Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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as the days passed

majnuun miraculously regained his strength

and a portion of his health

rejuvenated by this muted vivaciousness

his resignation to death receded

so he left the glen


he wandered across the sands of fate

that perhaps he may cross paths

with something that would somehow,

in some way,

lead him to what remained

his sole preoccupation

layla alone,

only layla


one day

as the night began to dawn

he found himself in the crosshairs

of a hunter’s bow

he raised his hands

hoping to prevent the arrow’s release

yet this did not avert the hunter’s advance


“i know who you are”

said the hunter

“although you purport to no longer know us

your father laid a road to your feet

for you to lead our clan with dignity and respect

but instead

your memory of us you erased

for the sake of one lady not of our clan

one you have never possessed,

and probably never will


“even if you forget your own clan

at least remember your parents

whose flesh is your flesh,

your breath being the continuation of theirs

a dishonorable son

who abandons his duty to them

deserves only an unmarked grave

but instead your father lays dead

buried in the earth

while you continue to drag

your disgrace upon it”


majnuun’s hands dropped

his body trembled uncontrollably

although his father had forecast his imminent death

news of its arrival delivered a brutal shock

he fell to one knee

using one hand to hold himself up

from complete collapse


“you should bend at the foot of his grave

to beg pardon for all your despicable, ungrateful sins

if i didn’t wish to avoid the flames of hell

i would kill you myself for your vile heedlessness”


with that,

the hunter disappeared into the falling darkness

majnuun remained low to the ground

crying tears of sad despair

as regret raged within


after this first exhalation of mourning passed

a pulling purpose seized his wandering

he scurried with great speed

through the night’s darkness

yet when the sun rose, he hid in shame

but when the shade of night returned

he continued on

to the shadowed garden behind his father’s home

there, the star-filled sky stretched over

the dirt that covered his father’s corpse


with measured steps he approached the grave

and stopped to bend at the foot of it

a sudden urge pulled him to lunge by the head of it

collapsing upon the soil that covered

his father’s head and neck

although pain mumbled his tear-drenched words

the indecipherable sounds were clear in his heart

a confession of iniquities

that would no longer be suppressed


“when you searched for me

i was often nowhere where you could find me

but now that i look for you

i come to where you are and still cannot be found

i can only imagine the grief i caused you

over these many years

a torment i’m sure played a part

in driving you to the grave


“how true it is

that we realize not the true worth of treasures

until they are lost

and such loss often forbids

recollection of them

in this world

a separation i previously chose

is now permanently imposed upon me

all that you were to me

and offered to be to me

are now forever sealed away

to leave me drowning

in torturous remorse

a realization realized too late


“oh father,

i beg now in repentance

pleading for forgiveness for all the agony

i caused you

the blessings you offered me

were met by an absent hand

without even a glance on my part

you fulfilled your duty to me as a father

yet as your son,

i abused and neglected your love

i recognize this only after death has stolen you away

to leave me with a debt i can now never repay

wounds that will afflict me and bleed unendingly

until i too am laid in my grave”


there he lay in crying laments

until the veil of night began to dissolve into dawn

as the night darkness fled the sun’s approach

so too did majnuun


struggling to accept

that he would never see

his father again...

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