Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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only portions of what was overflowing through him

could be captured to be encased in his letter

in fact, it is more true to say

he did not write the letter

instead he was the pen that moved the pen

of a greater force writing

the markings on the paper were only traces

of an evasive whole

that could not be ensnared

though the reed flute blew a beautiful song

but he was not its composer


“in the name of the most beneficent creator

whose creation reached its apex

with the birth of layla

who has tempted me to the iniquity of idolatry

my ka’bah she hath become

that sacred house for worship of thee

it is in the direction of her beauty

i turn to exhale these prayers of love...


“thy name is the salve for my wounds

the memory of thee,

the medicine for my disease of devotion

oh layla,

the only cure for mine infirmity of life is thee

thou art the last surviving abode for mine hope

the sole reason my breaths have not expired

afflict me not with betrayal

for if thou dost,

not even hell would be able to contain my pain

and already immense is the pain i bear on earth

its enormity surpassing all description...


“thou speaketh of us being prisoners, my beloved

but i am only a prisoner to thee

into thy night all my days dissolve

not even the rising sun removes that darkness

thou hast sent me words to inspire encouragement

but they have only burnt me to the core

a path of ashes to mine heart they have left

that only reveal the pain of my pain,

and pain more

the reading of thy words i cannot survive

yet neither is there survival without words from thee

within thy sight i long to be

a gaze that will surely steal my life

such is the madness of love’s martyrdom

that seizes what remains of me

remnants that seek to be an emptiness

filled by thee alone

layla alone,

only layla...


“every phenomenon points me to thee

no thought is a thought

unless it revolves around thine axis

mine only peace emanates from imagining thee

the world is only alive because it contains thy life

so i must ask,

how much longer wilt thou remain

a captive of thine husband

is all escape truly impossible

must i petition death to visit his bed

or can we toss all rules of piety aside

and unite as rightful lovers

even if smeared with the taint of social disgrace

and sin...


“although thy chastity i doubt not

with jealous rage am i overrun

for i am denied thee and have lost myself

yet thine husband remains himself

and is at least within thy presence

is this a testimony of the universe’s justice

or is justice a farce that taunts the reality of love

yet still,

my life is scattered beyond trace among these

abandoned sands

waiting for thee to walk upon them

refuse not my wish to have the soles of thy feet

trample upon me with thy grace and beauty

until this comes to be

i forget myself to be naught

sacrificing all i was for just the hope

of being with thee

upon the path of grief this annihilation i bear

the torture of this meager survival i suffer

i have withstood countless afflictions of

unseen massacres

an assortment of miseries continue to consume

my being

i’ll brave them all without relief of complaint

as long as you are not harmed beyond despair

if you keep hope, i will find a way to endure

until our separation is overcome...”


he didn’t even sign his name

instead rushing the letter into the old man’s hands

he begged with the force of the entire universe

for the old man to deliver it to his beloved

with god’s speed, if not faster

so the old man,

pulled into the zeal of these lovers,

rushed down the mountain slope

with racing breaths

he jumped upon his horse

to become a speeding orb crossing the valley

then a plume of dust

rushing toward its own disappearance

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