Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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as-sayyid sent his companions back to the town

to return with a doctor, a cart, and other help

he told them to take most of the meager

food provisions they had

leaving only enough to feed his son

he planned to fast the three or four days

it would take for their return


the first night brought silence

as relieved exhaustion

laid the old man to sleep

beside his insomnia-stricken son

but as the sun rose

so too did the words of the excited father

inspired by the joys they would try to fit within

the little remaining time of their reunion

as the sun set again

so too did the old man’s body, to rest

yet in the sleepless hours under the stars

all majnuun could think about

was how impossible it would be

to live his father’s dream

everything that remained in him

vehemently revolted against

embracing such a fate


yet as the sun rose again

so too did the old man’s expectant words

which burned majnuun with excruciating disturbance

until the midday sun joined the burning too

the tipping point reached

he could no longer hold his tongue

he had to speak for the sake of peace


“oh father,

who through your roots i breathe

if i could,

i would surrender to comply with your aspirations

but i cannot serve your last days with my obedience

for all my soul, i cannot


“the blame lays with me, with my nature

you have prepared me well to succeed in the world

but i no longer live for this world,

i live for love alone,

layla alone

this lot of destiny has been cast

beyond the possibility of any change

not even the alchemy of a loving father

can alter my chemistry


“who i was lays buried in the past

the whole of it dispersed among these desert sands

completely irretrievable

lost beyond recognition

banished from all recollection

although i somehow know you to be my father

all memory and taste of those days have vanished

even your surname, the name of your clan

is a mystery to me

even my name has long departed

to leave me known as

simply majnuun


“my mind is preoccupied

with what is now its axis

only layla,

layla alone

all else has been eviscerated from my existence

burning even the surviving embers and ashes

to nothingness

i am nothing

how then can i possess anything

or hold a place among others who regard

themselves as somebody

if i am not within her arms

the only place suitable for me is the wastelands

where everything within them

is regarded as nothing

which i am now


“when such is my circumstance

what purpose lays in my returning to society

there is nothing of me to return there

you have fulfilled your duty to me

especially in imparting wisdom

but love exceeds the bounds of wisdom

what you wisely speak

reaches not the far distances of love

in which i have vanished

my nothingness is beyond your call


“i wish i could replace myself

with another to be your son

or erase the past to spare you the pain

of this severed connection

or if your mind could accept me

as what i am now

the nothingness of a majnuun

forever drunk on love’s madness

if i could i would do anything

to protect you from disappointment,

which is justified

i would give my last breath

to grant you the peace of relief

but i am helpless even to myself

drowning in a night that consumes all my days


“i am already dead

and wish not for the dying

to mourn those who have gone before them”

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