Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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it was under the tutelage of a strict task master

that his language, mannerisms, and expanding knowledge

became servants of his flourishing beauty

his words were unscathed pearls

that emerged without breaking the oyster’s shell

his actions,

the illumination of these jewels

reflecting the soul concealed within


but even he had to take pause

when she appeared

the new student,

daughter of another clan

as she walked,

it seemed as if the earth moved

to place itself under her feet

she floated about

with the flowing grace of an uplifting flower

her eyes could see,

with a penetrating innocence,

through all the veils that cover the soul

she could render the whole universe

into complete defeat

with a simple glance

or the bat of her eyelash

her face was the true moon,

the only moon,

abiding in unrelenting perfection

a fullness that would not recede

and this perfection was beautifully contrasted

by the dark depths of her hair

the silk strands woven with he perfect luster

of a raven’s wing

her only blemish,

if such a word is apt,

was the mole placed perfectly

on her naturally ruby-tinted cheek

to use the word again:

for him,

she was the perfect

the perfection of perfection

the climax of creation manifest


when the teacher asked her to say her name

oh, the perfection of perfection again:


how perfect

the name means “night”

and with just the utterance of that

qays’ days turned into an infinite ecstatic night

wherein the stars of her presence

made resplendent the celestial expanse of his heart

he was rendered naked before her

happily with nothing to hide

although he didn’t know why


from their first encounter

their destiny began to unfold

sitting in groups of three and four

layla was placed in the same group as qays

overcome by her presence,

the teacher’s instructions were an unwanted

distraction to him

“the dignity of bedouins is our unfailing manners

and manners are part of the language of etiquette

these may seem to be trivial things,

but they are not:

these are what distinguish the people of order

from desert brutes


“so here,

with the tea

when you are poured a full cup

that means you are welcomed and can stay

so let the hosts pour full cups for your guests,

and to the brim if you really like them”


oh, fate could not wait to unveil its dance

qays, the host of his group,

looked at layla

she was his most cherished guest

what brim could contain the limit of his adoration

he set his brim to the seventh heaven

and let the tea flow

and flow it did,

over the cup’s edge

but he was oblivious to the liquid spilling over,

he was entranced by her smile

and her by his

until a chastising voice exclaimed

“qays, what are you doing”


his glance to the teacher

was only brief enough to end

the waterfall of tea

the children’s laughter was a distant echo

part of the background that did not concern him

there was nothing more important

than the ever-deepening night into which he stared

in which he felt himself disappearing

the only thing that kept him from vanishing

was her returning gaze

which reflected her soul into his


all was lost within the beauty of her eyes

yet somehow he still heard the teacher

as the next set of instructions was given

“pouring a cup halfway

is a polite way of signaling to the other party

that it is time for them to leave

so hosts,

even if you just poured them a full cup,

pour your guests a half cup

so they can move on to another group”


the other hosts proceeded

to pour half-filled cups to their guests

but nothing in the universe

could compel qays to do so to layla

those eyes,

the endless depth of the night

a moment spent elsewhere

would prove to be too much

she had to stay

so he could remain entrapped within her spell


he poured and placed before her

another cup

filled perfectly to the brim


another student’s commentary was only half-heard

but rang completely true

“teacher, i think qays is in love”


in love

drowning in the ocean of her

before he knew his breath

could be completely taken away

the whole of his being

placed completely within her hands

before he realized he could extend himself that far

and she too,

a victim of this whispering whirlwind

that spontaneously unfolded of its own accord

they had no chance to abstain

from drinking this cup filled

which seemed to never empty

no thought or forewarning

as the nectar poured down their throats

only intoxication

only two children inebriated

by a force that would fall the strongest

of discerning adults

bearing sober hearts of stone



so together

they each drowned in the fragrance of this flower

knowing and yet not knowing

the other was also in love

they even ceased to know themselves

submerging deeper and deeper

into a magical unspoken intimacy

day by day,

minute by minute,

breath by breath

falling deeper into the other’s heart

which was somehow within their own heart

they were consumed in oneness

and without anyone else noticing

for who would suspect that such young children

could fall so deep in love

that such beautiful innocence

could be so ensnared

in enigmas that usually reserved their hunting

for maturing youth and adults


while children play

and toil their minds with the stuff of learning

lovers drown

in the unteachable lessons of endearment

how to caress you when my hand is still afar

how to know what cannot be known

and yet know

there is something

upon which we impose

the name “love”

an unfolding mystery that overshadows

what is obvious


an older qays would later write:

“oh layla, know

though the etiquette of bedouins declareth

that a cup poured half full means

the time of departure hath arrived

when my cup i pour before thee

i cannot help but fill it beyond the brim

every single time


“may our time of departure never arrive

may eternity truly never have an end

just as thou never came

but ‘here’ always was, is,

and forever will be


“we merely found each other in each other

in the shadow of the school yard

a timeless dwelling of togetherness always existing

underneath the teacher’s gaze realized”

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