Diwan al-Layla wal-Majnuun: a poetic tale of love by nashid fareed-ma'at - HTML preview

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how often is the blossoming of love

immersed in bliss

yet seasons of blossoms

are limited in time

are virgin lovers,

lost in the innocence of youth,

keen to these facts

and the fact that

as love’s luminosity illumines

it casts shadows upon the landscape

from which the flower blossoms rise


such is a torment of love

among a humanity that proclaims to

but does not truly honor love


rare are those who are

oblivious to torment,

even within the ecstasy of bliss

and the bliss of love enlivens beauty

as in his heart,

the night was unveiling

into a night of a million glorious nights

it was incomprehensible to qays

how layla could become even more beautiful

but he was not the only one to become dumbstruck

by her emerging grace

even other boys began

to adore the wonder of layla


he noticed

how they would vie for just a glance from her

with something unbecoming in their eyes

to witness others staring at her lustfully

put a tint of sourness

in the sweet taste of his devotion to her

within the writhing bitterness of his arising jealousy

it mattered not

that layla was no less committed to him

to qays,

another’s gaze was an intrusion

upon what should be only

the sky of his night

in his eyes,

“their” presence was encroaching upon

a celestial freedom already hampered by

the restrictions of childhood

which limited how these young lovers

could explore and express

the mystery of love


although they sought refuge in discreetness

whereby to breathe the expanse of love’s enveloping

it felt as if the whole world

turned their probing eyes upon them

“their” looks, “their” desires, “their” agendas

found out every secret place they sought

“their” whispers, though uttered quietly,

were loud and profound

“qays and layla are in love...”

“qays is layla’s passion slave...”

“their love is only childish infatuation...”

“how long before one breaks the other’s heart...”

and so on


their every shared look

seemed to garner another gossip

and his jealousy only intensified

within the haze of the murmurs

whether together or separate

there was no abating the spying eyes

and viscous tongues

that let forth endless arrows

upon the prey of these naive young lovers

when every action and non-action

left them more exposed to these relentless hunters

what protection could be found

to turn away “their” eyes

or shut “their” mouths

or even find a space away from “them”

they were attacked for simply loving their beloved


the young lovers’ lack of understanding of love

only added to the confusion

thus, the grave dangers surrounding them

were not realized

until the predators were upon the prey

within an unescapable death grip


the weight of the burden fell more heavily upon him

when they were together

they became an easy target for the hunt

yet when he stayed away,

to spare her from such attacks,

his heart shattered into a thousand fragments

again and again

there was no peace to be found

in this inescapable chase

and due to his sensitivity

every breath within this pursuit

bore deep, unhealing wounds

each step and pause became

a more increasing strain

until finally

something broke loose

and became completely severed...


it was as if qays was falling to the ground

to never hit the ground

and yet somehow he kept falling toward

that same ground

in perpetual motion

within this endless plummet

something seized him

until he found himself immersed within

an unrelenting madness

it permeated everything he was

and even overcame everything he sought to be


the madness prevailed

and the young qays became a majnuun

(a madman)


there was no peace, no escape

no sense of equilibrium

within this ceaseless falling

the things of this world

became completely irrelevant

the only thing of any worth was only layla

and yet even being with her

did not cease the falling

or calm the breaking of his heart

or restore any semblance of sanity

to his wounded mind

the intensity of this destiny

only drove him into

an ever-deepening madness


as the din of the hunters’ attacks increased

so too did his urge

to proclaim his praise for layla

embracing an extremity by which

he refused to hold anything back

he took to a nearby mount

and wailed forth a testimony

for all the world to hear

“the moon i follow into a teardrop

because the candle of this flame

within the two worlds no longer fits

thy face i see

even in the drought of thine absence

thou art my sight

because thou art all i see


“oh layla,

give me the moon of thy bosom

so i am not left blinded

to grope haphazardly

within this gripping dark”


these words,

echoing throughout the town,

caught the attention of her father

and when he looked at her

disturbed with concern

she hid the subtle smile

that indulged her lover’s flatteries


but the damage had been done

as laughter arose throughout the town

her father felt scorned by the hunters’ revelry

in his eyes,

such public spectacle

brought shame upon his kin

this beautiful girl

whom he was raising with modest care

would now surely be featured and ridiculed

among the roving gossips


how could he idly stand by

as a majnuun made his cherished daughter

a romantic plaything

fondled publicly with adulterous words

yet this madman was the son of as-sayyid

so a sword hungry for blood

could not be the first remedy

instead the family chose

to starve her from his presence

keeping her at home and carefully guarded

to not even allow a sight of her

to meet his forbidden eyes

perhaps this forced fast

would turn the hunger of his insanity

toward another meal

or devour itself


yet for layla

her loyalties were torn

between her family and her beloved

during the day she maintained a stoic face

of indifference

but at night, when alone,

her eyes flooded streams of loneliness

craving only her beloved

her cherished qays,

even if he had become

a majnuun

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