Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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it so happened

that after salaam returned to baghdaad

the well of verses from majnuun ran dry

yet within the silence that encased him

there was no shortage of new verses

spewed in his name

poets seeking to have their words

echo through the expanse of the lands

sustained the proliferation of verses

credited to the famous madman


the quietude of majnuun continued

even as bakht’s life burned away

yet no one had the courage to inform him

of bakht’s death

the quietude of majnuun continued

even as layla withered like an autumn rose

back to the earth

who was willing to inform him

of something that might send his lunacy

into an insane rage


so as people passed him by

they hoped for his verses

but left him uninformed

of these significant events

their silence regarding these matters

mirroring his silence

of no more verses spoke

yet their romantic hunger

was still tickled to delight

as verses sang in his name

continued their unimpeded flow

if they mirrored enough

the feel of majnuun’s poetry

they were sufficient enough

to appease the wanting ears


one so well known was kept so uninformed

about these vital facts of fate

that is,

until one man could no longer tolerate

what he felt was a sacred duty

to notify majnuun of these happenings

even if it resulted in harm,

even death


so the old man mounted his horse once more

roaming the desert sands

in search of a needle in a hay stack

until his eyes found the trackings

of an assortment of animals

that wound their way

into remote crevices of isolation

he slipped through gaps of rock

and tread upon the rugged terrain

until he found majnuun and his caravan

on a mountain plain

majnuun smiled with gleeful anticipation

but the old man could not even muster a grimace

as a tear fell from his eye


seeing this

majnuun’s countenance became scarred

with concern

sensing what must be troubling news

but he could not foresee the coming devastation

as the old man sadly confessed

“layla is dead”



the word slammed shut

like a vault permanently sealed

the whole universe twirled around him

in an inexplicable motionlessness

nothing made sense

his feet sunk into an unconquerable gravity


how can this be

only the burning screams

that stripped the flesh from his throat

made him feel like he was still alive

as something more that could not be expressed

tore at the core of his being


somehow he found a way to lift his heavy feet

and more screams,

unending screams and blinding tears

the world became an indecipherable blur

immersed in the echo of screaming screams

as even the animals joined these desperate calls

of despair


who was screaming and crying for who

all sense of personhood disappeared

then suddenly,

his motionlessness imploded into motion

a first foot lifted to become a reckless run

searing his spirit against the wind

tearing his flesh against the unforgiving rocks

and running with such heaviness

that bruised his feet into bloody plumps

but the destination had to be reached

and he would let nothing stop him

not even death


* * *


all time and points of reference dissipated

as he found himself traversing the desert

with great speed

the pain of his body was nothing

within the pain agonizing his mind

a mind determined to go to her

and only her

layla alone


somehow he was drawn

to the very plot of land where her corpse lay

on the edge of bakht’s property

he stood above a withering rose

upon a flat stone with her name engraved

the flower replaced every few days by her

mother’s hand

becoming an unintentional marker

in the hysteria of his confounded consciousness

that rose was smashed underneath the weight

of him falling upon the grave

a thorn piercing deep into the flesh of his chest

an allusion to the metaphor of his bleeding heart


he literally dug his hands into the dirt

to try to hug the corpse below

and then,

with his breath not scattered by his movement,

he screamed again

a wail so terrifying

many servants ran away,

some with tears in their eyes

such was the resonance of his pain


when word was brought to layla’s mother

of his arrival

she fainted,

overcome by the knowledge of what was behind

those piercing wails


it was only his animals who heard his words

a blessing in disguise

given the deranged illogic they contained

his madness would not allow

anything to be censured

nothing withheld from the corpse

that left him betrayed

how could he bear having her

be stolen from him twice

this time for life

as she abandoned him

from marriage to the grave


“if you had to die,

why did you not die in my arms

you licentious harlot

who has leeched my soul with a curse of love

you, who follow betrayal with desertion

yet still, in my sickness,

i embrace my bondage to you

i who have been swindled as love’s fool

you kiss me with unending persecution

yet still i would kiss your decaying lips

to smear your blood upon my cheeks

and squish your decomposed flesh

upon my bleeding chest


“will you seduce the worms

with your nakedness now

when i have only seen you clothed

will you let the beetles penetrate your sweet flesh

when you have never once held my hand

will you spread your legs for subterranean serpents

when i have only fading memories of you to grasp at

you now disrobe for the dust of the earth

leaving me locked from the chamber of your grave

yet still

there is none other

who i will grant my devotion to


“even now,

you deny me the right

to dismember your body into particles of dirt

a privilege you grant to the earth you now return to

but you never returned to me

despite your claims of love

you never returned

adding suffering to my suffering

a burden i cannot relinquish in love”


when the words ceased

screams and deranged yells filled their absence

joined by the sounds of the beasts

well into the night

until suddenly

he rushed off as quickly as he came

only to return days later

to spew more lunatic complaints


his comings and goings continued to occur

sudden manifestations

and due to his unannounced,

unpredictable appearances

no one dared visit layla’s grave

and surely no one dared approach

that raging majnuun

and his accompanying wailing beasts

not even layla’s mother who beheld

the last words layla left specifically for him

thus, his tortured despair continued on

without any consolement

wading between mourning in the desert

and mad dashes back to layla’s grave

suffering upon suffering


all chance of hope and peace for him in this world

laid murdered at the threshold of his broken heart

there was nothing he could do to escape

what had become of him...

or what was left of his madness...

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