Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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night fell yet again

and he welcomed it

for layla is the night

as the stars shared their dimmed light

under the moonless sky

he roamed the desolate sands

searching for any sign of her love for him

within the shade of that which shared her name


why would such be found in this deserted desert

logic could offer no reason why

but he was not being moved by logic

no, love compelled his motion

and as love led his weary body

it eventually provoked words

to emit from his mouth


it is love that brings me to ruin

and yet smile i,

welcoming such annihilation

let not remain a speck of me

unless it worships thee

and even this blasphemy

is not enough

for i am naught,

thou art the only significance

and how can what is naught

honor the only importance:

only by being nothing

so my non-existence

not distract from thee


reduce me to less than

the shadow of a grain of sand

that only the night may reign


what is my breath

it is the movement of thy name

upon my tongue

and accompanying praise

what is my sight

the visage of thee within my mind

a light reflecting


what is mine hearing

the quietude that reveals that subtle sound

by which the entire universe

chants only thy name

what is my taste

the ambrosia of thine exhaled breaths

which the winds bring trace of

for me to savor

what is my sense of smell

the sweetest fragrance

of the sweetest roses

which only imitate the scent of thee

what is my touch

oh, i cannot say

perhaps to this i shall return

what is my memory

the stilling beating of mine heart


only on thee

what is the sun

its disappearance and departed light

that the night may reveal

itself again

what is my touch

oh, again i cannot say

for i have yet to experience

thine embrace


when the sun departs,

the earth cries its night dew

when the sun returns,

the earth yields to the light those tears

unending tears have i cried

the pangs of separation bearing

may i be granted the joy of yielding these tears

to the grace of our union

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