacle of her marriage


the realization of this realization

made majnuun cry

a river of tears

drifting upon the bloodied sand

in the shadows of the night

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