Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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in the silence that followed

the significance of majnuun’s words

echoed in the old man’s mind

although it had already been obvious

he now truly realized

that the boy born as qays was lost,

probably forever,

to an inescapable captivity

within the asylum of love

although the lost treasure was found

it was beyond recovery

locked behind interlocking doors

that would not budge


the place of long awaited reunion

would now serve as

the place of what would probably be

their final goodbye


“what benefit accrues to me by regaining you

to only have you lose yourself to yourself

such a calamity would be worse

than leaving you here in the midst

of this brutal nature

yet i will not withhold the tears

that overflow from my devastated heart

our tears may emerge from two separate sets of eyes

but their origin is the same

as they fall toward the same destination

beyond this sand


“anointed by our melancholic tears

i am washed for the grave

may my sadness purge my indiscretions

to accept the escort of these my last earthly days

how else can i embrace the finality of this departure

without regressing to a hopeful longing

to change what fate refuses to change

for we are both now beyond this world


in the remote, unchartered, uninhibited

barren lands of love


bent upon the threshold of death

which hopefully will lead me

to the gates of paradise


“i thank the beloved

for allowing my eyes to see you once more

if blindness comes now

i will not fight it

i thank the beloved

for allowing my ears to hear your voice once more

and with my heart i listen

to what your soul says to my soul

although my mind resists in pain

i will relent and leave

to no longer seek what remains of my son

for i too must become something different

than what i was

leaving all my possessions, even my being

behind on this side of the grave

just the fate of my soul remains

for me now


“if a reunion is to be ours again

it will likely be in the next world

may your approach there

honor the purpose

which drew you into this world”


with one last look at the frail body,

also overcome with tears,

the old man turned from the shade of that cave

abandoning that place of death

to start toward his own home

where he planned to await

the coming of his own departure


* * *


the speeding donkey cart with men from his clan

met him on the way

as he hobbled on without the cane

he left behind at that dreary glen

they encouraged him to ride in the cart

but he insisted on completing this journey

on the weakened strength of his own feet

his own will and the mercy of allaah

serving as his carriage


emptiness filled the cart intended to carry

qays home

yet within each step,

he found an appreciation for what was fading

from him

he knew without any doubt

that the closing act of his own life was upon him

that the final shutting of his eyes

would happen within days,

if not hours


he found more peace in these fatigued

and trying steps

than he had found in all his preceding years

realizing there is a mercy

in this world being a temporary abode

a realm submerged in endless torment

where all falls to decay,

sooner or later


within the pain of his struggled movement

more began to unravel its own revealment

like how freedom is not to be found

in seeking to protect your slice of this earthly life

rather freedom calls for meeting whatever comes

with a willingness to sacrifice all

with wise discretion

to honor a purpose that is true to what you truly are

even if everyone else disagrees

and such sacrifice

calls for accepting the reality of death

whose presence hangs upon our every breath

such acceptance compels us

to yield to things seen and unseen

that we may allow destiny to have its reign

to weave the fabric of our existence

to the will of the beloved

this alone proves to be

the only lasting fulfillment of this world

and yet so many of us resist this

even to the end



the old man only now fully realized

and began to truly understand

on the eve of his own death

perhaps the one who was his son

arrived at this realization much sooner

dying to all the falsities we paint as life

such that,

although his body was battered

and his mind tortured

his reputation abused

the vibrancy of his voice continued to sing

in its own glory

a testament of his true life found

it was this which echoed throughout

the desert mountains

veiled as eloquent verse

its alluring messages reverberating farther

than the sound his own voice would ever reach

enchanting the lands of arabia with the fancy of

marvelous visions and passions

stirring so many to the wonders of love

and even more

reverberating across the bands of time

that somehow his fallen body at that glen

would resurrect to touch the hearts

of those sensitive to love’s callings

for generations and generations to come



the old man reflected

how the memory of his son

will probably prove to be more alive and free

than the whole of the life the old man had lived

for his son had sacrificed

the whole of his life for love

while he, the old man,

spent the majority of his life grasping at sands

that could not be stopped from slipping

through his fingers


die before you die

if you wish to witness the secrets

of what life truly is...

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